Dialogue forum formed to organize Prime Minister Employment Programme

To identify new employment opportunities and organize the Prime Minister and Chief Minister Employment Programmes, an employment dialogue forum has been formed under the coordination of Simkot Rural Municipality Chairman Vijay Bhandari. According to administrative officer Subas Ale, employment programme operation guidelines and village council level employment dialogue platform has been constituted. He informed that a nine-member employment dialogue forum has been formed, with the Rural Municipality chair Bhandari as coordinator and vice chair Sushila Rokaya Bham as joint-coordinator. In the committee, members of the trade association, construction business association, non-governmental organizations and civil society, and the administrative officers have been assigned, while the employment coordinator has been assigned the responsibility of member secretary. The administrative officer said that the forum will be useful to organize the implementation of the Prime Minister and Chief Minister Employment Pro gramme and identify areas of employment in the coordination and cooperation of other stakeholders. Source: National News Agency Nepal