Budget for coming fiscal year is comparatively balanced, result-oriented: PM Dahal

Kathmandu: Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal 'Pachanda' has said the budget for coming fiscal year 2024/25 is relatively balanced, equitable and result-oriented. Responding to queries raised by lawmakers on different headings of the Office of the President, Vice-President, Prime Minister and Council of Ministers and subordinate bodies under the Appropriation Bill, 2081 in today's meeting of the house of Representatives, PM Dahal clarified that the budget has set a target of achieving good governance, social justice and prosperity through speedy development. He said, "Looking at provincial budget allocation, comparatively adequate budget has been allotted to Karnali and Madhes Provinces." Budget was allocated by formulating programmes of different ministries to achieve targeted goals determining five objectives, five priorities, five strategies of economic reforms and five transformative areas, shared the Prime Minister. He clarified that the Office of the Prime Minister and Council of Ministers has be en carrying out activities to make governance system people-oriented, accountable, responsible and result-oriented. Sharing that the federal democratic republic governance system has made the arrangement of President and Vice-President as the supreme respected guardian institutions, PM Dahal underlined the constitution has defined duties, responsibility, rights and role of both President and Vice-President. Article 73 of the Constitution states that there shall be separate offices for the performance of the functions of the President and the Vice President and the Government of Nepal shall make arrangements for employees and other provisions as required to perform the functions of the offices, the Prime Minister reminded, adding that budget allocations to the Office of the President and the Vice President were made accordingly. As he said, the budget has been appropriated to various nine divisions under the subordination of the Office of the Prime Minister and Council of Ministers, he said the budget tow ards the current expenditure has been significantly reduced this time. According to the Prime Minister, the significance of the National Planning Commission has further increased in view of drafting overall and integrated policies and planning in the existing federal set-up. Describing the Office of the Prime Minister and Council of Ministers as a supreme executive body in the nation, he said the placement of the Department of Money Laundering Investigation under the Office is expected to strengthen the ground for cooperation and collaboration at the national and international levels on the related issues. He also apprised the House that 68 quotas at the Office have been reduced. Similarly, the National Investigation Department has been placed under the subordination of the Office to address the related affairs directly bearing in mind the sensitivity of information and the effectiveness of security management. "The international practice is that such security agency remains under the subordination of the executive chief of the country. In Nepal too, this approach was implemented after going through much analysis, he apprised the House. Source: National News Agency Nepal

Treating tobacco-related diseases cost higher than collected taxes: Dr Abdullah

Prime Minister's personal physician Prof Dr A B M Abdullah today said treatment costs for tobacco-inducted diseases are much higher than collected taxes. "Tobacco products possess nearly 7,000 chemicals in which seven to eight chemicals are directly responsible for causing cancer," he told a seminar here, a press release said. National Heart Foundation Hospital and Research Institute organized the seminar titled "Participation of physicians in controlling tobacco consumption: Success and doing in future." Dr Abdullah said cigarette addiction among the younger generation has increased drastically as they can buy single stick of cigarette meaning tobacco companies are doing huge business depending on young people. They (tobacco companies) are attracting young generation through developing innovative ideas to expand their tobacco market. The renowned physicians laid emphasis on amendment of the tobacco control law to discourage the young population for smoking cigarette. Secretary General of Banglade sh Medical Association Dr Ehestamul Haque and anti-tobacco campaigners, among others, addressed the seminar with President of National Heart Foundation Hospital and Research Institute Prof Khadkar Awal Abdul Awal in the chair. Other speakers laid emphasis on strengthening tobacco control law to discourage people from consuming tobacco and tobacco products. There is no alternative to stronger anti-tobacco law, they said adding a stronger tobacco control law is a must to reduce the death toll caused by tobacco. Source: Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha

Proposals on cutting back on expenditure rejected by HoR majority

Kathmandu: A meeting of the House of Representatives (HoR) today rejected by a majority the proposals on cutting back on expenditure on the headings related to various ministries under the Appropriation Bill, 2081. Thirty-one lawmakers had presented these proposals in course of deliberations on the appropriation headings of the Bill. Before this, Speaker Devraj Ghimire had put the proposals on slashing the expenditure for a decision. Lawmakers Prem Suwal, Dr Amaresh Kumar Singh, Badri Prasad Pandeya, Rama Koirala, Sanjaya Kumar Gautam, Ajaya Kumar Chaurasiya, Rajendra Kumar KC, Surendra Raj Acharya, Jeevan Pariyar, Dilendra Prasad Badoo, Bina Lama, Rupa BK, Gyan Bahadur Shahi and Shanti BK had brought proposals on cutting back on expenditure under various headings in the Appropriation Bill, 2081. The meeting also rejected the proposals on slashing expenditures under the various headings of the Bill put forth by lawmakers Roshan Karki, Nagina Yadav, Teju Lal Chaudhary, Maina Karki, Rajendra Bajgain, Dr D hawal Shumsher JBR, Ramhari Khatiwada, Mukta Kumari Yadav, Rajendra Prasad Lingden, Shyam Kumar Ghimire, Buddhi Man Tamang, Hridaya Ram Thani, Udaya Shumsher Rana, Pradip Paudel, Chanda Chaudhary, Dhruba Bahadur Pradhan and Pushpa Bahadur Shah. Source: National News Agency Nepal

Remittances through bKash multiplies Eid joy

Inbound remittances through bKash during the Holy Eid ul Fitr grew by 66% compared to previous year and thus multiplied the joy of the countrymen. Like previous years during Eid, Bangladeshi expatriates across the world have sent additional amount of remittances directly to their loved ones' bKash accounts back home. Expatriates have been legally sending remittances through bKash accounts using e-wallet or agent point of Money Transfer Organizations (MTOs) partnered with bKash. Compared to last year, 66% growth was observed in the inflow of remittances through bKash, which has also contributed to the rise of foreign exchange reserve of the country ahead of Eid, said a press release. Meanwhile, the relatives of expatriates are receiving the full amount with the government incentive of Taka 25 per Taka 1,000 instantly. Besides, they can cash out the remittance at reduced cost from 2,700 ATM booths of different banks across the country. The cost of remittance cash out for the relatives of expatriates is on ly Taka 7 per Taka1,000. Besides, cash out from bKash's agent points become more affordable because customers now can cash out up to Taka 50,000 from two 'Priyo Agent' of bKash at Taka 14.90 charge per Taka 1,000. They can enjoy the cash out facility from about 379,000 agent points spread across the country. The remittance service of bKash has been getting popular and gaining trust among the senders and receivers as they can instantly transact the hard-earned money in a secure, convenient and easy way. At present, expatriates can directly send remittances to their loved ones' bKash account legally from over hundred countries through more than 100 money transfer organizations (MTOs) around the world that get settled at top commercial banks in the country. With that money, they can make various types of payment, pay utility bills, send money, recharge mobile, pay educational or government fees, give zakat-fitrah, donate etc. Source: Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha

HoR session: Deliberations on Appropriation Bill, 2081 over

Kathmandu: The clause-by-clause discussions under the Appropriation Bill, 2081 have concluded in the House of Representatives (HoR), the lower house of the Federal Parliament. Deliberations on various ministries, offices and entities under the Appropriation Bill had been started in the lower house from June 11. Prime Minister and the Ministers of the related ministries had responded to the questions raised by lawmakers during the deliberations on the topics related to apportion for the various ministries in the Appropriation Bill. The government had presented the Estimates of Income and Expenditure (Budget) for the Fiscal Year 2024/25 in the joint sitting of the Federal Parliament on May 28. Source: National News Agency Nepal

Sunsari claims title in 3rd national boat race

Sunsari has claimed the title in the 3rd National Majhi Boat Race Competition held at Seleghat of Manthali municipality, Ramechhap. Chandra Majhi and Jivan Majhi from Sunsari district secured the first position in the boat race crossing the Sunkoshi River in the shortest time- 3 minutes and 3 seconds. They did it in the single category. Similarly, Kamal Majhi and Kushal Majhi from Okhaldhunga became second in the race by crossing the river in 3 minutes and 12 seconds. Those standing third in the competition were Sunil Majhi and Urbe Majhi from Masantar, Ramechhap. They crossed the river in 3 minutes and 16 seconds. Peshal Majhi and Dille Majhi become the fourth. Similarly, in the double category, Sunsari became first, while Ramechhap the second, Okhaldhunga the third, and Sunsari 'A' the fourth. The first one finished it in 2 minutes and 44 seconds. The winners were provided cash prizes and certificates. Event coordinator Nawaraj Majhi informed that 26 persons participated in the single category and 29 groups in the double. The participants were from five districts, Ramechhap, Sindhuli, Dolakha, Sunsari and Okhaldhunga. The National Sports Council had recognized boat race as a sport, which had encouraged the boat entrepreneurs and sailors here. The competition was inaugurated by Minister of Sports from Bagmati Province, Rama Ale. Source: National News Agency Nepal

Bagmati Province Assembly meeting today

The Bagmati Province Assembly is scheduled to meet at 11:00am today. The meeting is conducting a deliberation on financial and economic bills (except tax), said Krishna Hari Khadka, Secretary at Province Assembly secretariat. Earlier on Friday, the Province Assembly meeting had dwelt on the budget the government brought for the coming fiscal year, 2024/25. Speaker Bhuwan Kumar Pathak called the meeting for today. Source: National News Agency Nepal

Global call for safe, responsible AI to ensure information integrity

Kathmandu: Technology is an indispensable part of information ecosystem. The surge of artificial intelligence (AI) in recent time is undoubtedly in the front to this regard. The emergence, spurt and immersion of AI in the information ecosystem have brought a host of challenges and opportunities together. The capacity for its wise use is therefore a global urgency. The information pollution fueled by the AI is nagging the researchers, media persons, academia, and CSOs alike quite a while, as the information consumers are at the receiving end with their ability slow off the mark to negotiate the troubled atmosphere. The digital age further triggered by the AI has disrupted the traditional methods of production, gate-keeping, dissemination and consumption of information, thereby blurring the line between a piece of information and news. It has resulted into a clarion call for information integrity worldwide. The clean information atmosphere not only builds informed citizenry but also fosters professional journalism, prop up participatory and inclusive policy and decision-making, create atmosphere for human rights and respect to science and truth. When it comes to information ecosystem, the voluminous production to educate the world from the United Nations counts much. In its recent publication, the UN has furnished recommendations to the multi-stakeholders on how they could build information integrity. "United Nations Global Principles For Information Integrity: Recommendations for Multi-stakeholder Action" is the publication released on Monday (June 24), calling the multiple sectors including tech industries, AI entreperenurs, media, states, advertisers to help ensure people traverse information space in a safe way. The report has set five principles for the information integrity. They are- societal trust and resilience; independent, free and pluralistic media; transparency and research; public empowerment; and healthy incentives. The UN document has expected the UN members that they show firm commitm ent to the human rights while fostering these five principles. The urges and recommendations made to different sectors have substantiated the need that building information integrity is a shared responsibility. "The Global Principles build on the ideas proposed in Our Common Agenda and in the United Nations Secretary- General's policy brief 8: information integrity on digital platforms," the document read. It called on the tech companies to integrate safety and privacy from design to delivery; uphold labour standards; develop industry standards; and elevate crisis response. Similarly, private sectors, fact-checking organizations and networks, political actors, news media, advertisers, research and civil society are also given recommendations on their roles to foster information integrity. Risk reduction thru AI transparency It is believed that there is an engagement of government, private and public sector actors at least in one stage of AI system life cycle. "Emerging risks can be mitigated by priori tizing transparency and fairness in the life cycle of AI technologies. A collaborative effort across government, technology companies and academic and research institutions is needed to ensure that AI is designed, developed, deployed and decommissioned safely and responsibly across its life cycle," the UN document underlined. The AI actors are recommended to "ensure safe, secure and trustworthy AI, commission independent, audit, respect intellectual property, display provenance, support literacy, and enable safer feedback". Launching the document on Monday, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres observed, "Science, facts, human rights, public health and climate action are under attack." He insisted on the information integrity for democracy - which, he argues, depends on a shared, fact-based perception of reality. Source: National News Agency Nepal

Nepal Quality Council endorses textile assessment procedures

Kathmandu: The Nepal Quality Council has endorsed the assessment procedures for various types of textiles and the Nepal Quality Standard of safe lead. The 112th meeting of the Council chaired by Minister for Industry, Commerce and Supplies Damodar Bhandari on Monday passed the standard determined by the Nepal Bureau of Standard and Metrology. Spokesperson of the Bureau Prabhat Kumar Singh said with the passage of the quality standard it has become easier for exporting textiles to foreign countries after assessing various types of textiles. Similarly, the meeting has passed the standard for safe lead. The Bureau stated that it will make the export of safe lead to foreign countries. The Technical Committee of the Bureau forwards to the Council for its endorsement after carrying out the technical assessment of the industries and goods. The Bureau's director-general is the member-secretary of the Council. Source: National News Agency Nepal

Nepal reiterates stronger commitment to regional cooperation, multilateralism

Kathmandu: Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs Narayan Kaji Shrestha has reiterated Nepal's stronger commitment to regional cooperation and multilateralism and stressed the need to implement the ACD vision 2030 as well as ACD Blueprint 2021-2030. The DPM and Foreign Affairs Minister made this reiteration in his address to the 19th Ministerial Meeting of the Asia Cooperation Dialogue (ACD) held in Tehran, the Islamic Republic of Iran, on Monday, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated in a press release. On the occasion, he restated Nepal's stronger commitment to regional cooperation and multilateralism and stressed the need to implement the ACD vision 2030 as well as ACD Blueprint 2021-2030 for achieving shared objectives of growth, sustainability and prosperity including SDGs 2030. He further stated that the ACD has evolved as an Asia-wide regional forum for open and consultative dialogues on pressing issues impacting the region and beyond. In addition, DPM Shrestha highlighted challe nges posed by Covid-19, climate change, global economic recession, rising conflicts and geopolitical rivalry. He also underlined the importance of collective vision, unity, solidarity and mutual collaboration for a more integrated, resilient and prosperous Asia. The Ministerial Meeting adopted the documents, namely, Guiding Principles for the Functioning of Asia Cooperation Dialogue Secretariat, and ACD Rules of Procedures which provide a framework of cooperation among ACD Members and an important basis for institutional strengthening of ACD Secretariat. On the sidelines of the ACD Ministerial Meeting, DPM and Foreign Minister Shrestha held bilateral meetings with Dr Ali Bagheri, Acting Foreign Minister of Iran; U Than Swe, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Myanmar; Dr Abdullatif bin Rashid Alzayani, Minister of Foreign affairs of the Kingdom of Bahrain; Mr Abdullah Ali Al-Yahya, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Kuwait; Mr Walid bin Abdul Karim Al Khraiji, Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; Mr Andrei Rudenko, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation; and discussed on various matters of mutual interests including pressing regional and global issues. As a member of the Asia Cooperation Dialogue (ACD) since 2016, Nepal has been engaging with other Asian Member States with a view to promoting various areas of mutual benefits and complementarities. DPM Shrestha also attended an interaction programme organized at the Honorary Consulate General of Nepal in Tehran with Nepali Diasporas in the evening on Monday and committed to providing effective and timely consular services to them through relevant agencies of the Government of Nepal including through Mr Shahram Shantiaee, Honourary Consul General of Nepal in Tehran. Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs left Tehran for Kathmandu in the evening of 24 June 2024. Source: National News Agency Nepal

16th Meeting of Nepal-China Diplomatic Consultation Mechanism begins

Kathmandu: The 16th meeting of Nepal-China Diplomatic Consultation Mechanism is in progress in Kathmandu since10:30 am today. Spokesperson at the Foreign Ministry, Amrit Bahadur Rai, shared that discussion are underway regarding overall areas of Nepal-China bilateral relations and cooperation in the meeting. Similarly, discussion would be held on exchanging cooperation in different sectors including education, health, infrastructure, agriculture, trade, investment, tourism and financial support and connectivity in the meeting. Foreign Secretary Sewa Lamsal on the behalf of Nepal is leading the delegation in the meeting which comprises senior officers of different ministries. Likewise, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China, Sun Weidong, is leading the Chinese delegation. Weidong arrived here on Sunday morning for a three-day official visit to attend the meeting. During his visit, the Vice Minister is scheduled to pay a courtesy call on President Ramchandra Paudel. He paid a c ourtesy call on Prime Minster Pushpa Kamal Dahal 'Prachanda' on Monday. He is scheduled to return home tomorrow. Source: National News Agency Nepal

All territories east of Kali river belong to Nepal: PM Dahal

Kathmandu: Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal 'Prachanda' has clarified that the government is determined that all territories east of Kali (Mahakali) river including Limpiyadhura, Kalapani and Lipu pass belong to Nepal. Responding to queries raised by lawmakers during the discussion on headings of Foreign Ministry under the Appropriation Bill, 2081 in today's meeting of the House of Representatives, Prime Minister Dahal reminded that as per the Nepal-India Sugauli Treaty, 1816, these territories belong to Nepal and a political map incorporating these territories was published. He further said that during the meeting with his Indian counterpart in course of India visit, an understanding was reached to revise and update the existing treaties and agreements including the 1950 India-Nepal Treaty of Peace and Friendship as well as to resolve border-related issues through diplomatic channel. A letter has been sent to the Indian side through diplomatic channel for the seventh meeting of the Border Working Group related to Nepal-India Border as per the commitment made in the seventh meeting of Nepal-India Joint Commission to complete the works in the remaining section of Nepal-India border, explained the PM. The seventh meeting of the commission was held on January 2. Stating that border problems surfaced between Nepal-China are resolved through bilateral talks and consensus, he mentioned that a consensus was forged during the meeting between the two ministers of Nepal and China in course of Nepal visit of State Councilor and Foreign Minister of China, Wang Yi, to forward activities related to Nepal-China Joint Border Monitoring, through mutual consultation. Prime Minister stressed, "I want to make it clear that the Government of Nepal does not have any policy to give permission to Nepali citizens for recruitment in foreign army except some friendly nations according to past agreements." Stating that the Gurkha recruitment in the British Army took place by the 1947's trilateral agreement, he said the government has realized the need to negotiate with the UK government based on a national consensus to make the treaty compatible with time. He apprised the House that the government is in regular touch with the Nepali Embassy in Moscow and the Embassy of Russian Federation in Kathmandu to take updates on Nepali citizens killed in the Russia-Ukraine war and those held captive. "On this matter, I also informed the House about the conversation between the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs and the Russian Federation's foreign affairs minister on the telephone." A task force has been formed to give submissions for systematizing the travel of Nepali in Russia. Similarly, diplomatic talks with the Ukraine government are underway regarding those Nepalis held in captives, he added. He also utilised the rostrum that in the case of one Bipin Joshi from Nepal allegedly disappeared following the attack of Hamas in Israel in October last year, the governments of Israel, mediator Qatar, and Egypt, a close neighbor of both parties, have been urged for the release of Joshi. Both official and unofficial meetings have been utilized to advocate and appeal for the safe release of Joshi, according to him. Nepali missions abroad have been established on the criteria of proximity, the size of the Nepali populace in the respective country, the status of bilateral trade, tourism and economic relations, and political and economic, and strategic importance among others, he said before the House. The Department of Passport continues to make efforts to make the service delivery system prompt and civic-friendly, the Prime Minister said adding that it is required to make the passport service more accessible, systematic, and simpler. "Considering the convenience of Nepali abroad, the passport and consular services are further enriched technically. Arrangements are in place to operate a mobile service camp to collect passport applications and the distribution in those countries when Nepal has no embassies," he said. The go vernment is working to strengthen the Institute of Foreign Affairs (IFA) as an institute for studying, researching, promoting, and publishing matters about foreign affairs, and diplomatic issues along with the management of training for staff from the diplomatic field. Source: National News Agency Nepal