No intention to suppress main opposition’s demand -Minister Giri

Kathmandu: Minister for Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs Padam Giri has clarified that the government has not imposed any kind of suppression in the parliament despite protests from the main opposition. Talking to media persons after today's meeting of the House of Representatives (HoR), he said the main opposition was the cause behind deferral of an ordinance that should be tabled on the first day of the House session. "The government has shown readiness to address the issue raised by the main opposition. We are not in a mood to suppress its voice", he added. Minister Giri further share that efforts were also made this morning to reach to a consensus. "Discussions have been made from different quarters; we are close to a consensus". However, main opposition Nepali Congress (NC) has accused the government of adopting a policy to suppress the demand for forming parliamentary probe committee on misappropriation of cooperatives' money. NC leader and former Finance Minister Dr Prakash Sharan Mahat said the government has failed to listen to the voice of the opposition. NC lawmaker Kalpana Chaudhary accused the government of using force to suppress opposition in the parliament. Meanwhile, CPN (UML) Secretary Yogesh Bhattarai said the government was ready to constitute a parliamentary probe committee and expressed his confidence that consensus would be forged with main opposition, NC, soon. Source: National News Agency RSS