
Rajshahi people celebrate 53rd Independence Day with enthusiasm

The city corporation and district

administration along with different political, socio-cultural organisations

and educational institutions today celebrated the 53rd Independence and

National Day-2023 in a befitting manner.

The colourful celebrations began with heralding 31-gun salute at police lines

besides hoisting of national flags atop all the public and private buildings

at dawn.

Floral wreaths were placed at different Shaheed Memorial Plaques and

mausoleums in the city with the sunrise.

A programme of hoisting the national flag formally, gathering and march-past

was held at Muktijuddho Smrity Stadium at 8 am. The Divisional Commissioner

hoisted the national flag and witnessed the march-past.

A discussion titled "Historic Leadership of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and Country's Development in Golden Jubilee" was held

at Shilpakala Academy auditorium. The valiant freedom fighters were accorded

reception there.

Rajshahi Divisional Commissioner GSM Zafarullah addressed the meeting as the

chief guest while Deputy Inspector General of Police Abdul Baten,

Commissioner of Rajshahi Metropolitan Police Anisur Rahman and Superintendent

of Police Masud Hossain spoke as special guests with Deputy Commissioner

Abdul Jalil in the chair.

Local units of Awami League and its front organisations celebrated the day

through various programmes, including discussion meetings and placing floral

wreaths paying rich tribute to the martyred freedom fighters.

Rajshahi City Corporation celebrated the great day through daylong


Art competition, rendering patriotic songs and poetry recitation were also

held for the school and college students on the occasion.

Improved diets were served to the inmates of hospitals, prison, safe homes

and orphanage centres.

Special prayers were offered at the city's different mosques after Johr

prayers and different other places of worship, seeking divine blessings for

peace and progress of the nation.

Various educational institutions, including Rajshahi University, Rajshahi

University of Engineering and Technology, Rajshahi Medical University,

Rajshahi Medical College, Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank, Barind Multipurpose

Development Authority and Bangladesh Silk Board also celebrated the day

through separate programmes.

Besides, the city's important tourist spots and places like Rajshahi

University Smrity Sangrahashala, Varendra Research Museum, Central Zoo and

Shishu Park remained open for the visitors throughout the day.

Source: Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha