Government Policy

Quad voices deep concern at “deteriorating situation” in Myanmar

Quad countries have strongly emphasized the importance of maintaining peace, stability, and prosperity and expressed their deep concern at the deteriorating situation in Myanmar.


“In this regard, we emphasize the need for complete cessation of violence, the release of all those arbitrarily detained, resolution of issues through dialogue, unhindered humanitarian access, and transition to an inclusive, federal democratic system in Myanmar,” account to a joint statement released by the Secretary of State of the United States and the Foreign Ministers of the governments of Australia, India, and Japan on the occasion of the Quad Foreign Ministers’ meeting held in New Delhi.


Towards this, they reaffirm their consistent support to the ASEAN-led efforts, including the work of the ASEAN Chair and Office of the Special Envoy, and called for the full implementation of ASEAN’s Five-Point Consensus.


“We also encourage the international community to work together in a pragmatic and constructive way towards resolving the crisis in Myanmar,” the joint statement issued by the US Department of State on Friday night after the Quad Ministerial Meeting.


The Foreign Ministers of Australia, India and Japan and the Secretary of State of the United States of America met in New Delhi, India on March 3 for the Quad Foreign Ministers’ Meeting.


They will work closely to align and complement the Quad’s agenda with Japan’s Presidency of the G7, India’s Presidency of the G20, and the United States’ APEC host year in 2023, according to the joint statement.


“We will continue to meet regularly to deliver concrete benefits and serve as a force for good, deepening practical and positive cooperation for the benefit of the Indo-Pacific region,” it reads.


The meeting reaffirmed the Quad’s “steadfast commitment” to supporting a free and open Indo-Pacific, which is inclusive and resilient.


“We strongly support the principles of freedom, rule of law, sovereignty and territorial integrity, peaceful settlement of disputes without resorting to threat or use of force and freedom of navigation and overflight, and oppose any unilateral attempt to change the status quo, all of which are essential to the peace, stability and prosperity of the Indo-Pacific region and beyond,” they said.


They underscored the importance of achieving SDGs in a “comprehensive manner” without prioritizing a narrow set of such goals, and reaffirmed that the UN has a central role in supporting countries in its implementation.


They recognized that peace and security in the maritime domain underpins the development and prosperity of the Indo-Pacific, and reiterated the importance of respect for sovereignty, consistent with international law.


The Quad members are determined to “deepen engagement” with regional partners, including through information-sharing, capacity-building and technical assistance, to strengthen maritime domain awareness; to counter illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing; to enhance their capability to protect and develop offshore resources, consistent with UNCLOS; to ensure freedom of navigation and overflight; and to promote the safety and security of sea lines of communication.


They wwelcome the announcement of the first class of Quad Fellows, who will begin their academic pursuits in the United States in August 2023.


The next Quad Leaders’ Summit being hosted by Australia will be held this year.


Source: United News of Bangladesh