Government Policy

Preparations taken as hajj pilgrims don’t face trouble for dollar crisis: State Minister

The government has taken preparations so that the intending Bangladeshi hajj pilgrims do not face dollar crisis, said State Minister for Religious Affairs Md Faridul Haque Khan on Thursday.

He was talking to reporters after attending the Deputy Commissioners Conference 2023 at the Osmani Memorial Auditorium in the capital.

1918 pilgrims perform hajj at government's cost since 2014: State Minister

Asked whether there is enough dollars in reserve for 27,000 pilgrims this season, the state minister said no such situation has been created in Bangladesh yet. “Bangladesh’s condition is still stable.”

Regarding the propaganda over religion in textbooks, he said if there is anything controversial about religion in the textbooks, it must be removed.

No increase in Hajj package this year, says minister

The Ministry of Education has already formed two committees to investigate the matter. After the work of this committees, there remains an opportunity to do what are need to be done, he added.

“It's a way to destroy communal harmony by spreading huge propaganda about a trivial matter. These are spread before the elections. There is no time to allow such things,” said the state minister.

Source: United News of Bangladesh