Contribution of historian Gyanmani memorable: President Paudel

Kathmandu: President Ramchandra Paudel has said contributions of historian Gyanmani Nepal in the fields of Nepali history, literature and education would always be remembered. A condolence message sent today by President Paudel to the family of historian Nepal states that President Paudel was saddened by the news of demise of historian Nepal. "Historian Nepal, who devoted his life in writing history of Nepal's politics and literature, was skilled in writing history incorporating inscriptions, the Sanskrit literature and historical documents," reads the message. Wishing for the eternal peace of the departed soul of Gyanmani, President Paudel extended heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family members. President Paudel's daughter Abagya Paudel and press advisor Kiran Pokharel today handed over the condolence message to the late Nepal's family members. Source: National News Agency RSS