Women should be active to lead the nation: Former President Bhandari

Kathmandu: Former President Bidya Devi Bhandari has said that women should be active to lead the nation. While inaugurating Women's Conference organized by the CPN (UML) here Wednesday, the former head of the state said that the women should advocate for the issues of women in every sector of their involvement. She added that the Constitution has ensured the fundamental rights therefore all should be active in implementing the rights. The constitution has ensured at least 33 percent women representations in each state organ and that the provisions should be implemented effectively. Former President Bhandari opined that the initiations should be taken to empower the women. She said that Nepali women's movement was guided by the transformative ideological line propounded by the multi-party democracy of the people, developed by the people's leader Madan Bhandari. On a different note, she mentioned that the country's national economy is facing serious challenges therefore self-reliant national economy should be ensured. Four important 'special resolutions' on women's rights were passed by the House of Representatives on 16thJestha 2063 BS. The 'special proposal' was then adopted as part of the then interim constitution. The constitution issued in 2072 BS further institutionalized women's rights. The UML has been organizing a women's conference to commemorate the day when the same special resolution was passed. Source: National News Agency RSS