Government Policy

Bangabandhu’s 103rd birth anniversary celebrated in Rangpur

RANGPUR, March 17, 2023 (BSS) – The 103rd birth anniversary of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and National Children’s Day-2023 was celebrated here today with huge enthusiasm turning Rangpur into a festive city.

The district and divisional level civil and police administrations, Awami League, Rangpur City Corporation (RpCC) and many other organizations chalked out colorful programs to celebrate Bangabandhu's birth anniversary.

The DC Moor, ‘Muktijuddher Smritistambha ‘Arjan’ at Modern Moor, Shapla Square areas and important places were illuminated and decorated with colorful banners and festoons.

The celebrations began with placing of wreaths at the mural of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at Bangabandhu Square near the DC Moor at 9 am.

The national flag was hoisted atop all government, semi-government and private buildings.

Divisional Commissioner Md. Sabirul Islam first placed wreaths at the mural of Bangabandhu paying rich tribute to the Father of the Nation.

Later, Rangpur Metropolitan Police Commissioner Nure Alam Mina, Additional Deputy Inspector General (Crime Management) of Rangpur Range Police Md. Mizanur Rahman, Deputy Commissioner Dr. Chitralekha Nazneen, RpCC Chief Executive Officer Md. Ruhul Amin Miah, Superintendent of Police Md. Ferdous Ali Chowdhury and high officials placed wreaths there.

A smart contingent of police force gave a guard of honour in presence of high officials and dignitaries who also observed a one-minute silence and offered special munajats there seeking divine blessings for the departed soul of Bangabandhu.

Heroic freedom fighters, leaders of different political parties including Awami League and its associate bodies, heads of different departments, organisations and institutions and common people placed wreaths at the mural of Bangabandhu.

Children rendered the national anthem with hoisting of the national flag and release of balloons with a festoon by the Divisional Commissioner at the Central Shaheed Minar premises in the city.

Schoolchildren cut a huge cake marking the birth anniversary of Bangabandhu there in presence of the Divisional Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner, high officials, leaders of Awami League and other dignitaries.

A colorful rally with participation of children, government officials, politicians, civil society members, sociocultural activists and common people was brought out from the Zila School ground to the Town Hall premises at 9:45 am.

Improved diets and sweets were served to inmates of different hospitals, orphanages, Government Shishu Paribars, Rangpur Central Jail, vagabond centres and children centres.

After the Zohr prayers and at convenient times, special munajats and prayers were offered at District Model Mosque and Islamic Cultural Centre and other mosques, temples, churches and pagodas seeking eternal peace for the departed soul of Bangabandhu and continuous peace and prosperity of the nation.

Competitions on essay writing, drawing and poem recitation for children were arranged at District Shishu Academy premises in the city.

The Divisional Information Office screened short and documentary films on the life of Bangabandhu and Great War of Liberation and played the historic March 7 speech at cinema halls and other important places.

The district administration arranged the main discussion followed by distribution of prizes at the Town Hall premises.

The Divisional Commissioner addressed the discussion and distributed prizes among winners of different competitions arranged for children as the chief guest with the Deputy Commissioner in the chair.

Meanwhile, the district and city unit of Awami League and its associate bodies chalked out colorful programs, including cutting cakes, to celebrate the 103rd birth anniversary of Bangabandhu in a befitting manner.

After hoisting the national flag and placing wreaths at the patriot of Bangabandhu and cutting cakes at their respective offices, the district and city units of Awami League and its associate bodies brought out colorful rallies on the city streets.

Joint Conveners of district Awami League Advocate Md. Anwarul Islam, Prof Mazed Ali Babul and Md. Joynal Abedin and Convener of City Awami League Dr. Md. Delwar Hossain and its Joint Convener Md. Abul Kashem and other leaders participated in the programs.