Ensure access to justice for torture victims

Kathmandu: The National Human Rights Commission has urged one and all not to involve in the inhuman and criminal acts like perpetrating torture to the people. Spokesperson of the Commission Dr Tikaram Pokharel issued a press release today on the occasion of the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture (June 26) and urged all the concerned sides to fully ensure access to justice for torture survivors. "The International Convention Against Torture, 1984 to which Nepal is a party, mentions torture as a crime against humanity", reads the statement. "Despite national and international instruments in place, complaints received to the commission in recent days and monitoring works of the commission also do not seem to have ended the practice of torture in Nepal", it is stated. The commission has been monitoring and investigating into the incidents of torture. Since its establishment in Nepal, the Commission has been recommending to the government to register complaints about those who were arrested and subjected to mental and physical torture by the conflicting parties, and to monitor and investigate those incidents. Out of the 370 torture-related complaints under consideration in the Commission this fiscal year, 55 complaints were finally settled and 22 were recommended for compensation and action. Source: National News Agency Nepal