Medical &Health

Two cousins die after falling off rooftop in Dhaka

Two cousins died after falling off the rooftop of a five-storey residential building in the capital's Kamrangirchar area on Friday.

The deceased were identified as Abdur Rahim, 9, son of Roman Mia, and Lamiya Akter, 2, daughter of Abdur Rashid Mia, originally from Sunamganj, confirmed Md Bachhu Mia, inspector of police outpost at Dhaka Medical College Hospital (DMCH).

The tragic accident happened around 6:30pm in the Sylheti Bazar area of Kamrangirchar's Ahsanbagh.

Roman Mia, father of the deceased Abdur Rahim, said they used to live on the roof of Borhan Mia's five-storey building in the Kamrangirchar Ahsanbagh area. This evening, his son and niece were playing on the rooftop. As the roof did not have any sort of railings, they suddenly fell from there, he added.

They were rushed to the Dhaka Medical College Hospital where duty doctors declared them dead around 7:30pm, Roman Mia said.

The bodies have been kept in the hospital morgue autopsies, said Bachhu Mia.

This was informed to Kamrangirchar police, he added.

Source: United News of Bangladesh