Medical &Health

23 get shot by single shooter in clash over land deed in Sirajganj

At least 29 people were injured, including 23 with gunshot wounds, in a clash between two groups over releasing a land deed in Sadar upazila of the district on Monday noon.


Twenty-one bullet-hit people have been admitted to Sirajganj 250-bed Bangamata Sheikh Fazilatunnesa Mujib General Hospital.


Md Humanyun Kabir, officer-in-charge of Sadar police station, said there had been an argument between one Rubel Sarker of Baotara village under Chhaydabad union and deed writer Alam Hossain over releasing a deed for a long time.


The duo locked into an altercation over the matter at noon which descended to armed violence within a few minutes when supporters from both sides joined it, the OC said.


One of the fellows of Rubel named Arif, who was equipped with his licensed pistol, opened fire on his opponents leaving 23 people bullet-hit, on several parts of the body.


Also read: Jubo League leader killed in clash over disputed land in Pabna


Arif, son of ward No.6 member Hamid of Chhaydabad union, was detained soon after the clash, the OC said.


An additional number of the police personnel were deployed in the area to ward off any further escalation, the police officer added.


Source: United News of Bangladesh