
Genocide Day observed in Jhalakathi

The Genocide Day was observed in the district today in remembrance of the brutality carried out by Pakistani Army on the unarmed Bangalees on the black night of March 25 in 1971.

Marking the day, district administration chalked out elaborate programmes at the directives of the Ministry of Liberation War Affairs.

On the occasion of the day, a discussion was held in the auditorium of the Zilla Shilpakala Academy this morning at the initiative of the district administration.

Deputy Commissioner(DC) Farah Gul Nizhum addressed the function as the chief guest this morning while Superintendent of Police Afruzul Haque Tutul was present as a special guest with Additional District Commissioner (General) Latifa Jannati in the chair.

Deputy Director of Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE) Md Monirul Islam, municipal councilor Habibur Rahman Habil, among others, were present.

On the occasion of the day, various activities of the day started around 10 am today by placing wreaths at the memorial in honour of all the heroic martyrs killed during the war of 1971 in front of Zilla Shilpakala Academy area of the district.

On the occasion of Genocide Day, Jhalakathi District Information Office organized exhibition of documentary films on Genocide at different places of the city.

Besides, different educational institutions, political parties and socio-cultural organisations also observed the day through various programmes, including discussions and paying rich tribute to the martyrs.