Medical &Health

Gulistan building where 15 died still ‘dangerous’: Rajuk Chairman

The five-storey building located in Gulistan where a massive explosion occurred on Tuesday afternoon is still ‘dangerous’, according to RAJUK chairman Anisur Rahman Miah.


However people have been evacuated from the building and no one is trapped inside, he conveyed while talking to reporters after visiting the spot.


Gas leakage might have caused the blast, he said.


However, the fire officials have not yet pointed to anything specific as the reason behind the blast.


Fire service teams are still working to take out goods stored inside from the building, he added.


At least 15 people, including two women, were killed and over 60 others injured in a massive explosion in a 5-storey building near a BRTC bus counter in the capital’s Gulistan area on Tuesday.


The identities of the deceased could not be confirmed immediately,said Inspector Bachhu Mia, in-charge of Dhaka Medical College and Hospital police camp.


The injured are now receiving treatment at DMCH, he added.


The explosion occurred around 4:50pm with a big bang, said Shahjahan Sikder, deputy assistant director (media cell) of the Fire Service and Civil Defence.


Source: United News of Bangladesh