Dubai Chess: GM Ziaur Rahman shares 2nd place after 3rd round

Grand Master Ziaur Rahman of Bangladesh shared the 2nd slot in the 22nd Dubai Open Chess Tournament alongwith 18 other players securing 2.5 points each after the 3rd round match held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates on Monday.

FM Tahsin Tazwar Zia, son of GM Ziaur Rahman, earned 1.5 points, IM Mohammad Fahad Rahman, FM Mehdi Hasan Parag and FM Md Taibur Rahman of Bangladesh bagged one point each after the 3rd round matches.

In the 3rd round matches on Monday. GM Zia drew with GM Raunak Sadhwani of India, FIDE Master Tahsin Zia drew with Mustafayev Nihad of Uzbekistan, IM Fahad lost to Sumir Arsh of India, FIDE Master Parag lost to Indian International Master Mohammad Nubairshah Sheikh while FIDE Master Taibur lost to IM Yidmakiling Oliver of the Philippines.

The 4th round matches began on Tuesday at 7 pm Bangladesh time.

In the 4th round matches, GM Zia playing against GM Harsha Bharathakoti of India, IM Fahad playing against Laddha Yash Jayesh of Malaysia, FIDE Master Tahsin playing against GM Kuybokarov Temur of Australia, FIDE Master Parag playing against Abid Ali Mujawar of India while FIDE Master Taibur playing against Sadbhav Rautela of India.

Source: United News of Bangladesh