Government Policy

JS passes ‘Nursing and Midwifery Council (amendment) Bill 2023

The 'Bangladesh Nursing and Midwifery Council (amendment) Bill 2023’ was passed on Monday.

Health and Family Welfare Minister Zahid Malek moved the Bill and it was passed by a voice vote.

As per the objective of the Bill, it has been proposed bringing an amendment to the law titled 'Bangladesh Nursing and Midwifery Council Bill -2016'.

Earlier, the 'Bangladesh Nursing and Midwifery Council Bill, 2016' had been enacted with a provision of forming a council for the registration of professionals having degrees in nursing, midwifery and related professions.

Similar to the Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council (BMDC), he said, the Bangladesh Nursing and Midwifery Council would give recognition to the education, training and qualification of the nursing and midwifery professionals.

The proposed law was formulated to replace the Bangladesh Nursing Ordinance, 1983, according to the draft of the bill, adding that it was placed in a more expanded outline including midwifery as well as translating it into Bangla as per the earlier directives of the Supreme Court declaring all the Martial Law regime ordinances illegal.

As per the Bill, any person willing to use his or her degrees in midwifery education and nursing like a nursing diploma and postgraduate in nursing received from any institution at home and abroad must be recognised by the council.

As per the draft law, taking up the profession of nursing, midwifery and their related professions would be prohibited without registration with the council.

According to the draft of the Bill, anyone taking up the profession of nursing and midwifery without a valid registration will have to face a maximum of three years of imprisonment or a maximum Tk one lakh fine or both.

The registration of nurses, midwives or related professionals violating the specific rules and policies by their conduct will be cancelled and their names will be withdrawn from the council register.

The draft law mentioned that any aggrieved person could appeal before the government through the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare within 30 days of the cancellation of the registration by the Council.

For giving false designation of nursing, midwifery and related profession, the person concerned will have to face maximum of one-year imprisonment or a maximum Tk50,000 fine.

The proposed law said that no institution other than a recognised educational institution can undertake any educational programme, prepare curriculum, conduct courses, provide training or award any certificate, degree or diploma related to nursing, midwifery or any allied profession.

If any institution violates the provisions it shall be an offence, and for that the responsible institution shall be liable to a fine not exceeding Tk 2 lakhs, and in addition, if the offence continues, for everyday the fine will be not more than Tk 20,000.

Source: United News of Bangladesh