Two swept away in Jhapa

Lakhiram Murmu, 50, from Gauriganj rural municipality-1 has been swept away by the Kamala stream. The stream swept away Murmu while he was taking a bath at 3:00pm Thursday, according to the locals. The Armed Police Force, Civil Police and locals searched for the missing Murmu but in vain. Earlier on Wednesday, the Baniyani stream swept away a teenager, Milan Bishwokarma, 13, from Jholunge Tole of same locality, according to District Police Office. The teenager was swept away while crossing the stream along with his friends, returning home after playing football. Information to this was shared by police inspector Anish Budhathoki. Moreover, Budhe Besra, 28, from Shivasatakshi municipality-2 was found drowned. He drowned in a pond nearby his home on Thursday morning, Budhathoki added. Source: National News Agency Nepal