‘One Youth, Five Saplings’ campaign launched

Kathmandu: The National Youth Federation Nepal has launched the 'One Youth, Five Saplings' campaign on the occasion of the 73rd birth anniversary of Madan Bhandari. At a programme organised at Jharuwarasi of Godawari municipality in Lalitpur today, Chairperson of the CPN (UML), KP Sharma Oli, inaugurated the campaign by planting a sapling of the Rudraksha tree. Stating that saplings should be planted for maintaining the environmental balance, he stressed that all should participate in the campaign. Federation General-Secretary Suman Puri shared that the campaign would be run till July 29. The campaign would be launched in all 753 local levels and around 300,000 saplings would be planted during the campaign, he added. Puri mentioned that each central committee member of the Federation has to plant five saplings and they have also responsibility to look after them. UML Standing Committee member Sher Bahadur Tamang and Politburo member Mahesh Basnet among other leaders were present on the occasion. Source : National News Agency RSS