Parliamentary Committee records information on operation of int’l airports

Kathmandu: Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation shared information to the parliamentary committee on the problems and action plans of the Gautam Buddha International Airport, the Pokhara International Airport and Lumbini Development Master Plan. Ministry Secretary Dr Ganesh Prasad Pandey informed that technical, legal, policy level and practical issues were being studied for smooth operation of national pride projects that fall under the ministry. In a meeting of the Public Policy and Delegated Legislation Committee on Friday, Pandey said, "Projects including the Lumbini Master Plan are gaining pace based on available resources." According to Director General at Civil Aviation Authority, Pradeep Adhikari, constructions of the Pokhara and Gautam Buddha Airports were completed despite numerous hindrances like earthquakes, border blockade and COVID-19 pandemic. "Although the Gautam Buddha Airport is ready, there are not enough passengers arriving at Bhairahawa, which has discouraged operation of pr ivate planes." He however viewed if the State takes it seriously, flights can be conducted for those going for foreign employment. The Gautam Buddha Airport can be used to reduce the number of international flights in the time when the Tribhuvan International Airport is scheduled to be repaired for a few months from coming October, Adhikari suggested. Moreover, he shared that the Authority was responsible for running 55 airports in the country where aging airports in remote districts are used to transport salt, vaccines, rice, books and ballot papers during elections. Several airports in the hilly districts witnessed decline in number of flights in the wake of expansion of road transport. Source: National News Agency RSS