
Najmun carries flag to 155th country in Tajikistan


Famed globetrotter Najmun Nahar has set a new record by visiting her 155thg country with the Bangladeshi flag, Tajikistan.

Najmun Nahar conquered the Pamir Mountains in Tajikistan, the roof of the world on May 29, 2022, said a press release on Monday.

Asia-Plus, a newspaper of Tajikistan has published a report about Najmun Naharโ€™s success. Earlier she has been headlined in several media outlets at home and abroad.

The globetrotter has achieved more than 50 awards including the peace Torch-Bearer Award.

Her world tour began in 2000 with her participation in the India International Adventure Programme at Panchmari in Indiaโ€™s Bhopal state.

Najmun Nahar was born on 12 December 1979 in the village of Gangapur in the Laxmipur district of Chittagong. Father Mohammad Amin, who died in 2010, was a businessman. Mother Tahera Amin was the traveling companion of Najmun in 14 countries. Najmun is the youngest of eight siblings. She is known as Shohagi to the family.

Najmun, who holds a higher degree from Lund University in Sweden, has previously worked as a researcher. She studied human rights at Seoul National University in South Korea.

Source: United News of Bangladesh