Link agricultural production with tourism: CM Pandey

Chief Minister of Gandaki Province, Surendra Raj Pandey has emphasized on the need to link agricultural production with tourism. Chief Minister said this while inaugurating an event organized on the occasion of the 21st Paddy Day by Pokhara Tourism Council in Pokhara-23, Margi Phewaphant, today. Mentioning that there is a compulsion to import food items from abroad even when arable land with irrigation facilities are barren, he said the farmers should be incentivized with subsidies to cultivate crops, Pandey said. He further stressed the need to stop break into pieces the arable land so as to increase agro productivity. Minister for Health and Social Development of Gandaki Province, Bindu Kumar Thapa said linking agriculture production to tourism will bring more dividends to the farmers. Chairman of the Pokhara Tourism Council, Pomnarayan Shrestha shared that the council has been organizing paddy plantation festivals in different places of Kaski to encourage farmers. On the occasion, the farmers had gi fted paddy and ghee to CM Pandey. Source: National News Agency RSS

EC holds workshop on result management software in Rajshahi

The Election Commission (EC) has held a divisional workshop on vote result management software and 'Kopot' Apps aimed at making its district and upazila level officials competent in terms of using the software and apps properly. EC Secretary Shafiul Azim addressed the workshop held at the conference hall of Regional Public Administration Training Centre as chief guest with Joint Secretary (Administration and Finance) Moniruzzaman Talukder in the chair. EC Additional Secretary Ashoke Kumar Devnath, Additional Commissioner of Rajshahi division Tarafder Akter Jamil, Deputy Commissioner Shamim Ahmed and Regional Election Officer Delwar Hossain spoke as special guests. EC Secretary Shafiul Azim said the App has been innovated so that there were no deficits of confidence related to the election. For the first time, they arranged the workshop in Rajshahi with all concerns related to elections to make the App easier. "We will also arrange such types of workshops in other divisions in the days to come," he said, adding that delivering services smartly will be possible with integrated efforts in future. In the last 12th National Election, the division-wise figures were recorded throughout the day based on direct reporting by election officials across the country, who used a specialised app - Kopot - to send centre-wise vote casting data to the EC headquarters after every two hours. This is the first time the EC deployed the app to streamline the monitoring of voting patterns in a general election. Shafiul Azim told the meeting that the first batch of data was received by the commission around 10 AM and the last batch around 6 PM. Around 70 officials related to election, who performed as returning officers, assistant returning officer and presiding officer, joined the workshop. Source: Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha

Consumer-friendly laws needed, Minister Giri says

Minister for Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs Padam Giri has said that consumer-friendly laws were needed in the drinking water supply sector. Addressing the 18th general assembly of Shivalaya Drinking Water Consumer and Sanitation Organization in Parbat on Saturday, Minister Giri viewed that amendment to the existing Act was required to reduce the tariffs on the part of the consumers. Minister Giri said that access to clean drinking water was the citizens' fundamental right and that the incumbent government was working for the same by managing the old projects and expanding the new ones. Stating that the water sources are drying up, Minister Giri argued that drinking water projects should be run with an integrated approach by exploring new water sources. In a separate context, Minister Giri said that the fraud cooperative managers should be brought to book and should be deprived of the services given by the government by blacklisting them. On the occasion, the Law Minister said that drafting laws to book the deceitful cooperative organization was in the final stage. Source: National News Agency RSS

Integrated efforts to prevent violence against women stressed

Integrated efforts of all the government and non-government organizations concerned can be crucial means of preventing all sorts of violence and repression against women. Forging social resistance and waging for movement to end violence and disparity against women have become an urgent need for building themselves as worthy citizens. As a whole, all people should raise their voice and work together as only the government or any other single organisation cannot bring any desired yield in this regard. Women leaders, development activists and other social watchdogs came up with the observation while addressing a daylong dialogue titled "Inter-generation based and inclusive women development" in the city today. Bangladesh Mohila Parishad (BMP) and Banhishikha jointly organized the dialogue at Grand River View Hotel supported by UN Women. In addition to the members of the civil society, police help desk, young generation, juvenile club, women rights forum and cultural organization, the meeting was attended b y women with disabilities, ethnic minority women, transgender and lawyers. With BMP local unit president Kolpna Roy in the chair, the meeting was addressed, among others, by UN Women Finance Associate Romen Mazumder, BMP Joint General Secretary Sima Moslem, Legal Aid Rekha Shaha and Banhishikha Consultant Samina Yeasmin. In group discussions, the participants put forward a set of recommendations on how to ensure women participation in education, decision-making, empowerment and reproductive and mental health. They viewed that utmost emphasis should be given on freeing the women from sexual exploitation and violence. Source: Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha

‘Efforts on to expand climate change friendly tech for paddy productivity’

Lumbini Province chief minister Jokha Bahadur Mahara said the government was effortful for research, development and expansion of climate change friendly technology for boosting paddy production and productivity. On the occasion of the 21st national paddy day today, chief minister Mahara shared the province government's strategy to develop the species of high-yielding, nutrient-rich paddy by expanding climate change adapted technologies and utilizing bio-diversity. "There is a need of collaboration between the farmers and government to support the bid to reduce import of rice and paddy by boosting production through the adoption of climate friendly technology", he stressed. Source: National News Agency RSS

Disaster Management DG pays homage to Bangabandhu at Tungipara

Newly appointed Director General (DG) of the Department of Disaster Management Rezwanur Rahman today paid rich tributes to Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman by placing a wreath at his mausoleum at Tungipara in Gopalganj. After laying the wreath, the DG stood in solemn silence for some time there as a mark of profound respect to the memory of the Father of the Nation. Later, he offered prayers seeking eternal peace of the departed souls of Bangabandhu and other martyrs, who had to embrace martyrdom on the fateful August 15, 1975. A special prayer was also offered wishing for long life of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and her family members. The DG also signed the visitors' book kept at the administrative building of Tungipara Mausoleum Complex. Project Director (Joint Secretary) of the Department of Disaster Management Bipul Chandra Biswas, Tungipara Upazila Chairman Babul Sheikh, Upazila Nirbahi Officer (UNO) Md Moinul Haque, Municipal Mayor Sheikh Tozammel Haque Tutul, Project Imple mentation Officer of the Department of Disaster Management Ariful Islam and its senior officials, among others, were present. Source: Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha

Prime Minister Dahal appeals for unity among left forces

Kathmandu: Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal 'Prachanda' has emphasized on unity among left-wing forces by exploring common views on ideological issues. In his address to a programme organized to mark the birth centenary of the late Pushpalal Shrestha here today, Prime Minister Dahal, also the Chairman of CPN (Maoist Centre), mentioned that his party was open for the unity among communist forces. Pushpalal Shrestha is the founder general-secretary of the Nepal Communist Party. "In the past, we created CPN in an effort to unite the two biggest communist parties in the country. However, the unity could not last long as we made some hasty moves to create common views and understanding on ideological issues", Prime Minister Dahal said, "We should learn from past experiences to find out commonalities among the left-wing forces and strengthen cooperation". Efforts are being made to bring about qualitative changes in people's lives in accordance with the changes in the system, the Prime Minister said, claiming t he country has achieved qualitative progress in the fields of infrastructure, education, health, social security, social justice after an end to the feudal system. "We have succeeded in building a socialisn-oriented constitution with the strength of decades of struggle", Prime Minister Dahal said, "In place of the feudal monarchy, we have an inclusive republic, a federal system with decentralization instead of unitary system, multilingualism in place of single language, religion and culture, secularism and progressive culture". "Let's have a thorough discussion on the ideological issues and move towards crafting a common vision", PM Dahal said, adding, "Not on the basis of the history, our schools and prejudices, but with the determination to complete the socialist revolution in Nepal, let's debate openly to reach to a proper conclusion". Prime Minister Dahal termed Pushpalal as a warrior, a liberal democrat inclined towards the working class, principled, simple and friendly leader having sharp knowledge i n history, sociology and anthropology. Source: National News Agency RSS

Four shops gutted in Barguna

Four shops were gutted in a fire in Ukil Patti area in Patharghata municipality of the district last night. Station-in-Charge of Patharghta Fire Service Rafiqul Islam said primarily they suspect that the fire might have originated from an electric short circuit in Ukil Patti area in the municipality midnight last night. On information, firefighters rushed to the spot and brought the blaze under control, he added. Upazila Nirbahi Officer Rokunuzzaman said the damage was being estimated by them. Source: Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha

CPN (US) holding 10th general convention from Sunday

Kathmandu: The CPN (Unified Socialist) has completed preparations to hold its 10th national convention. The national convention is beginning at City Hall, Kathmandu next day. The congregation will see deliberations on the party's political report, socialist programmes, report on statute and organizations among others. In a press meet organized here to inform about the upcoming convention today, party Chairperson and former Prime Minister Madhav Kumar Nepal said that all documents to be presented in the national convention were ready. Similarly, party's veteran leader Jhalanath Khanal, also the former Prime Minister, said the convention would elect a new leadership based on the ideologies and programmes endorsed in the five-day convention. If consensus eludes, the leadership will be elected through democratic process, he shared. There are altogether 1,849 representatives taking part in the convention. The national convention is electing the 299-member working committee and 21 office-bearers. The party, c ame into being some three years ago, has claimed that the upcoming national convention is the 10th one since it has assumed ownership of nine conventions held so far. Source: National News Agency RSS

Biman warns ticketing agents of strict action for rule breaches

DHAKA: Biman Bangladesh Airlines has issued a stern warning to its approved travel agents stating that strict measures will be taken against those who breach the rules set by the national flag carrier. In a letter sent to all Passenger Service Agents (PSAs), Biman expressed concern over agents who are undercutting or overpricing tickets through their own web portals. "It has been observed by Biman Bangladesh Airlines that some of the reputed Biman-approved travel agents are selling and promoting Biman tickets at prices either lower or higher than the approved fares on different routes," read the letter. The state owned airlines requested all its PSAs to follow all rules, policies set by Biman, otherwise the airliner has the right to close business relations with those agents who are manipulating Biman's image and good-will. Biman urged all agents to adhere to the airline's policies, warning that failure to comply could result in the termination of business relationships. Agents manipulating Biman's image and goodwill will face severe consequences, the airline warned. The letter pointed out that all approved PSAs in Bangladesh are entitled to a 7 percent commission on the base fare. However, it said, some agents are offering 15-20 percent discounts on tickets through their web portals and social media, creating unhealthy competition and harming Biman's reputation. Besides, the letter said, Biman observed that some online travel agents (OTAs) are failing to provide services to customers after ticket issuance. Some OTAs are reportedly refusing to assist customers with changes to their travel plans or ticket refunds, said the airline. "We have been receiving a number of complaints on this issue, which directly affected our goodwill and image," said the letter, issued by the Biman's Sales Promotion Section last week. This move comes after the Association of Travel Agents of Bangladesh (ATAB) alerted Biman to irregularities by certain agencies. "In this era of information technology, we support tech-based bus iness but must ensure ticket buyers are not defrauded. We seek a proper and timely policy for OTAs," ATAB President Abdus Salam Aref told BSS. ATAB Secretary General Afshia Jannat Saleh also stressed the need for immediate action to restore fair competition in the travel and ticketing industry. "Biman offers agents a 7 percent commission per ticket, but some are selling at a 15-20 percent discount. Such practices clearly indicate dishonest intentions," she said. Stakeholders in the air ticketing sector have long advocated for policies regulating OTAs in Bangladesh. Source: Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha

Minister Chaudhari suggests boosting productivity

Minister for Women, Children and Senior Citizens, Bhagwati Chaudhari, has suggested farmers that they boosted productivity by adopting new measures of rice cultivation. During a programme organized on the occasion of the 21st National Paddy Day here today, Minister Chaudhari viewed it was essential to ditch traditional measures of rice cultivation. "Modernization of agriculture with commercialization is essential so that it would yield more products," she underlined. On the occasion, Koshi Province Assembly member Ram Dev Yadav, however, complained that there was no adequate investment from government side for agriculture development. Secretary at Ministry of Industry, Agriculture and Cooperatives in the Koshi Province, Lekhraj Dahal, said relatively productive crops could be adopted for benefits. Source: National News Agency RSS

UPDATE: Couple buried by landside, bodies recovered

The bodies of the couple buried in a landslide along with their house at Kandebas in Galkot municipality-8 of Baglung have been recovered. Prem BK,55, of and his wife Basanti,50, were buried in the landslide that took place last night, according to Information Officer of the District Police Office, DSP Bijaya Yadav. Soon after the incident was reported, a police team had been sent to the spot earlier this morning. The bodies were pulled out from the house that was buried by the landslide that fell from above. Prem's daughter-in-law Kumari BK and grandson Shishir BK were injured in the incident. They have been sent to the Galkot municipal hospital for treatment, ward member Loknath Kandel said Source: National News Agency RSS