Magical Benefits of Himalayan Pink Salt

You will surely be fascinated by the beautiful color of Himalayan Pink Salt or Pink Salt. It is the purest sea salt in the world. This salt is used in many foods, but it is considered very healthy for the body because of its special properties. Pure and natural pink salt is found mostly in the foothills of the Himalayas in Pakistan. Discovered in 326 BC, pink salt has been used for centuries as both a food additive and as an ingredient in bath soaks. But what are the risks? What benefits does it offer? Read on to find out!

What is Himalayan Pink salt?

Himalayan pink salt is a type of rock salt that is mined from the Khewra Salt Mine in Pakistan. It is said to be the purest form of salt available, and it has a unique pink color due to the presence of minerals like potassium, magnesium, and iron.

This salt has a number of special properties that make it different from other types of salt. For example, it contains 84 minerals and trace elements that are essential for human health. It also has a strong flavor that can add depth to food dishes.

Furthermore, Himalayan pink salt is also believed to have therapeutic properties. Some people claim that it can help reduce stress levels, improve sleep quality, and detoxify the body.

While Himalayan pink salt is certainly a unique and special type of salt, it’s important to note that there is no scientific evidence to support the therapeutic claims made about it. So, if you are looking for a salt that can provide health benefits, it might be best to stick with regular table salt or other types of rock salt.

However, if you are simply looking for a high-quality salt to add flavor to your food, Himalayan pink salt is definitely worth trying!

Health Benefits of Pink Salt

So, you have seen the pink salt around your local grocery store or maybe even purchased it. You might have wondered what it is and if there are any health benefits associated with it. Himalayan Pink Salt is a wonderful product that has many beneficial aspects for your body and mind.

Below we will discuss some of the main health benefits of this pink salt:

Relieves Respiratory Diseases

Himalayan salt helps in curing asthma, allergies, bronchitis, and sinusitis. Helps to clear the respiratory tract and flush out harmful substances. The anti-inflammatory ingredients in this salt help to soften and loosen excess mucus and increase the speed of mucosal transport. The ingredients in this salt penetrate deep into the lungs and help heal damaged tissues. Steam it with pink salt in hot water.

Helps Bone Health

Though we are all constantly losing small amounts of calcium, we need to consume enough dietary calcium and other minerals in order to help restore this lost bone mineral. Himalayan pink salt contains 1.6 mg calcium and other healthy minerals, which can help with preventing osteoporosis and/or maintaining healthy bone density.

Maintains the pH balance of the Body

Himalayan salt helps to maintain the alkaline condition of the body and helps regulate hydrogen ion levels in body fluids. Helps flush out heavy metals like lead, mercury, and arsenic. Taking a small amount of pink salt with water will balance the mineral deficiency in the body.

Maintains Body Fluid Balance

Himalayan Pink Salt contains a wide range of electrolytes, which eventually regulate body moisture. Maintaining body moisture is essential for the proper functioning of the body’s cells. The major electrolytes present in this salt are sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and chloride. These electrolytes are absorbed by the body faster than water.

Regulates Blood Pressure

Himalayan pink salt intake may increase the parathyroid hormone concentrations. As parathyroid hormone regulates active vitamin D in the body, this could be one reason behind Himalayan pink salts’ ability to regulate blood pressure by working directly on renal function.

Prevents Muscle Cramps

Muscle cramps can be incredibly painful and frustrating. They often occur when the muscles are working overtime or when they’re dehydrated. Himalayan pink salt contains high levels of electrolytes which help to prevent muscle cramps by keeping the muscles hydrated. This is beneficial for bodybuilders or people who exercise regularly.

Supports Healthy Mood

Himalayan pink salt is rich in iron and sulfur and contains over 80 different minerals and trace elements which all play an important role in the body. One of these minerals is magnesium which is known for its ability to support a healthy mood and combat stress. When our bodies are deficient in magnesium, we can start to feel anxious, stressed, and overwhelmed. Adding Himalayan pink salt to your diet can help to ensure you are getting enough magnesium (and other minerals) each day, promoting a healthy mood and preventing feelings of stress.

Potential Risks of Himalayan Pink Salt

Like any other type of salt, Himalayan pink salt can pose some risks if consumed in excess. For example, too much salt can lead to high blood pressure and an increased risk of heart disease. It is important to moderate your salt intake, regardless of the source, and to consult with a health professional if you have any concerns.

Although pink salt has less sodium than regular salt, however, consuming too much pink salt will increase the sodium level in the body, which can create health problems like hypertension. Further, Himalayan pink salt is also a dehydrating agent. When consumed in excess, it can lead to dehydration, which can cause a variety of health problems. It’s important to drink plenty of water when consuming Himalayan pink salt and to be mindful of your overall hydration levels.

Types of Pink Salt

These are three types of Himalayan Pink Salt, Fine Grain Salt, Coarse Grain Salt, and Crystal Sea Salt. Depending on the types, Himalayan Pink Salt starts from BDT. 100 per KG to BDT. 200 per KG.

Final Words

In conclusion, Himalayan pink salt is a healthy alternative to table salt, but it is important to be mindful of how much you are eating. Excess consumption can lead to health problems like high blood pressure, dehydration, and heart disease. If you have any concerns, consult with a health professional.

Source: United News of Bangladesh