AL’s upcoming challenge is to resist communal evil forces: Quader

Awami League (AL) General Secretary and Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader today said the upcoming challenge of their party is to resist the communal evil forces under the patronization of BNP. 'On the founding anniversary of Awami League, our pledge is to consolidate the independence achieved through bloodshed. Disguised BNP is the main obstacle on the way of moving ahead. They act wrong in the name of Liberation War. Communal forces and militancy are the same enemies to us,' he said. Quader said this to reporters after placing a wreath at the portrait of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in front of Bangabandhu Bhaban in city's Dhanmondi-32. The AL general secretary said the communal forces are being united under the leadership of BNP. 'We should defeat the evil forces and this is our today's pledge. We will consolidate our victory. We will build a 'Smart Bangladesh' under the leadership of Bangabandhu's daughter Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina,' he added. He said Awam i League was formed to realize the dream of building an independent and sovereign Bangladesh. Awami League is the traditional, biggest and oldest political party in the country, he said. The minister said Awami League, the traditional and oldest political party, came into being on June 23 in 1949 and it became a popular political party among the mass people in this part of the world through the immense sacrifices and utmost dedication of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Quader said the country achieved independence under the leadership of the oldest and biggest political party, Awami League, which is also the pioneer of democratic and non-communal spirit of the country. He said Awami League became leaderless after the assassination of Bangabandhu and most of his family members on August 15, 1975. Bangabandhu's daughter Sheikh Hasina took the helm of Awami League after returning to the country in 1981. She again united the party. She has been leading the party for three decades, Quader said adding, demo cracy was unchained under the leadership of Bangabandhu's daughter Sheikh Hasina. He said trials of war criminals and Bangabandhu's killers were held under the leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. The AL general secretary said Bangladesh is now a role model before the world. The country has constructed 'Padma Bridge' with own fund. 'The bridge is the symbol our ability,' he added. Source: Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha

State urged to acknowledge CSOs’ contribution to good governance, human rights

Kathmandu: Civil Society Organisations have called on the State to acknowledge their contribution to good governance, development, anti-corruption endeavours, and efforts at safeguarding human rights. They have urged the government to accept the 'fact' that the presence of civil societies is vital in a democratic system as they are interconnected. "CSOs have consistently supported the State: be it in every democratic movement or during disasters like the 2015 devastating earthquake or COVID-19," said legal expert Prof Dr Bipin Adhikari. He was speaking at a dialogue on Gender Equality, Disability, and Social inclusion: Enhancing Coordination between Constitutional Commissions and CSOs. Co-organised by the NGO Federation of Nepal and the Association of International NGOs with funding from the European Union, the event emphasized the need for a robust and collaborative relationship between CSOs and Constitutional Commissions. Adhikari called for the full implementation of Article 42 (1) of the constitution, which promotes inclusive participation, and for making related laws to create an enabling environment for CSOs while acknowledging the role of civil society in making Constitutional Commissions accountable and transparent. He stressed the need to empower CSOs with resources. Speaking at the event, the Chairperson of the National Women Commission, Kamala Kumari Parajuli said that civil societies function as a wake-up call for Constitutional Commissions. "Cooperation of CSOs is needed to increase work efficiency of the NWC," she said. Acting chair of the National Human Rights Commission Dr Surya Prasad Sharma Dhungel, who attended the event as a Chief Guest, stressed the need for stronger coordination between CSOs and constitutional commissions. He also took time to rue the lax implementation of the Commission's recommendation by the government, saying only 15 percent recommendations were implemented. Shivahari Bhandari, European Union's representative, highlighted the coexistence and importance of civil so cieties and constitutional commissions in advancing to improving the society. According to information shared on the occasion, a global research agency has rated Nepal's civic space as 'obstructed'. According to the CIVICUS Monitor report launched globally in 2023, Nepal scored 46 of 100 points qualifying for being in the obstructed (41-60) category. The report states that Nepal witnessed a number of attacks against press freedom and police crackdown against peaceful protests. Nepal's rank in terms of civic space freedom, however, remains better than all other South Asian countries except Bhutan, which scored 59. Among other South Asian countries, only Sri Lanka (41) has reached the oppressed category whereas India (31), Pakistan (30) and Bangladesh (27) are placed in the restricted category. NGO Federation's project team leader and Director Hum Bhandari said the primary object of the programme is to discuss gender policies, provisions and practices of the constitutional commissions and to enhance gender equality and inclusion through better coordination with CSOs. Source: National News Agency RSS

AL’s founding anniversary observed in Meherpur

The 75th founding anniversary of Bangladesh Awami League was observed in the town today. To mark the day Minister for Public Administration Farhad Hossain hoisted national and party flags in the premises of his residence in Meherpur town this morning. AL leaders and activists placed floral wreaths at the portrait of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman placed there. District unit General Secretary M A Khalek, joint secretary Ibrahim Shahin, AL leader Iqbal Hossain Bulbul, Public Prosecutor Pallab Bhuttacharya, Sadar Upazila Parishad Chairman Anarul Islam, Mujibnagar upazila Parishad Chairman Amam Hossian Milu and Buripota Union Parishad Chairman Shah Jaman were present, among others. Bangladesh Awami League that drew six points in 1966 was born on June 23 in 1949. Source: Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha

Tarakeshwor municipality to ensure monetary incentive to third-gender people

Kathmandu: The Tarakeshwor municipality in Kathmandu has decided to provide a monthly incentive of Rs 5,000 per capita to persons belonging to the third-gender community. The provision will be coming into effect from the upcoming fiscal year. Municipality mayor Krishna Hari Maharjan said the people who are legally recognized as the third-gender shall get the monthly allowance as envisaged in the Constitution. He shared about the further plans of the local government to implement programmes aiming to build a violence-free society by combating all sorts of violence including gender-based, domestic and women-violence. A participatory approach will be prompted in the implementation of such programmes, it is said. Source: National News Agency RSS

15 lakh people stranded, flood in Sylhet, Sunamganj improves

Although flood situation in Sylhet and Sunamganj is improving in a slow pace, over 15 lakh people have been stranded in the two northwestern districts in Bangladesh. Residents and officials of local administrations told BSS that overall flood situation is in improving trend in both Sylhet and Sunamganj region as no significant rainfall was recorded in the past couple of days. Echoing the observation made by officials concerned and local people, flood Forecasting and Warning Centre (FFWC) predicted that overall improvement of the flood situation in various low-lying areas of the North-eastern part of the country may continue in the next 72 hours. According to the local administration, 15,45,114 people have been marooned in Sylhet and Sunamganj districts as this year's second spell of flood submerged vast swaths of the two district creating huge suffering of the people. Among the total people, who are marooned by flood water, 6.92 lakh people are in Sunamganj and 8.52 lakh people are in Sylhet, t hey added. Officials of Sylhet district administration said the first spell of flood affected thousands of people in 13 upazilas and municipalities of Sylhet district in late May and the flash flood prolonged in the first week of the current month, leaving a large number of people marooned. The authorities have set up 6,392 shelter centres after the second round of flood hit Sylhet and Sunamganj districts. As flood water started receding, people are going to home from shelter centres. The Sunamganj district administration sources said flood water submerged 11 upazilas and Sunamgaj municipality. Mayor of Sylhet City Corporation Anwaruzzaman Choudhury said, "Volunteer teams of city corporation are working to extend assistances for flood-hit people. We have arranged adequate amount of food at shelter centres." A devastating flood, triggered by heavy rainfall and onrush water from hilly regions, have affected 20 lakh people in Sylhet and Sunamganj districts, according to a statement of UNICEF issue d on June 23. The statement, signed by Sheldon Yett, UNICEF Representative to Bangladesh, read among 20 lakh flood affected people in two northeastern regions - Sylhet and Sunamganj - 7.72 lakh are children. The UNICEF called for emergency assistances for flood-hit children as they (children) are the venerable segment of the population in case of any natural disaster. Sheldon Yett said, "When flood waters are in rising trend, unsecured condition has been created for children. They face different problems including drowning, malnutrition and various water-borne diseases." The UNICEF in cooperation with Bangladesh government and other organization working at field level have distributed safe drinking water among one lakh flood-hit people in Sylhet and Sunamganj to reduce their suffering. Water levels at 55 river stations monitored by Flood Forecasting and Warning Centre (FFWC) have marked rise while 54 stations recorded fall. Among the 110 monitored river stations, water levels at six river stati ons are flowing above the danger level, a bulletin issued by the FFWC said here today. The Surma river is flowing at 23cm above danger level at Kanaighat station while the Kushiyara at Amalsad, at Sherpur-Sylhet and at Markuli, the Old Surma at Derai and the Someshwari at Kalmakanda are flowing at 23cm, 39cm, 07cm, 33cm, 15cm and 29cm respectively. The Brahmaputra-Jamuna river is in falling trend, which may continue in next 24 hours, the FFWC bulletin said, adding the Ganges-Padma rivers are in rising trend, which may continue in next 72 hours. The major rivers in the North-eastern region of the country except Kushiyara river are in falling trend which may continue in the next 24 hours. Overall improvement of the flood situation in various low-lying areas of the North-eastern part of the country may continue in the next 72 hours. According to the information from meteorological organizations, medium to heavy rainfall in next 24 to 48 hours is expected in the Northern and adjoining upstream par ts of the country. As a result, the water level of Teesta river in that region may rise in the next 48 hours. Source: Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha

Bagmati Province Assembly meeting on Tuesday

The meeting of the Bagmati Province Assembly will be held at 11.00 am on June 25, Tuesday. The Province Assembly session scheduled for Tuesday will discuss the Finance Bill 2081/82 and the Revenue (Except Tax) Bill related to the Finance Bill, Manoj Kumar Gupta, the spokesperson of the Province Assembly Secretariat, told RSS. Similarly, Gupta said in the Province Assembly meeting scheduled for June 23, the ministers concerned will respond to the queries raised during the deliberations on various provincial ministries and there is also the agenda of the Assembly passing the allocated budget. Before this, the Assembly meeting convened on June 21 held discussion on the budget for the Province. Source: National News Agency RSS

Build well-organised party, win people’s trust to confront any conspiracy: PM

Prime Minister and Awami League (AL) President Sheikh Hasina today asked her partymen to work for a well- organised party and achieve people's confidence and trust so that no attack or conspiracy can destroy the party as it is like a phoenix bird which rises from the ashes of the burnt. No attack or conspiracy can ruin the Awami League if the party is strengthened and it gets the full support of the masses, she said. She made the remarks while presiding over a mammoth public rally held at the historic Suhrawardi Udyan in the capital marking the 75th founding anniversary of the AL. The Prime Minister reminded her partymen that attempts were made time and again to destroy the AL. "Despite repeated attacks to destroy the Awami League, none can harm the party as it is the organisation of mass people," she said. Referring to the attempt to ruin the AL in 2007 by forming the king's party, she said: "They failed in doing such acts as the grassroots people and dedicated leaders and activists are the main s trength of the Awami League." AL is like a phoenix bird which rises from the ashes of the burnt, the premier added. Sheikh Hasina reminded all that the AL is the party to establish rights of the people and carry out socio-economic advancement of the country. She said all the achievements of the nation, including the country's independence and current socio-economic development, have been earned under the leadership of the Awami League. "So, no attacks could harm the Awami League," she added. The AL President recalled the contribution of its numerous leaders and activists to take the party to such a strong position after going through inhuman torture. "Yet, they remained in the Awami League and got organised to make it stronger," she said. She asked her party men to realise that the party is the main component of their power. The AL chief said several senior leaders deserted her party thinking them bigger than the party. But, they had forgotten that star glitter in the sky with the light of the sun, she said. The AL leaders who left the party are now almost lost or completely lost as they used to glitter with the light of the party, she said. She continued they have taken back some of them in the party as they realized their mistakes while some of them have been engaging in plot to thwart the AL from the power. The Prime Minister said the party elected her as its president through the 1981 council. "After being elected as the president of the Awami League, I returned to the country by depriving my children of mother's love and affection mainly to implement the dream of my father to give the countrymen a beautiful and developed life by changing their fate," she said. Since then, she said, she has been tirelessly working to accomplish the dream of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Briefly describing various measures taken by her government to ensure education, health, accommodation, food, clothing and electricity for all, she said," Bangladesh has made the tremendous develop ment due to the steps taken by the Awami League. Bangladesh has been recognized as the role model on the global stage for the development and its citizens are now roaming across the globe keeping heads high, she said. The Prime Minister said Bangladesh got recognition of a developing nation in 2021 when the country was celebrating the birth centenary of the Father of the Nation and Golden Jubilee of the country's independence. The formal journey of Bangladesh as a developing country will start in 2026, she said. "We have to march ahead keeping the continuation of the country's development," she said. Sheikh Hasina said her government is now working to transform the country into a developed, prosperous and Smart Bangladesh free from hunger and poverty by 2041. "On this day of celebrating the Platinum Jubilee of Awami League, we pledge that Bangladesh will march ahead keeping its head high by turning it into a smart country by making its population, economy and society smart by 2041," she said. The Prime Minister said the people voted her party to power time and again as they have achieved the confidence and trust of the masses through their work for the betterment of the country and its people. The Prime Minister said that the AL considers the people's trust and confidence as the main driving force to stay in power while the BNP believed in the power of money and arms to hang on to power. So, the BNP tried to stay in power by giving money and arms to the meritorious students, she said. They (BNP) could not change the fate of the people rather earned some quick bucks, indulged in corruption, money laundering and militancy, she said. As the Prime Minister reached the rally venue at 3:37 in the afternoon, she was received by the senior party leaders and welcomed through various slogans. At the outset of the rally, the AL President along with her party's General Secretary hoisted the national flag and party flag and formally opened the programme by releasing pigeons and balloons. The Prime Minister later w itnessed a colourful cultural programme. The theme song marking the AL's platinum jubilee was also sung by a group of artistes. Leaders and activists of the AL and its front and associate bodies in colourful attires s and caps converged in small processions in the rally venue since the morning, carrying placards, posters and chanting party slogans. They also carried national and party flags, placards of various development schemes that include the Padma Bridge, Metrorail and Bangabandhu Tunnel. As the day progressed, the number of activists increased and the rally venue turned into a human sea. The Suhrawardi Udyan and its surrounding areas were full to the brim with hundreds of thousands of the party activists and people from all strata to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee of one of the oldest and largest political parties in the sub-continent. AL General Secretary and Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader, MP, spoke at the rally while AL Publicity and Publication Secretary Dr Abdus Sobhan Go lap moderated it. Leaders of different political parties including Jatiya Party Chairman and Leader of the Opposition GM Quader, President of Workers' Party of Bangladesh Rashed Khan Menon and Jatiya Samajtantrik Dal (JaSoD-Inu) President Hasanul Haq Inu, were present. Diplomats of various countries working in Bangladesh were also present. Bangladesh Awami League was formed on this day (June 23) in 1949 at "Rose Garden" on K M Das Lane in Dhaka. The party later transformed into the biggest political party in the country to lead struggles for freedom, the War of Liberation and all democratic movements. Earlier in the morning, Sheikh Hasina paid glowing tributes to Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman by placing separate wreaths at Bangabandhu's portrait at the Bangabandhu Memorial Museum at Dhanmondi-32 as Prime Minister and President of the party marking the Platinum Jubilee of the Awami League. Source: Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha

HoR session: Sharma calls for apprehending Rai over cooperative fraud case

Kathmandu: Nepali Congress (NC) lawmaker Bishwa Prakash Sharma has demanded the government arrest GB Rai alleged over the cooperative fraud. He expressed his concern over no progress regarding the apprehension of the accused. Once the meeting convened today, he demanded prompt action to arrest Rai. He cited that Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Home Affairs, Rabi Lamichhane, has already informed about the tracking of the location of Rai. The lawmaker also expressed his concern over the transfer of police officials involved in the investigation into the Suryadarshan Cooperative scam. Mahesh Bartaula, the Chief Whip of CPN (UML), expressed his concern over the death of one Suk Bahadur Titung in a police firing along the buffer zone of Parsa Wildlife Reserve for 'no reason'. He insisted on an impartial investigation into the killing and proper compensation to the victim, bringing those responsible under the purview of law. He advised the government to be watchful so that such incidents will not recur i n the future. The lawmaker drew the government's attention to the lack of development endeavors along the buffer zone and increasing cases of human-wildlife conflict there. Pradip Paudel urged the government to address the concerns of Federal Parliament staff, drawing its attention to the need to address the voices of citizens agitating for a long demanding the conservation of Chure Region. He proposed the idea of promoting an afforestation campaign nationwide to conserve the region. Rishikesh Pokhrel urged the government to listen to the demands of health insurance registration assistants while Roshan Karki demanded the government address the demands of Federal Parliament staff. Source: National News Agency RSS

Water levels in 55 rivers rise, 54 fall: FFWC

Water levels at 55 river stations monitored by Flood Forecasting and Warning Centre (FFWC) have marked rise while 54 stations recorded fall. Among the 110 monitored river stations, water levels at six river stations are flowing above the danger level, a bulletin issued by the FFWC said here today. The Surma river is flowing at 23cm above danger level at Kanaighat station while the Kushiyara at Amalsad, at Sherpur-Sylhet and at Markuli, the Old Surma at Derai and the Someshwari at Kalmakanda are flowing 23cm, 39cm, 07cm, 33cm, 15cm and 29cm are flowing respectively. The Brahmaputra-Jamuna river is in falling trend, which may continue in next 24 hours, the FFWC bulletin said, adding the Ganges-Padma rivers are in rising trend, which may continue in next 72 hours. The major rivers in the North-eastern region of the country except Kushiyara river are in falling trend which may continue in the next 24 hours. Overall improvement of the flood situation in various low-lying areas of the North-eastern part of the country may continue in the next 72 hours. According to the information from meteorological organizations, medium to heavy rainfall in next 24 to 48 hours is expected in the Northern and adjoining upstream parts of the country. As a result, the water level of Teesta river in that region may rise in the next 48 hours. Significant rainfall was recorded at some stations in different districts of Bangladesh during the last 24 hours ending at 9 am today. A total of 96 mm rainfalls were recorded in Tangail and 56mm at Gaibandha. During the past 24 hours, significant rainfalls (mm) were recorded in some states like Assam and West Bengal of India, the bulletin added. Source: Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha

National Assembly meeting begins

Kathmandu: The meeting of the National Assembly (NA) has begun. At the special hour in the meeting of the upper house of the Federal Parliament, MPs have been raising various issues of public interest. In the meeting, Minister for Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation Shakti Bahadur Basnet is scheduled to submit the 'Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Bill, 2081 BS'. Source: National News Agency RSS

Law doesn’t allow sending Khaleda Zia abroad: Anisul

Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs Minister Anisul Huq today said the law, under which BNP Chairperson Begum Khaleda Zia has been released after suspending her jail term, does not permit sending her abroad for treatment. "As far as I know, process is going on to place a pacemaker on her (Khaleda Zia) heart, but I don't know anything about her kidney. I have not received any new words from them (BNP or Khaleda's family) for allowing her to go abroad, so I would not give any statement in this regard," he said. The minister said these while talking to newsmen after addressing as the chief guest at the inaugural ceremony of the 152nd Refresher Course for the Senior Assistant Judges or equivalent judicial officers at Judicial Administration Training Institute (JATI). Presided over by JATI Director General Justice Hasan Foez Siddique, the ceremony was also addressed by Law and Justice Division Secretary Md Golam Sarwar, among others. The law minister further said as Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina was conside ring the (Khaleda Zia's treatment) matter from humanitarian ground, the BNP chief's sentence was suspended and she was released from jail on March 25, 2020, and she is being able to receive treatment at hospital of her choice till today. Anisul Huq meanwhile bins the need of formulating any new law for government officials to submit their wealth statement, saying they generally file such statement on regular interval. Source: Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha

HoR meeting begins

Kathmandu: Today's meeting of the House of Representatives (HoR) has started. In the meeting, the bill with the message received from the National Assembly regarding the 'Secure Transactions (First Amendment) Bill, 2080, which was originated in the National Assembly, will be tabled. Similarly, the Parliament Secretariat has informed that there is an agenda for the ministers of relevant ministries to answer the questions raised during the discussion on the Appropriation Bill. Under the Appropriation Bill, 2081, there is also an agenda that will be presented for decision on the expenditure reduction proposals for various ministries and agencies. Likewise, Finance Minister Barsha Man Pun is scheduled to present a proposal seeking a passage for the Appropriation Bill, 2081 in the meeting. Likewise, Finance Minister Pun will present a proposal on Finance Bill, 2081, the Bill to Raise National Debt, 2081 and Customs Tariff Bill, 2081 BS for the consideration in the meeting. Source: National News Agency RSS