
Genocide Day to be observed in Rangpur tomorrow

The Genocide Day will be observed here

tomorrow to pay rich tribute to the martyred unarmed Bangalees at black night

on March 25, 1971 demanding recognition of the day as the International

Genocide Day.

The district administration, Awami League and its associate bodies, Ghatok

Dalal Nirmul Committee (GDNC), Sector Commanders' Forum (SCF), different

sociocultural and other organizations have chalked out programmes marking the


The programs include placing of wreaths at different mass graves, monument of

martyred freedom fighters, protest processions, human chains and memorial

discussions to pay rich tribute to the martyred sons and daughters of the

soil in 1971.

The memorial discussions will be held at the 'Baddyabhumi' ground on Town

Hall premises, 'Shaheed Muktijoddha Smritistambha' and Central Shaheed Minar

with participation of heroic freedom fighters, politicians and noted


The Divisional Information Office will screen rare photographs and

documentary films on the genocide at cinema halls and open places in the


Special munajats and prayers will be arranged tomorrow at mosques, temples,

pagodas and churches and other places of worship seeking divine blessings and

eternal peace for departed souls of the martyred Bangalees on March 25, 1971.

At noon, officials, leaders of sociocultural and professional organisations

will participate in the candle-lit programme at the 'Baddhyabhumi' ground,

'Shaheed Muktijoddha Smritistambha' and Central Shaheed Minar premises in the


Different cultural organisations will stage dramas and arrange cultural

programmes on the genocide committed by the Pakistani occupation army and War

of Liberation followed by a discussion at the Town Hall premises in the


A one-minute symbolic black-out programme will be observed from 10.30 pm to

10.31 pm on March 25 in the district as elsewhere across the country.

Besides, the programmes chalked out by Awami League and its associate bodies,

GDNC, SCF and other organisations include placing of wreaths at mass graves,

monument of martyred freedom fighters, human chains, lighting candles and
