Shahjahan casts BNP in Hussain’s shoes at Karbala

BNP senior leader Mohammad Shahjahan on Friday urged the country’s people to get united to restore democracy in the country, by taking a lesson from the tragic incident of Karbala, commemorated on Ashura, that symbolises struggle against injustice and monarchy.

“There’s now no democracy in our country. It seems we’re now under a monarchy. A system has been established in the country to plunder the resources of the state. The banks have already been depleted,” he said.

Speaking at a doa and milad mahfil, the BNP leader said the incident of Karbala on the 10th of Muharram was a fight for democracy against the monarchy. “This Ashura has taught us that we have to sacrifice for justice and truth, and we have to fight with courage for the restoration of democracy.”

BNP arranged the programme at its Nayapaltan central office in observance of the Holy Ashura, commemorating the martyrdom of Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA) at the hands of Yazid’s soldiers on Karbala Maidan in Iraq.

Shahjahan said a small number of people have now become the owners of the country by depriving the majority of people. “So, we the majority must get ready to wage a war against them like Imam Hussain. We’ll surely turn victorious and the wrongdoers will fall.”

Source: United News of Bangladesh