Government Policy

Stay away from corruption, serve people, President asks DCs

President Abdul Hamid on Thursday asked Deputy Commissioners to stay corruption free so that no one gets the opportunity to do corruption.

" You have to keep yourselves free from corruption. Then you can oversee so that none gets the opportunity of corruption," he said.

He made this call at an event organised for Deputy Commissioner's Conference in the Bangabhaban.

Referring to corruption as the biggest obstacle to sustainable development, Hamid said that sustainable development is being hindered due to corruption. Therefore, transparency and accountability should be developed at every level of the field administration.

"You are responsible for coordinating and overseeing the multifaceted activities of the government in different districts, it is very important to ensure that there is no abuse of power while in charge," he said.

He hoped that DCs will consciously maintain the distinction of responsibility and power at work.

Mentioning that your title is Deputy Commissioner but not ruler, he said.

He said that DCs will deliver government services to the people.

"As the leader of the district administration, I expect you to carry out this important responsibility more faithfully," he said.

Calling development an ongoing process, he said that the main goal of development is bringing positive changes in the lives of the people.

Taking development projects and implementing them is not enough for development, rather engaging people is crucial.

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He said that active participation of the people in the development process is necessary while ensuring that its benefits reach the doorsteps of the people is also very important.

"It is your responsibility and duty to serve the people. There is no such thing as mercy or grace. Just as you do career planning as a government employee, you will also do a planning at work. And this planning will decide what you can do for public welfare while performing your duties," he said.

Hamid asked the DCs to play an effective role in coordinating government initiatives with private sector to ensure environment friendly rural development through necessary housing, education, agriculture-based industries, medical services, electricity, gas, drinking water and sewerage systems.

Referring to the direct involvement of people with land management, he urged the DCs to be more strategic and active in ensuring the best use of land and people-friendly digitised services related to land through efficient, modern, public welfare oriented and sustainable land management.

The President asked the DCs to be tougher in this regard, saying, “Grassroots level land offices, including AC Land offices, must remain corruption-free."

He advised the DCs to play an effective role in providing information technology services to the grassroots through proper management of district e-service centres, municipality’s digital centres and union digital centres.

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President Hamid asked the DCs to be more active in the implementation of the government's ongoing programmes for biodiversity conservation, flood control and drainage, wetland development and natural disaster risk reduction due to climate change impacts in disaster-prone Bangladesh.

Forests, rivers and hills must be protected from illegal encroachers, the President added.

He further suggested the DCs to make an effective contribution to the implementation of “PM’s 10-Special-Initiative” under the 'National Service Programme’ to make the youth well-organized and production-oriented with the aim of developing the creativity and talent of the youth society.

He also directed the DCs to keep a close eye on drug abuse so that drugs cannot destroy the young generation.

The President called upon the DCs to work earnestly to build an advanced, modern and IT-based "Smart Bangladesh" under the efficient leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to build the “Sonar Bangla” envisioned by the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.

Cabinet Secretary Md Mahbub Hossain, Divisional Commissioner of Sylhet Dr Muhammad Mosharraf Hossain and Deputy Commissioner of Tangail Jasim Uddin Haider, among others, also spoke on the occasion.

The President later took part at a photo session and tea-party with the Divisional Commissioners and DCs.

Source: United News of Bangladesh