15th Nepal-China DCM meeting concludes, agreement to realize economic opportunities

Kathmandu: The 16th Meeting of the Diplomatic Consultation Mechanism (DCM) between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Nepal and the People's Republic of China reviewed the whole gamut of bilateral relations between Nepal and China and assessed the progress made in the implementation of agreements and Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) signed and the decisions made in the past. At the meeting that was held in Kathmandu today, Foreign Secretary Sewa Lamsal led the Nepali delegation while the Chinese delegation was led by Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of China Sun Weidong. During the Meeting, the two sides expressed firm commitment to further promote cooperation in mutually agreed areas and committed to work in realization of economic opportunities for mutual benefits. Both the Heads of delegation reiterated that strong foundations of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, Panchsheel, mutual trust, goodwill, and understanding remain the guiding features of Nepal-China bilateral relations, accordi ng to a statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs here this evening. On the occasion, Foreign Secretary Lamsal thanked her counterpart for the commitment of the Chinese side to enhancing development cooperation amidst Nepal's LDC graduation in 2026, while Vice Minister Weidong appreciated Nepal's commitment to One-China Principle. Both sides shared views on maintaining the tradition of regular exchange of high-level visits. They discussed the ways and means to further enhance cooperation in the areas of trade, investment, infrastructure development, connectivity, agriculture, among others, including the promotion of Nepal's tourism prospects in China in the context of celebration of the year 2025 as 'Visit Nepal Year in China.' Both sides decided to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the diplomatic relations between Nepal and China with special programmes and activities in 2025. The two sides stressed the need to further activate the existing bilateral mechanisms and establish new ones, including the Joint Commission at the level of Foreign Ministers. The Nepali delegation comprised the Joint Secretary and Head of North East Asia Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Krishna Prasad Dhakal and senior officials from the relevant Ministries and agencies of the Government of Nepal. Likewise, the Chinese delegation consisted of the Ambassador of China to Nepal Chen Song and other senior officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China and the Chinese Embassy in Kathmandu. Earlier on Monday, the Chinese Vice Minister paid a courtesy call on Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal 'Prachanda'. He is scheduled to pay courtesy calls on the President Ramchandra Paudel and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs Narayan Kaji Shrestha tomorrow. Vice Minister Weidong and his delegation arrived in Kathmandu on Monday and will depart for Beijing tomorrow, adds the statement. Source: National News Agency Nepal

T-Aman production target fixed at 3.53 lakh tonnes in Jamalpur

Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE) has fixed a target of T- Aman (Transplanted Aman) cultivation on 1,12,896 hectares of land with a production target of 3,53,108 tones of rice in the district during the current Kharip-2 season. The DAE office sources said the production target is 3177 tonnes more than the previous year. Of the total land, 30,410 hectares of land have been brought under the cultivation in Sadar upazila, 15,300 hectares in Sarishabari, 17,440 hectares in Melandah, 11,366 hectares in Islampur, 9,195 hectares in Dewanganj, 15,920 hectares in Madarganj and 13,265 hectares of land in Bakshiganj upazila. The DAE office said of the total target, high yielding variety (HYV) on 74,146 hectares of land with a production target of 2,13,540 tonnes of rice, high breed variety on 33,800 hectares of land with a production target of 130806 tonnes of rice and local variety on 4,950 hectares of land with a production target of 8762 tonnes of rice. Farmers have already started preparing T-Aman seedbe ds and they prepared seedbeds on 1,040 hectares of land against the target 5,392 hectares till June 25. A total of 10,800 small and marginal farmers in all the seven upazilas of the district got incentive for cultivating T-Aman. Each of the farmers got five kilogram high yielding variety Aman paddy seed, ten kilogram Di-ammonium phosphate (DAP) fertilizer and ten kilogram Muriate of Potash (MOP) fertilizer free of cost for cultivation of one bigha of land. Deputy Director of DAE Zakia Sultana said incentive was distributed among the farmers to increase the food production. Source: Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha

House of Representatives to meet Thursday

Kathmandu: The House of Representatives will meet next on Thursday. Speaker Devraj Ghimire announced that the next meeting of the lower house will be held on June 27. Earlier, the House of Representatives endorsed the Bill designed to amend some Nepal Acts related to facilitating investment, 2081. Minister for Industry, Commerce and Supplies Damodar Bhandari responded to questions raised by the MPs during the discussion on the Bill. Speaker Ghimire presented the proposal seeking consideration on the passage of the bill for a decision. Source: National News Agency Nepal

Govt to accept most beneficial Teesta proposal for people: PM

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina today said her government will receive the most beneficial proposal for the country and its people over implementing the Teesta master plan project. "We have taken Teesta projects. China and India have given separate proposals to implement the project. We must accept the proposal which will be more beneficial for the people of our country," she said. The premier made the remarks while replying to a volley of questions regarding the outcome of her two-day state visit to India on June 21-22 in a press conference at her official Ganabhaban residence here. She said there are many proposals over implementation of the Teesta Project. "But, we must consider how much the project is applicable for my country, how much its return will be helpful for the welfare of the people after its completion alongside the capability to repay the loan," she said. China has completed a physical survey while India wants to do another regarding the implementation of the Teesta project, she said. "We w ill accept the survey which will be more suitable and beneficial for us," she added. The prime minister said India expressed desire to send technical team in this regard, adding that Bangladesh will sit with their technical team. She, however, said Bangladesh has a longstanding issue over Teesta river water sharing with India. "So, it will be easy for Bangladesh if India does the Teesta project. In that case, we won't need to talk about the Teesta water sharing always," she added. Sheikh Hasina said Bangladesh has a longstanding issue with India over water sharing of the 54 common rivers. "If there is problem, there is solution as well," she said. The prime minister said the Ganges water sharing treaty will end by 2026. "If the treaty isn't renewed by the time, it will continue (according to the provision of the treaty)," she said. Replying to another query about a news on Indian State of West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee's objection to Indian government's move over the Teesta and Ganges rive rs water sharing with Bangladesh bypassing her, Sheikh Hasina said she doesn't want to make any comment over the issue as it is solely their internal matter. But, she said she has a good relation with all the political parties in India including Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Mamata Banerjee. About balancing of relations between India and China, the premier said there is nothing to balance as her government is following the foreign policy, "Friendship to all, malice to none" in its fifth term, four in a row. India is very important for Bangladesh as they along with the Freedom Fighters shed blood for the independence of Bangladesh during Liberation War in 1971, she said. She also said meanwhile, there are many things to learn from China about how the country to be developed. "We maintain the relations considering all these aspects," she added. The premier said she never interfered on what relations the two countries have. "I work for the welfare and development of the country and people mainta ining friendly relations with all," she added. She also said she didn't see any problem with maintaining relations with India and China. The premier said she went to New Delhi as she was first invited to visit India to attend the swearing-in ceremony of Narendra Modi and later invited for state visit to India. Now she will visit China as that country also invited her, she added. AL General Secretary and Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader, Presidium Members, Deputy Leader of the House Begum Matia Chowdhury, Sheikh Fazlul Karim Selim and Kazi Zafarullah, Joint General Secretary and Foreign Minister Dr Hasan Mahmud and PM's Private Industry and Investment Adviser Salman Fazlur Rahman, shared the dais with the premier. PM's Press Secretary Md Nayeemul Islam Khan moderated the Press conference. Rail connectivity: Replying to a question about rail transit to India, Sheikh Hasina said everyone should keep in mind that she does not sell Bangladesh as they liberated the country. She said both th e countries are resuming the rail connectivity among them which is beneficial for trade and commerce and socio-economic development for the two nations. The premier said Bangladesh is an independent country and they liberated the country through the Liberation War. Coming down heavily on those who criticise the rail connectivity saying it is an attempt to sell the country, she continued how the country is sold. She said everyone should keep in mind that India was the only allied force in the world which left the country they helped to be liberated, with their arms and ammunition. To this end, she said American troops of allied forces are still in Japan and Russian troops in Germany now. "Even then, some talk about the rail issue that Bangladesh will be sold to India. How do they say this? In fact, those who talk like this are themselves sold to India," she said. They criticise the India publicly and flatter secretly, she added. Refereeing to Europe, the premier said, "Look at Europe where there are no borders. Is one country selling itself to another country there?" She questioned: "Will we keep our doors shut in Bangladesh?" Replying to a query, Sheikh Hasina said she has good friendly relations with every political party and all in India. 'I've good friendly relations with every party in India,' she said. To this end, she said, she met with President of Indian National Congress Sonia Gandhi, her son and daughter and BJP Senior Leader LK Advani during her visit to India on the occasion of swearing ceremony of Narendra Modi. In her second and state visit to India from June 21-22, she said, she met with late President of India Pranab Mukherjee's family. The Premier said she particularly has a good relationship with Sonia Gandhi and their children, and the family members of former Indian President Pranab Mukherjee. 'We've a family tie with Pranab Babu and his children. There is also a family bond between the family of Indira Gandhi and our family, which is above politics and all things,' she said. Th e Prime Minister said the two quick and brief visits to India will enhance the bilateral relations. "The visits will open new doors for the socio-economic development," she added. Source: Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha

All local governments in Jumla unveil annual budget

All eight local governments in Jumla have unveiled their budget for the fiscal year 2081/82 BS. All the local governments here have included programmes such as preservation of indigenous crops, education, health, agriculture, communication, drinking water and job opportunities for the unemployed. Tila Rural Municipality has come up with the budget of Rs 474 million for the upcoming fiscal year. According to Tila RM Vice-Chairperson Gaurikala Budha, the annual policy, programme and budget has been introduced placing emphasis on health, education, agriculture, tourism and infrastructure. Sinja Rural Municipality has presented a budget of Rs 412.1 million for the next fiscal year. Chairperson of Sinja RM Purna Prasad Dhital, said the budget was unveiled being based on the revenue sources, including internal revenue, inter-government revenue sharing and the revenues from the federal and provincial governments. Tatopani RM has brought the annual budget of Rs 494 million. Guthichaur RM has presented the bud get of Rs 411 million. Likewise, Hima RM unveiled the annual budget of Rs 494.1 million, informed its Chairperson Laxman Shahi. Kanakasundari RM introduced the budget of Rs 510.2 million and Patarasi RM brought the annual budget of 444.9 million. The only municipality of the district, Chandannath came up with the budget of Rs 671 million for the next fiscal year, informed Mayor Ram Devi Khadka. Major focus of the budget is on well-managed urbanization, environment protection, disaster risk reduction, solid waste management and drinking water. Likewise, Guthichaur, Patarasi, Kanakasundari ad Tatopani rural municipalities have introduced their budgets laying emphasis on agriculture, communications, health and physical infrastructure development. Tila RM has prioritized delivering public service to the doorsteps of the citizens through integrated mobile service and gradually reducing tax burden. Source: National News Agency Nepal

Getting justice is citizens’ constitutional right: CJ

Chief Justice Obaidul Hassan has said getting justice is the constitutional right of every citizen and judiciary is dynamically working to ensuring the civic right. 'People don't come to the court happily, but being compelled to take shelter of judiciary,' he told newsmen after inaugurating newly constructed 'Naykunja' rest room of the justice-seekers, at Naogaon District and Sessions Judge Court here today. Considering the woes of the justice seekers, the government has decided to construct rest room for them in all 64 districts, he said. Justice seekers would be able take rest in the Naykunja having facilities for lactating mothers for breastfeeding their babies, he added. The chief justice also pointed out the initiatives taken to facilitate the justice seekers getting services on the court premises. Justice Obaidul Hassan hoped that all these steps would help judiciary to expedite its activities towards nation's development. High Court Division Justice Sardar Md Rashed Jahangir, Naogaon Senior Distr ict and Sessions Judge Abu Shamim Azad and Chief Judicial Magistrate Biswanath Mondal were present, among others. The chief justice later planted a Bakul sapling on the court premises. Source: Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha

Custom Duty Bill-2081 BS approved

Kathmandu: The Custom Duty Bill-2081 BS has been approved with two-thirds majority of the House of Representatives (HoR) today. The House approved the Bill after Minister for Finance, Barshaman Pun, responded to the queries posed by the parliamentarians on the Bill during the discussion. Deputy Speaker Indira Rana, who presided the meeting, tabled the proposal for consideration in the meeting. Parliamentarians Sanjay Kumar Gautam, Juli Kumari Mahato (Mahaseth), Prem Suwal, Naagina Yadav, Dr Amresh Kumar Singh, Ganesh Parajuli, Badri Prasad Pandey had participated in the discussion on the Bill. Source: National News Agency Nepal

1st Int’l Open Veteran Athletics to begin on Thursday

The 1st International Open Veteran Athletics Championship will begin on Thursday at Bangabandhu National Stadium (BNS) in the city. Bangladesh Athletics Federation (BAF) vice president and Bangladesh master athlete association president Nur Uddin Chowdhury Noyon, MP will inaugurate the three-day meet as the chief guest. Md. Kamruzzaman, commissioner, Customs Excise and VAT Commissionerate, Jessore, BAF vice president and Dhaka Metropolitan Police's joint commissioner, Mohammad Zayedul Alam and BAF general secretary Advocate Abdur Rakib (Montu) will present there as the special guests. BAF executive member Faruqul Islam will preside over the opening ceremony. Athletes from six countries including host Bangladesh will participate in this large and colorful veteran athletes' event which is going to be held for the first time in Bangladesh. Among them, 232 athletes from thirty three organizations/institutions of Bangladesh and eighty five athletes from other five SAF countries -- sixty athletes from India, f ifteen athletes from Sri Lanka, seven athletes from Nepal, two athletes from Maldives and one athlete from Pakistan -- will take part in the meet, which will be held by the entire cooperation of BAF. The competition will be held in fifteen age groups in two categories with the participation of athlete age of 35 to 70 years. A total of 120 technical officials will be present to conduct this competition. In this regards, a press conference was held at conference room of BNS to provide all the details of the meet. BAF general secretary Abdur Rakib (Montu), its executive member Farhad Jasmine Litty, Ajmal Hossain Azam and member secretary of Veteran Athletics Competition Md. Wohab Khan were, among others, present in the press conference. Source: Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha

International Maithili Film Festival underway

The International Maithili Film Festival has started from today in Janakpurdham. Inaugurating the festival, Chief Minister of Madhes Satish Kumar Singh expressed his belief that the festival will contribute to the development of Maithili language, literature and culture. On the occasion, Senior actor Neer Shah expressed the view that Maithili language international film festival will strengthen unity among diversity as well as strengthen national unity. Speaking at the event, speakers including Janakpurdham sub-metropolitan deputy mayor Kishori Sah, singer Sunil Mallik, campaigner Bibha Jha and others said that Maithili language international film festival will help in the preservation of language, culture and art. Famous artists, writers, singers and directors of Mithilanchal region are participating in the festival. The two-day festival' has been organized for the first time since the implementation of federalism. Apart from screening films and documentaries during the Film Festival the production and business of Maithili cinema in the contemporary scenario will be discussed, according to the organizers. Source: National News Agency Nepal

‘Laws needed for protection of whistleblowers’

Kathmandu: Chief Commissioner of National Information Commission Mahendraman Gurung has said laws were needed for the protection of whistleblowers. At a programme on 'Journalism for Implementation of Right to Information' here today, Gurung shared that four whistleblowers have been facing criminal charges for seeking information and the Commission has been facilitating to ensure justice for them. Presenting a paper on the Role of the Media House in the Implementation of RTI, the Chief Commissioner said the report on irregularity in driving licenses was made public after the Commission's order and the Commission has also ordered the Office of the Auditor General to release the audit reports of the local levels through its website. In his paper, the Chief Commissioner has stated the orders made by the Commission including designating the information officer in district and high courts, making provision for the TU examinees to see their answer sheets, making public the report of the Lal Commission formed to probe about the protests that took place in different times in Tarai-Madhesh and others are some achievements. On the occasion, Gurung shared that 43 individuals have faced action so far for failing to provide information and added that all the government agencies should provide information in an accessible manner. Likewise, Executive Chairperson of RSS Dharmendra Jha said journalists should go to the field for information collection by giving priority for investigative journalism. Presenting his paper on Mass Communications and Journalism in RTI, Jha said news should have diverse news sources and field reporting should be emphasized. Source: National News Agency Nepal

IFC, DANIDA launch Bangladesh climate advisory partnership to drive climate-smart investments

The International Finance Corporation (IFC) and the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA) have entered into a transformative agreement to establish a Bangladesh Climate Advisory Partnership (B-CAP). This initiative aims to boost climate-smart private investment in Bangladesh's key growth sectors, contributing to carbon mitigation and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Climate change poses significant risks to Bangladesh's development, requiring substantial investments in mitigation and adaptation. The IFC-DANIDA partnership, backed by $5.3 million, aims to catalyze $50 million in climate-smart private investments by 2027, with a focus on manufacturing and green finance, a press release said here today. B-CAP's core pillars include accelerating climate-smart investments, enhancing green finance, promoting sustainable practices, and gender inclusiveness. Aligned with IFC's strategic climate an objective, this project aims to accelerate an inclusive transition to low-carbon, resilient growth focused on the people, jobs and sustained industrial progress in Bangladesh. 'By catalyzing climate-smart private investments in Bangladesh, we're tackling climate change while fostering resilient, eco-friendly development,' said Martin Holtmann, IFC Country Manager for Bangladesh, Bhutan and Nepal. 'Teaming up with DANIDA allows us to pool expertise and resources, ensuring our projects uphold the highest environmental and social standards, supporting Bangladesh's development journey." he added. Building on the successful Partnership for Cleaner Textile (PaCT) program, which provided advisory support for a green transition in Bangladesh's textile industry, B-CAP expands this collaboration to broader climate advisory. Christian Brix Møller, Ambassador of Denmark to Bangladesh said, 'This collaboration with IFC is a significant step towards advancing our global climate action goals. By investing in Bangladesh's transition to a green economy, we are reinforcing our commitment to sustainable developm ent and international cooperation. " Source: Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha

If country is strong, rights of all ethnicities and communities will be protected: NC President Deuba

Kathmandu: Nepali Congress (NC) President Sher Bahadur Deuba emphasized unity among one and all, stating that rights of all ethnicities and communities would be safeguarded if the country becomes stronger. Inaugurating the first national convention of the Nepal Federation of Democratic Indigenous Nationalities here today, President Deuba viewed that contributions could be made to the country if all indigenous nationalities stand united. Stating that he had been working for the greater good of the indigenous nationalities, Deuba, also former Prime Minister, recalled the establishment of National Foundation for Development of Indigenous Nationalities during his leadership. Expressing his confidence that there will be support from all quarters in ensuring welfare of all indigenous nationalities and in protecting their languages and cultures, he pledged to take initiatives on behalf of the party to fulfill the demands of the indigenous nationalities. It may be noted that the party's Maha Samiti meeting had d ecided to hold national convention of all sister organizations within June 29. The Federation has become the first sister organization to hold convention within the stipulated time. The Federation has representation of 59 indigenous organizations subscribing to democratic ideologies, said Jagat Baral, General-Secretary of the Federation. Source: National News Agency Nepal