Role of accounting profession important for fair spending: Mannan

Planning Minister M.A. Mannan emphasized on developing skilled accounting professionals in the country to meet growing demand in this sector.

He also highlighted the role of cost and management accounting (CMA) professionals in terms of fair spending and management of large as well as multinational companies.

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The minister was addressing a discussion meeting on the occasion of “International Accounting Day” organized by the Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Bangladesh (ICMAB) on Wednesday) night.

Comptroller and Auditor General of Bangladesh (CAGB) Mohammad Muslim Chowdhury and A. K. M. Delwer Hussain FCMA, President SAFA, Past President and Council Member, ICMAB attende the program as special guests.

Muslim Chowdhury said that the accounting profession is facing challenges and hoped comprehensive reporting system will come soon.

The new generation has to take up the challenges and adopt at modern accounting, he said.

Marking the day, the ICMAB arranged a get together in its office building in Dhaka where former presidents, council members, members, students and institutes employees attended in this occasion.

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AKM Delwer Hussain sought the cooperation of the government in expanding the scope of cost audit.

Abu Sayed Md. Shaykhul Islam FCMA said that the accounting reports have to be transparent. It also needs to understand the Digital Transformation.

Source: United News of Bangladesh