
Production at Barapukuria Coal Mine resumes

Production resumed at Barapukuria Coal Mine on a limited scale Sunday night, ten days before the stipulated time.


The Chinese workers resumed the coal production and the full-fledged production will be resumed in a day or two after the local workers rejoin.


Managing director of the mine, Engineer Saiful Islam, said the coal extraction remained suspended from July 29 as 106 workers tested positive for Covid-19.


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However, the coal extraction work from phase 1306 of the mine restarted from Sunday night with the help of Chinese workers, he said.


The authorities concerned also collected samples of 213 workers under phase 1041 of the mine on Monday while 100 workers tested negative for Covid-19.


Meanwhile, the load shedding in the northern region of the country has increased for the last several days due to the suspension of coal extraction as the authorities concerned of Barapukuria Thermal Power Plant kept one unit operative due to a coal crisis.


Source: United News of Bangladesh