
How to Utilise Time While Stuck in Traffic?


Spending time in heavy traffic can be frustrating, and it is not easy to spend time when traffic is bad. Just because you are stuck in a jam doesn’t mean you have to give up on your daily life goals. In truth, there are some ways that can still help you while sitting in this frustrating traffic gridlock. Here are the top ways to pass the time when stuck in heavy traffic.

10 Productive Ways to Kill Your Time While You Are Stuck In Traffic

Tune In to Podcasts

Podcasts can be a great way to pass both the time and mind-numbing hours of your trip. This may be one of the most entertaining methods. Nowadays, many podcasts have actors who will even interact with their listeners through sound or words on screen or text messages on your smartphone.

Whether you are interested in politics, pop culture, or just want to hear some funny stories, there is sure to be a bunch of standard podcasts out there that are perfect for you. And the best part is that you can listen to podcasts for free. So next time you find yourself stuck in traffic, don’t get angry; rather just turn on your favourite podcast and enjoy the ride.

Read a Book or Article

Whether you are late for an important meeting or just trying to get home after a long day, being stuck in a car can be very tormenting. One way to pass the time is to read a book or article. If you are stuck in heavy traffic, you can use that time to catch up on your reading.

Though it is not the most fun way to spend your time, it can be productive and even help you to relax. Another way to make the best of being stuck in traffic is to listen to an audiobook. This can help to pass the time and keep you from getting too frustrated. You can pick up a book and read or download an eBook that you can listen to.

Call a Friend or Family Member

Spending time in this same routine every day makes it hard to find time for loved ones. However, technology may have given us some way to alleviate this grief. If you are stuck in traffic, there is no need to suffer in silence. Why not take the opportunity to catch up with a friend or family member? A quick phone call can help the time fly by, and it is a great way to stay connected with the people you care about. It might just be the best part of your day.

Play Games

If you have any kind of game on your phone or tablet, then this may be the way to pass some time and keep your mind active until you are out of the traffic jam. Many people like to play multiplayer games with friends or family or simply get some work done while they can’t drive. So, you can try something like that.

Learn A Language While in Traffic Jam

It can be fun to use idle time to start something new. Use this idle time to learn a new language or anything else you have wanted to do. You have the time now, so take advantage of it. If you are interested in learning a new language, there are plenty of online resources and apps you can use to get started. Whether you want to learn on your own or with others, there are plenty of options available to help you reach your goals.

Check the Latest News

Traffic jams can make people bored at the beginning of the day. It can affect your mood for doing productive work for the rest of the day. To prevent boredom and frustration during this time, you can catch up with the latest news and trends too using your smartphone or tablet. You can navigate to the online address of your favorite news portal activating the mobile internet or data pack. You can also check out the latest news reports on your favourite niches like sports, business, cooking, travel, etc.

Plan Your Vacation

While stuck in a traffic jam, you can plan a vacation. You can check your schedule and calendar to find the most suitable time for your next vacation trip. Another way to kill time is to read the travel stories on the internet or social media about your chosen vacation place. Who knows this can help you find very interesting and useful places that may not have been on your original list. It is always exciting to stumble upon these kinds of things while driving with an open mind.

Go For a Walk

If you are stuck in a traffic jam and feel like your arms are going to fall off from gripping the steering wheel, get out of the car or bus and go for a walk. It may do you some good, and while you walk, you can use your smartphone to plan out what to do for the rest of your trip. You never know what interesting places you will find when you take a small walk with your eyes peeled in search of something to do along your journey.

If you are riding on a public transport and your destination is nearby, get off the vehicle and commute the rest way on foot. Walking is a great physical activity offering immense health benefits. In the busy urban life we hardly manage time for walking. So, you can utise the chance in traffic jam.

Talk To Other People On The Road

If you are an introvert, you may not like to talk with strangers. You never know what kind of interesting conversations you can have with other people. This is a great way to meet new people, it helps pass the time even more, and it can give you a new perspective on things that may help you in life or your travel plans.

Watch A Movie or Series

While sitting in the traffic, you can watch a movie or an episode of a series on your smartphone. If traffic is a frequent thing in your area, you can download or save the movie offline. In addition to that, you can also stream it if data speed allows you. You can also watch some educational documentaries.


People love their tablets and smartphones. You can use these as a GPS for driving directions, look up a map of where you are going and plan ahead for when the traffic clears, or use them for checking out social media. The possibilities really are endless with what you can do while in traffic jams with these devices that connect us to the world.

Final Words

No matter how you look at it, being stuck in traffic is a huge time waster. If you are not productive during that time, it can be a real drain on your day. So far we have discussed some ways to utilise the time when stuck in heavy traffic jam. By utilising some of these tips, you can make the most of your time and get something done instead of just sitting in the vehicle frustrated.

Source: United News of Bangladesh