
Jubo Mohila League stages demo protesting Prothom Alo’s falsehood

Jubo Mohila League today staged a demonstration in the capital, protesting the falsehood and conspiracy of the daily Prothom Alo to underestimate the Independence Day.

The demonstration was staged in front of Russell Square at Dhanmondi.

Awami League office secretary Biplab Barua, central committee members Tarana Halim and Mohammad A Arafat, Jubo Mohila League president Daisy Sarwar and its general secretary Sharmin Sultana Lily, among others, spoke at the meeting.

Speaking on the occasion, Biplab Barua said the news item and photo published in Prothom Alo on the Independence Day were intentional one and information conspiracy.

“Today we staged the demonstration against those who instigate the nation intentionally through such information intrigue,” he added.

Source: Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha