
Azizee Fawmi’s solo art exhibition ‘Ka-Shommondhiyo’ starts at La Galerie

A solo art exhibition of artist Azizee Fawmi Khan, titled ‘Ka-Shommondhiyo’, started at Alliance Française de Dhaka’s La Galerie from Friday.

Jeremy Opritesco, Chargé d’Affaires of the European Union in Bangladesh, was present at the inauguration of the exhibition.

The exhibition will be open to all till December 31, from 3 pm to 9 pm.

About the context of the exhibition, Azizee Fawmi Khan said that her journey of the last five years has been portrayed in the paintings.

Her childhood and the life of her ancestors have greatly inspired her.

Besides, folk motifs and local context with a personal merge through her paintings. Azizee also works with old photographs and historical notions apart from traditional practices.

Azizee Fawmi Khan is a Dhaka-based visual artist from Bangladesh. After completing graduation from the Department of Drawing and Painting of Faculty of Fine Art at Dhaka University in 2017, the artist has been involved in creating works of art, as well as participating in various national and international exhibitions and artist residency programs.

Among those, the 18th Asian Art Biennale, 23rd National Art Exhibition, 20th and 21st Young Artists Exhibition conducted at Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy are notable one.

She has also been associated with the British Council, Britto Arts Trust, Brihatta Art Foundation, Platform Art Space, Dhaka, Bangladesh and Rebel Creatives, Birmingham, UK and contemporary artists and art associations.

Source: United News of Bangladesh