Telephone services disrupted in Bhotkhola

Telephone services have been halted in Bhotkhola Rural Municipality in the northern area of Sankhuwasabha district since last Monday night. People residing in this rural area have been deprived of communication services since the telephone tower installed at Lachi Danda witnessed problems after the lightning strike. Chief of the Telecom Office in Khadbari, Prem Kumar Rai, shared that issues have occurred in the telephone tower since the lightning strike and the charge of the generator has been running flat since the lightning stroke. Towers in high hill areas suffer problems due to storms and lightning, he shared, adding that a technical team has been demanded from Dhankuta to address the problem. People residing in a dozen of villages in the rural municipality such as Hatiya, Chyamtang, Chepuwa, Lingam, Chumsur and Ridak among others have been bereft of communication services since the incident, said ward chairperson Wangchedar Bhote. The BTS towers of the telecom have been running on solar power in the rural areas not having access to electricity. Since the rural municipality lacks electricity access, consumers have been relying on fair weather to use telecommunication services Source: National News Agency Nepal