Isma rural municipality to bear cost of technical education

The Isma rural municipality of Gulmi is providing free education for students at the Jeevaraj Ashirt Multi-Technical School. All students will now be able to study technical education for free, as provided in the policies and programs of the next financial year 2081-82, said the rural municipality chair Bhagatsingh Khadka. Accordingly the rural municipality will pay the fees of all the students studying in the Multi-Technical School. The school currently provides three-year course on land survey. The rural municipality believes that free technical education would attract students while ensuring the availability of quality technical education in the rural municipality itself. Source: National News Agency Nepal

Minister Sharma lauds role of literary journalism

Kathmandu: Minister for Communications and Information Technology, Rekha Sharma, has pressed the idea of promoting literary journalism through the adoption of information technology. In her address to a programme held on the occasion of the 18th anniversary of the Nepal Literary Journalists Association, the Minister said the development of Nepali journalism was founded on literary journalism. The Nepali literary journalism that emerged from Banaras of India contributed significantly to the promotion of Nepali journalism, she recalled. She pointed out that literary journalism should produce materials that could help transform the society. Minister Sharma mentioned that the ministry has started providing financial support of Rs 200,000 to the Association from this year. On the occasion, literary journalists Prof Dr Krishna Prasad Ghimire, Ghan Shyam Kandel, Dr Tulasi Bhattarai, Ninu Chapagain, Narendra Bahadur Shrestha, Dr Amar Giri, Ishwar Chandra Gyawali, Krishna Prasai, Naranath Luintel, Hari Govinda Lu intel, Dr Bishnu Bibhu Ghimire, Lok Bahadur Thapa Magar, Narayan Prasad Sharma and Sabitri Shrestha were honoured. Association Chair Mohan Duwal said the support of the State is significant to protect literary journalism. He thanked Minister Sharma for increasing financial assistance to the Association. Source: National News Agency Nepal

HoR endorses Archives Protection (First Amendment) Bill

Kathmandu: The House of Representatives (HoR) has unanimously passed the Archives Protection (First Amendment) Bill, 2081. Minister for Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation, Hit Bahadur Tamang, presented a proposal in a meeting of the lower house of the Federal Parliament today, seeking the passage of the bill that originated from the National Assembly, the upper house. The HoR International Relations and Tourism Committee had held general discussions on the bill before this. The government had introduced the bill arguing that it was indispensable to amend the Archives Protection Act, 2046 to make the legal framework related to protection of archives in tune with the time and to improve the contemporary and technical topics in the existing laws for protecting the existing archives in Nepal. The House of Representatives will meet next at 11.00 am on June 28. Source: National News Agency Nepal

Appropriation Bill, 2081 presented in NA

Kathmandu: Finance Minister Barsha Man Pun has presented the 'Appropriation Bill, 2081' in the National Assembly as per the Rule 133 (A) (2) of the National Assembly Regulations, 2075. Minister Pun presented the bill in today's meeting of the National Assembly. The bill was tabled to give authority for spending money from the federal reserve fund for the services and works of the coming fiscal year 2024/25 and the bill was mandatory to allocate the money, said Minster Pun. Similarly, National Assembly Secretary Dr Surendra Aryal tabled the message received from the House of Representatives regarding the 'Appropriation Bill, 2081'. The meeting was informed about a letter received from the Office of the Prime Minister and Council of Ministers regarding the assignment of duties of cabinet members was read out. Minister for Agriculture and Livestock Development, Jwala Kumari Sah, has been assigned to look after the Ministry of Health and Population as the Health Minister is in the US visit. Source: National News Agency Nepal

HoR agrees to reshuffles some parliamentary committees

Kathmandu: A meeting of the House of Representatives today agreed to reshuffle some joint committees and the thematic committees under the Federal Parliament Secretariat. Speaker Devraj Ghimire proposed the meeting to appoint Dr Swarnim Wagle in place of Dol Prasad Aryal of the Rastriya Swatantra Party in the Parliamentary Hearing Committee in accordance with Rule 25(2) the Joint Meeting and Joint Committee Business Regulations-2080 BS. The proposal was endorsed by the meeting. Similarly, the meeting agreed to send Dr Prakash Sharan Mahat, the lawmaker from the major opposition Nepali Congress (NC) to the Finance Committee and lawmaker Narayan Prakash Saud to the International Relations and Tourism Committee. Likewise, Sita Gurung of Nepali Congress and Suhang Nemwang of CPN (UML) have been appointed on the Law, Justice and Human Rights Committee while NC lawmakers Ramesh Rijal and Surendra Raj Acharya have been appointed on the Industry, Commerce, Labour and Consumer Interest Committee. NC lawmaker Tek Bahadr Gurung has been appointed on the Agriculture, Cooperatives and Natural Resources Committee, Dhanaraj Gurung, Mohan Bahadur Basnet and Dig Bahadur Limbu on the Education, Health and Information Technology while Anita Devi of the Janamat Party to the State Affairs and Good Governance Committee. Similarly, Hari Dhakal of Rastriya Swatantra Party has been send to the State Affairs and the Good Governance Committee from the Public Account Committee and the Asim Shah of the same party has been transferred to the Public Account Committee from the Industry, Commerce, Labour and Consumer Interest Committee. Similarly, Devi of the Janamat Party has been nominated on the Business Advisory Committee in the place of Abdul Khan. Source: National News Agency Nepal

NA members stress on ending Chhaupadi tradition

Kathmandu: National Assembly (NA) members have urged the State to end the chhaupadi tradition. Saying girls could not remain safe due to this oppressive tradition, they stressed that the state should make necessary policy and effectively implement it in order to eliminate this tradition. In today's meeting of the National Assembly, NA member Suresh Kumar Ale Magar objected to rape incident occurred at chhaupadi hut in Achham district few days ago, adding physiological compensation was necessary for the victim girl. "The girl should get justice and stern action should be taken against the perpetrator", he underlined. Stating that the people have not been able to feel about the presence of state, Krishna Bahadur Rokaya blamed that the state failed to show interest to resolve existing problems of the people. The government has not paid attention to resolve problems of Jajarkot earthquake victims and the government should hear the pain of the victims, he mentioned. Similarly, Tulasa Kumari Dahal stressed th at the government should be serious to remove laxity n country's economy, adding there should be coordination among government, cooperative and private sector as well as an investment friendly environment should be built to attract private investment. Lawmaker Dahal suggested to the government to set the goal of economic reforms, utilizing the uncultivated land by growing fruits and vegetables. He stressed on running programmes providing incentives to farmers. Sabitri Malla said the government employees lacked motivation since their salary has not been increased and called attention of the government on this. She stressed on the need of promoting agriculture, forest and tourism sectors. Lawmaker Malla also, through the parliament, called attention of the government to make arrangements for providing timely relief to the families of those killed due to natural disaster incidents, appropriate medical attention to those injured, and food and accommodation to the affected people. Tula Prasad Bishwakarma calle d for conducting an impartial investigation into the incident of rape on a teenage girl who was staying in Chhaugoth during menstruation that took place recently in Achham and to provide justice to the victim. He called on the government to pay attention to taking effective measures to root out corruption from the country, pointing out the need for devising stringent laws to deal with this menace. Gopal Kumar Basnet complained that the budget appropriation for the next fiscal year was not in the best interests of the farmers. "The government should provide support for promoting the modern agricultural practices targeting the small farmers also. The agriculture production would increase and the country would become self-sufficient in agriculture if seed and fertilizer is provided to farmers on time," he added. Gopal Bhattarai urged all the bodies concerned to be aware of the possible risk of the monsoon induced disasters given the huge loss of life and property caused by the monsoon-induced disasters just i n few days of the commencement of monsoon in the country. He called on the government to devise special plan for disaster mitigation and for relocating the citizens of settlements facing disaster risk and making provision for temporary shelters for them. Source: National News Agency Nepal

NA session: Lawmakers call for easing process of providing citizenship in mother’s name

Kathmandu: Lawmakers speaking in the 'Zero Hour' of the National Assembly meeting today demanded that the government ease the process for providing citizenship certificate in the name of mother. Complaining that it was still not easy to get the citizenship in the name of mother, the upper house lawmakers stressed on establishing women's rights in parental property and the family lineage. Lawmaker Ganga Kumari Belbase called for easing the process of providing citizenship in the name of the mother. Taraman Sunar complained that the senior citizens were facing problems accessing government services like the social security allowance due to the cumbersome provision requiring the National Identity Card for the same. Tulasa Kumari Dahal called attention of the government towards the senior citizens sheltering at the Janaki Old-age Home to avail of health services as the government has not provided such support to this old-age home. Bhagawati Neupane said that although traffic lights are installed in Kathmandu , they are not functioning well. She drew the attention of the government towards the urgent need of fixing this problem. Maya Prasad Sharma called for timely rescue of the people injured in incidents of landslide and flooding. He demanded that the government take the necessary steps for minimizing the growing human-wildlife conflict. Sharada Devi Bhatta and Sumitra BC called for building a robust disaster preparedness and response system, drawing the government's attention to the loss of life and property with the start of the monsoon. Source: National News Agency Nepal

SEE results published; 47.86 percent students pass

The National Examinations Board, Examinations Control Office has published the results of this year's Secondary Education Examinations (SEE). According to Examination Controller Nandalal Poudel, out of 464,785 students appeared in the SEE exam, 47.86 per cent passed. A total of 242,092 students have passed towards regular category, said Examination Controller Poudel. Out of those who have qualified, 186 have secured 4 GPA. A total of 52.14 per cent candidates who appeared in the examination obtained non-grade (NG). They will have to take the grade increase test again. He informed that the examination of 221 students has been canceled. Examination Controller Poudel said that the results have been published as per the Letter Grading Guidelines- 2078 BS this year. Source: National News Agency Nepal

South Africa beats Afghanistan to enter final

Kathmandu: South Africa has entered the final of the t20 World Cup cricket by defeating Afghanistan. In the first semi-final match played at Trinidad and Tobago today, South Africa defeated Afghanistan by nine wickets to reach into their first-ever final in two World Cup cricket. Put into bat first after winning the toss, Afghanistan had presented a target of 57 runs. To the South African team. In response, South Africa met the target in 8.5 overs at the loss of its single wicket, international media said. Reeza Hendrickshad contributed 29 runs and Captain Aiden Markram scored 23 runs to secure the win of South Africa. Source: National News Agency Nepal

Elephant found dead

A tusker was found dead at Mechinagar municipality-3 this morning. According to the District Police Office, Jhapa, the male elephant was found dead on the bank of Sukeninda stream at Dhardhare of ward no 3. Locals informed the District Police Office and Division Forest Office soon after seeing the dead elephant. A joint team of both bodies reached the incident site soon after getting the information. Spokesperson of the District Police Office, Jhapa, Krishna Bahadur Chand said a team of veterinarians from Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserves would arrive for the carrying out post-mortem examination. Source: National News Agency Nepal

Monsoon induced disasters affect 33 districts, 28 people dead in 16 days

Kathmandu: Thirty-three districts of the country have been affected from disasters from June 10-26. According to the Ministry of Home Affairs, Taplejung, Panchthar, Sankhuwasabha, Sindhupalchowk, Rasuwa, Chitwan, Lamjung, Parbat, Myagdi, Nawalparasi East, Gulmi, Dang, Kaski districts were affected the most. Total 147 disaster-related incidents had occurred during the period in which 28 people lost their lives, added the Ministry. Of them, 14 people were killed in landslides, 13 in lightning and one in flood. Similarly, 12 people sustained injuries and 25 houses were completely damaged while 10 suffered partial damages from landslide incidents during the period. According to the Secretariat of Home Minister Rabi Lamichhane, property worth more than Rs 6.9 million was destroyed by landslides. Total 68 incidents of lightning took place during the period in which 13 people lost their lives. Twenty-four people were injured from lightning and property worth more than Rs 1.7 million was damaged. Spokesperson a t the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Authority, Dr Dijan Bhattarai, said 18 people were killed in disaster incidents on June 25 and 26. Of them, nine died from lightning, and nine from flooding and landslide. Source: National News Agency Nepal

Health posts in remote Kalikot get devices for maternity service

Two health posts in rural Kalikot have received essential medical equipment for maternity care. The beneficiaries are Nanikot health post in Pachaljharana rural municipality-7 and Dhaulagoha health post in Palanta rural municipality-2. One Heart Worldwide and VDSEF Nepal funded for providing the devices to the health facilities. Kalpana Rawal, Chair of VDSEF, said that the donated equipment includes baby warmer sets, emergency toilets, autoclaves, stretchers, folding beds, delivery sets, EP sets, pregnancy tools, oxygen cylinders, and other essential items. Himal Sanjyal, Public Health Officer of the Palanta rural municipality's health section, expressed gratitude for the assistance, highlighting the challenges previously faced due to inadequate delivery tools which sometimes forced referrals. He said this support is itself a relief for the birthing centers in the district's rural areas which are grappling with the shortage of resources. Source: National News Agency Nepal