
Ctg headmaster suspended over ‘sexual harassment’ of female students

Chattogram City Corporation (CCC) authorities on Tuesday suspended headmaster of Kapasgola City Corporation Girls High School Md Alauddin following protest against him for ‘sexually harassing’ female students.


An office order of the City Corporation signed by its secretary Khaled Mahmud, said Alauddin has been suspended as allegations brought against him have been proved primarily.


Read more: Headmaster withdrawn over sexually assaulting female students


Earlier on Sunday, the accused headmaster was transferred to South Patenga City Corporation High School in the city.


Two probe bodies have also been formed to look into the matter, read the order.


On Sunday (January 1), the accused head teacher was confined to a room by agitated students. The students staged protests demanding his removal.


Read more: Number of complaints over sexual harassment at workplaces very poor: Speakers


Parents of the students also participated in the protest.


Many were also seen holding placards with various demands.


Source: United News of Bangladesh