John Sarbanes honoured by PSEKA for his efforts for Cyprus

Greek-American congressman John Sarbanes was honoured with an award in the margins of the annual PSEKA Conference, in Washington DC, for continuing the work of his father, Paul Sarbanes, who advocated the cause for justice for Cyprus. Paul Sarbanes, a defender of Greek national issues in Congress, remained an MP until 1977 and together with John Brademas, led the campaign for Cyprus and for imposing an arms embargo on Turkey following the 1974 Turkish invasion of Cyprus. In 1977 he was elected Senator, representing Maryland for five terms, until 2007 when he retired. PSEKA honoured John Sarbanes, for continuing to defend Greek issues in Congress for 17 years with the same vigor as his father and who is now retiring from politics. The award was presented to John Sarbanis by the Minister of Foreign Affairs Constantinos Kombos. 'Late Senator Paul Sarbanes and Representative John Sarbanes, have championed the cause of Cyprus, upheld the principles of democracy, and the rule of law, and strengthened the bonds between Cyprus and the US. Their remarkable legacies not only inspire us but also remind us of the enduring power of commitment and integrity in shaping a better world' the Foreign Minister said. Kombos outlined that John Sarbanes as an active member of the Congressional Hellenic Caucus, has devoted valuable time and energy to promoting crucial legislative initiatives. 'In 2019, John, together with his colleagues in both the House and Senate, performed a miracle. They worked tirelessly to gain support for the Eastern Mediterranean Partnership Act, a landmark piece of legislation central to our bilateral relations and the valued 3+1 partnership. Though he will be sorely missed from next year onwards, having chosen to follow a new path, I am convinced that John Sarbanes will continue to be a true and genuine friend of Cyprus' Minister Kombos said. The 39th PSEKA Conference, which aimed at keeping the Cyprus issue actively on the US foreign policy agenda, wrapped up with the participation of top American legi slators, as well as new candidates for Congress. The President of PSEKA, Philip Christopher thanked the participants and pointed out that "he will continue to fight for Cyprus as he has been doing for 50 years, until he fulfills the promise to his father: To return to Keryneia". Source: Cyprus News Agency