
Drives against air pollution: 10 establishments, 26 vehicles fined TK 4.45 lakh

The Department of Environment (DoE) has fined 10 establishments and 26 vehicles TK 4.45 lakh through mobile court operations at five spots in Dhaka and its adjacent areas for polluting air.

The drives were conducted at Savar, Manik Mia avenue, Khilkhet, Aftabnagar, and Bypass Expressway area of Gazipur.

Environment, Forest, and Climate Change Minister Md Shahab Uddin visited the mobile court operations at Manik Mia avenue, Khilkhet, and Aftabnagar.

“Government will do whatever is needed to curb air pollution. We would continue our drives against polluters,” said the minister.

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Deputy Minister of the ministry Habibun Nahar, Secretary Dr. Farhina Ahmed, Director General of DoE, and other senior officials were also present during the drives.

Secretary Dr. Farhina Ahmed said the ministry urged all DCs to take action against polluters.

A special meeting is will be held to determine the related ministry’s responsibilities, she said.

Two contractor firms of Dhaka Bypass Expressway and BRT highway were fined TK 1 lakh.

TK 2.5 lakh fine was collected from 7 establishments at Aftabnagar. The rest of the amount was collected from different vehicles.

Source: United News of Bangladesh