Day: February 22, 2022


Ravindu and Fathoum qualify for PSA | Daily FT

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Daily Financial Times
By Shamseer Jaleel Sri Lanka Squash, providing membership of the Professional Squash Association (PSA) to eligible national players and hosting local satellite tournaments in order for the players to earn the required qualifying ranking points, current men’s national champion and holder of the title for nine years in tandem Ravindu Laksiri qualified for the Bangamatha International PSA tournament to be held in Dhaka Bangladesh in March. Current women’s national champion and holder of the title for three years in tandem, Fathoum Issadeen too will be participating at the same tournament under th...
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Ideal First Choice and Gulf Oil Lubricants power Gajaba Supercross 2022 | Daily FT

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Daily Financial Times
Ideal First Choice Gulf Lubricants Head of Business Sanjeewa Kasthuriratne presents trophy to Ashan Silver Winner of Super Car category and famous motor racing champion Kicking-off the first racing event in the new year, the Gajaba Supercross 2022 held recently was exclusively sponsored and powered by Gulf Oil Lubricants, distributed in Sri Lanka by Ideal First Choice Ltd., a fully owned subsidiary of the Ideal Group. Gulf Oil Lubricants is Ideal First Choice’s latest venture and part of its vision to continue to provide a world-class service experience to the motor vehicle industry. Since the...
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