Medical &Health

Businessman killed by robbers in Chapainawabganj

A businessman was allegedly stabbed to death by a gang of robbers in Gomastapur upazila of Chapainawabganj on Wednesday.


The deceased was identified as Jewel Rana, son of Rafiqul Islam of Dhumaninagar village of Mubarakpur union in Shibganj upazila.


Sub-inspector at Shibganj police station Anam Mollah said that Jewel was riding his bicycle to Nachol early this morning when the robbers targetted him.


“The robbers waylaid Jewel in the Ekhlaspur area around 6am. When he tried to resist the robbery, they stabbed Jewel mercilessly, leaving him seriously injured,” he said.


Jewel died on the way to Shibganj hospital, added the SI.


The body was sent to the Chapainawabganj Sadar Modern Hospital morgue for an autopsy, he said.


Source: United News of Bangladesh