“Suhang will take charge of Ilam, I will take charge of him”

CPN (UML) Chairperson and former Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli expressed his belief that Ilam district would attain more prosperity with the recent victory of Suhang Nembang. Chairperson Oli said so addressing a victory assembly at Ilam Chowk Bazaar in Ilam district after his party candidate Suhang Nembang got elected as the member of House of Representatives (HoR) from Ilam constituency no-2 through the April 27 by-election. Suhang emerged victorious by securing 27,722 votes against his nearest rival Nepali Congress's Dambar Bahadur Khadka who got 21,942 votes. Extending gratitude towards the voters for electing youth leader Suhang, Oli assured, "Now onwards Suhang will take charge of development of Ilam while I take charge of him." The septuagenarian leader claimed that only his party had the action-plan to make country economically strong and prosperous. He also asserted that his party had led all the development works in the country so far. Stating that Suhang was the right candidate to bring to frui tion the development related campaign his late father Subash Nembang had initiated, Oli recalled late leader Nembang and said, "Subash was the promulgator of the Constitution of Nepal and a warrior who fought for the people." On the occasion, he extended thankfulness to CPN (Maoist Centre) for lending support to Suhang to win in the recently held by-election. It may be noted that CPN (UML) is a partner of the coalition government led by CPN (Maoist Centre). Similarly, newly elected HoR member Suhang pledged to work with honesty and integrity and serve the people of Ilam. "I forayed into politics to fulfill the incomplete dreams of my late father. I will deliver in such a way that the UML does not have to ask for vote with voters reaching at their doorsteps in the next parliamentary election in 2084 BS. I will never do works that will let the people of Ilam and voters down." Source: National News Agency RSS