Kathmandu likely to reach 33 degrees Celsius today

Kathmandu: The weather of the country currently is partly to mostly cloudy in hilly areas including Koshi and Sudurpaschim Province, and mostly clear in the rest of the country. This is due to the partial effect of local winds, westerly winds as well as the low pressure system around Bihar in India, according to the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology. Later this afternoon, the weather will be partly to mostly cloudy in the hilly parts of the country including Koshi region and mostly clear in the rest of the country. There is a possibility of light rain with thunder and lightning in some places of Koshi region. Tonight, the weather will remain partly to mostly cloudy in Koshi, Madhes, Bagmati and Gandaki provinces and clear in the remaining parts of country. There is a possibility of light to moderate rain with thunder and lightning at some places in Koshi, Madhes, Bagmati and Gandaki provinces and one or two places in the hilly regions of Lumbini. In the next 24 hours, there is a possibility of light to moderate rain with thunder and lightning in some places of Koshi, Madhes, Bagmati and Gandaki provinces and one or two places in the hilly parts of Lumbini province. Meanwhile, the temperature in Kathmandu Valley continues to rise with the temperature today expected to be between 31 and 33 degrees Celsius at the maximum. On Tuesday, the temperature was 28.5 degrees Celsius and increased to 33.3 degrees Celsius on Wednesday. Source: National News Agency Nepal

France, UNDP sign 1.2m funding deal to strengthen climate resilience in Bangladesh

The Agence Française de Développement (AFD)and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) today signed an agreement at the Finance Division, Ministry of Finance in Dhaka to launch Phase 2 of the Inclusive Budgeting and Financing for Climate Resilience (IBFCR) Project. This 1.2 million grant will support the 300 million AfD Climate Policy-Based Loan Program in Bangladesh, a UNDP press release said. Stefan Liller, Resident Representative of UNDP Bangladesh and Cecilia Cortese, Deputy Country Director, AFD signed the deal on behalf of their respective organizations, in the presence of Marie Masdupuy, Ambassador, Embassy of Republic of France; Dr. Md Khairuzzaman Mozumder, Secretary, Finance Division; Sirajun Noor Chowdhury, Additional Secretary, and other senior government officials. Initiated by the Ministry of Finance of Bangladesh, this technical cooperation aims to achieve strategic climate change-sensitive planning and budgeting management, strengthened climate public finance governance, and more ef fective planning and budgeting for climate finance at the local level. UNDP's previous work with the Ministry of Finance on the Climate Fiscal Framework (CFF) and the first phase of IBFCR project has established a foundation for climate-sensitive public finance. The second phase will deepen climate integration into policymaking and financial management, supporting Bangladesh's efforts against climate change and promoting resilient, low-carbon development in line with national plan. The Ambassador of France to Bangladesh, Marie Masdupuy affirms: "Bangladesh has demonstrated impressive performance in accelerating economic growth and poverty reduction over the last decade despite being one of the most climate vulnerable countries of the world. This remarkable development faces jeopardy due to the widespread repercussions of climate change, which are affecting every sector of the economy. It is also crucial to consider the human dimension of climate change as it has been shown that women, girls and other socio -economically marginalized groups are more severely impacted. In this context, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) experience and knowledge in working with the Ministry of Finance of Bangladesh will be instrumental in strengthening inclusive climate-related public planning, budgeting, and monitoring at both the national and local levels. This Grant Funding agreement illustrates France's steadfast commitment to support Bangladesh in its effort to fight against climate change while achieving a resilient and low-carbon development pathways." Stefan Liller said, "Climate-informed public finance has become a priority for Bangladesh. The country has made remarkable progress by mainstreaming climate into the Public Finance Management process. The national budget plays a critical role in channeling climate finance at different levels. This pioneering partnership with AfD marks the first of its kind. UNDP will work closely with the Finance Division, Ministry of Finance to ensure that climate change dimensi ons are more effectively mainstreamed in the policymaking and public financial management systems in Bangladesh for a more climate-resilient economy. We are excited to be part of this initiative and deeply appreciate France's enduring support also as one of UNDPs top core donors globally." Dr. Md Khairuzzaman Mozumder, Secretary, Finance Division, Ministry of Finance stated that both UNDP and AFD play a critical role in addressing Bangladesh's development. UNDP has been a long-standing partner of the Government of Bangladesh in Mainstreaming climate into national policies, plans and budgetary processes. I am hopeful that the IBFCR II project will add new dimensions to public climate finance in Bangladesh. As the main implementation partner of this project, Finance Division will be providing strategic guidance in respect of delivering intended outputs while enforcing coordination among the relevant agencies. Source: Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha

PM seeks Finland’s assistance to continue GSP+ facilities

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina today sought assistance from Finland to continue GSP+ advantages from the European Union (EU) for few more years to smoothen Bangladesh's journey towards prosperity after its graduation to a developing country from LDC. The premier sought the assistance as Non-resident Ambassador-designate of Finland to Bangladesh Kimmo Lahdevirta called on her at her official Ganabhaban residence here this morning, PM's Speech Writer M Nazrul Islam said in media briefing after the meeting. The Bangladesh premier said her country is going to graduate as a developing nation from 2026. She also recalled her visits to Finland and meetings with its President in 2008 and 2019. She highly appreciated the excellent bilateral relations between Bangladesh and Finland. About Rohingya issue, Sheikh Hasina said the forcibly displaced Rohingyas have become a huge burden for Bangladesh. But, the financial assistance from the international community is decreasing day by day in the wake of the Russia-Ukrain e war, genocide in Gaza and Covid-19 pandemic, she said. On the contrary, the number of Rohingyas are increasing with the born of new babies in large number, she added. The Finland envoy also expressed his country's keenness to invest in energy and information technology (IT) sectors in Bangladesh particularly in cyber security, artificial intelligence and electric grid management. He said his country is highly expertise in electric grid management and wanted to invest in this sector. He also said that a business delegation from his country is coming to Dhaka soon to explore investment opportunities in Bangladesh. As the Finland envoy wanted to know Bangladesh's stance about India election, the prime minister said her government is maintaining "good neighborhood" relations following the foreign policy, "Friendship to all, malice to none" adopted by Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. PM's Ambassador-at-Large M Ziauddin and Principal Secretary M Tofazzel Hossain Miah, among others, we re present. Source: Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha

China offers full-bright scholarship for Bangladeshi students

China has offered full-bright scholarship opportunities for Bangladeshi students at 10 Chinese universities enlisted in the world's top 100 universities. Chairman of Malisha Edu Engineer Korban Ali and its managing director Dr. Maruf Mollah announced it at Chinese Education expro on the premises of city's Demra Dr. Mahbubur Rahman Mollah College today. Built and Road Chinese Center and Malisha Edu organized the program. A total of 10 Universities of China attended the programme. Before that, students of the college attended the examination among them 10 students will get free study their fever University. The meritorious students of Bangladeshi will get opportunity of study in the Chinese University. Source: Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha

TOAB honors 20 individuals, organizations with int’l tourism award

The Tour Operators Association of Bangladesh (TOAB), country's apex body of travel agencies, has handed over TOAB International Tourism Award (TITA) to 20 individuals and organizations for their outstanding contributions to promotion and growth of Bangladesh's tourism industry. The award distribution ceremony was held at the Hotel Sheraton here on Wednesday evening as it featured distinguished guests, industry leaders, and key stakeholders from abroad. Civil Aviation and Tourism Minister Muhammad Faruk Khan joined the ceremony as the chief guest and distributed the awards. In his speech, Khan said this type of recognition increases the speed of work, and awarding is important for those involved in the tourism industry to appreciate their work. He said the TITA award will motivate tourism operators and service providers to continue their excellent work. Nepal Ambassador to Bangladesh Ghanshyam Bhandari was the guest of honour while Singapore High Commission Charge d'affaires in Dhaka Sheela Pillai, FBCCI President Mahbub Alam, Civil Aviation and Tourism Secretary Md. Mokammel Hossain, Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation Chairman AKM Aftab Hossain Pramanik, among others, was also present with TOAB President Shiblul Azam Qureshi in the chair. Source: Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha

‘Shikkhok Batayon’ of a2i wins UN WSIS award

The 'Shikkhok Batayon' platform of the a2i has won the prestigious United Nations (UN) World Summit on Information Society (WSIS) Award 2024 under the capacity building category for its outstanding contribution in enhancing professional skills of teachers. ITU Director (telecommunication Bureau) Dr Cosmas Zavazava today handed over the award to State Minister for Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology Zunaid Ahmed Palak and a2i Joint Project Director Mollah Mizanur Rahman at a grand ceremony at the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, said a press release here today. Besides, Bangladesh Computer Council's 'Secure Video Conferencing System (Baithak)' became winner under the Building Confidence and Security in Use of ICTs category while UNICEF Bangladesh's 'Oky, the Period Tracker App for Girls by Girls' became champion under the e-Health category. Launched in 2013, the 'Shikkhok Batayon' platform (https://www.teachers.gov.bd/) has played an important role in continuing the academic activities in a blended format during the Coronavirus pandemic. It is now delivering quality education materials to educational institutions in villages through the use of information technology. Source: Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha

Two factories fined for selling adulterated food in Chapainawabganj

Two factories were fined Tk. 2, 00,000 for preparing, storing and selling adulterated foods in Shibganj upazila of the district. A mobile court led by Upazila Nirbahi Officer (UNO) in assistance with a joint force conducted a drive at Messers Tipu Ice-cream Factory and Messers Raja Enterprise and fined the factories Tk. 1 lakh each yesterday. RAB members familiar with the drive said the operation was held from 10:45 am to 3 pm as the adulterated foods were destroyed. Source: Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha

Japan ready to provide support for Remal affected: Fumio to PM

Japanese prime minister Kishida Fumio has said his government will spare no effort to provide the necessary support for the swift recovery of the affected areas hit by the Cyclone Remal in Bangladesh. "I would like to reiterate that Japan will always stands by Bangladesh as it emerges from this difficult time," he said in condolence message to Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina regarding the damages caused by the cyclone. Fumio said he is deeply saddened to learn that the cyclone that hit Bangladesh has resulted in the loss of many precious lives and the displacement of many people especially in the southern coastal areas. "On behalf of the Government of Japan, I pray for the souls of the victims and extend my deepest condolences to the bereaved families," he said. The Japanese premier also expressed his deepest sympathy to those affected by the disaster and his sincere wishes for the swift recovery of the affected areas. In a separate message to foreign minister Dr Hasan Mahmud, his Japanese counter part Kamikawa Yoko said Japan stands by the Bangladesh people and the government at all times and is ready to provide the Government of Bangladesh with the necessary assistance. I am deeply saddened to learn that the cyclone that hit Bangladesh has resulted in the loss of many precious lives and the displacement of many people, especially in its southern coastal areas," said the Japanese foreign minister. She extended her sincere condolences to the victims and their bereaved families as well as expressed sincere wishes for the recovery of the affected people and the swift reconstruction of the affected areas. Source: Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha

‘Self-help’ initiatives become boon for women empowerment in Khulna

Self-help' initiatives appear to be godsend for women empowerment in Bangladesh's coastal region Khulna as a lot of marginalised women changed their fate through various income generating activities in this disaster-prone area. Rima Dey witnessed success and became self-reliant by rearing duck. She has a duck farm at Garkhali Satyapir village in Tildanga union under Dacope upazila of Khulna. But natural calamities like cyclones and floods wreak havoc on her duck farm almost every year, compelling her to lose capital. Rima's day labourer husband Pranab said their house is affected every year due to the erosion of the Shibsha River. Despite this adverse situation, Rima has become successful in cooperation with the government, he added. Expressing her satisfaction, Rima said, "We are affected every year due to natural calamities. Saline water enters our agricultural land and duck farm. Every year, many ducks of my farm die due to intrusion of saline water. Many times, we lose capital. But we don't give up hop e and become successful. We are financially solvent now. We are maintaining our family happily". Many women in Dacope upazila are cultivating paddy under a 'joint cultivation system'. Most of them got success in paddy cultivation and became self-reliant. Rahela Akter is one of the joint paddy farmers. She said at the beginning, she didn't think that the joint paddy cultivation system would change her financial condition. But her thinking seems to be wrong as she found Honufa earning a handsome amount of money by cultivating paddy jointly within three years, she said, "I and my husband along with two children work in our paddy field. Joint paddy farming is an excellent system as some of the women work jointly and earn together. Not only me, all of my stakeholders earn enough to maintain a decent livelihood thanks to the Department of Agricultural Extension," Rahela said. Another paddy farmer Chitrali Das said she cultivates paddy under joint management and earns enough to run her family as her husband Rak hal Das also helps her in work. Flood and cyclone often affect their paddy but different government assistance after the disaster helped her to recover the loss, she added. Chitrali Das claimed that paddy farming has changed the fate of hundreds of women in the upazila. Sunflower cultivation has become popular among the women farmers in Dacope upazila. Many women are choosing sunflower cultivation as it is very profitable. Moli Begum of Garkhali Satyapir village cultivates sunflowers and established herself as a successful farmer. The widow runs her four-member family by cultivating sunflowers. Moli said, "I have lost my husband 11 years ago. My three children are still students. They also help me cultivate sunflowers. I have no allegation about life as I have been maintaining a happy life without seeking help from anyone. All credit goes to sunflower cultivation." Dacope Upazila Nirbahi Officer (UNO) Joy Deb Chakrabarty said it is very good news that women in the upazila have engaged themselves in vari ous economic activities. All kinds of cooperation from the administration are being provided to these women entrepreneurs as Upazila agriculture office has been asked to give necessary cooperation to the women farmers, he said. "I hope Dacope upazila to be a place of successful rural women overcoming various natural calamities," the UNO added. Source: Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha

Parliamentary sub-committee on Sundarbans formed

A 3-member parliamentary sub-committee was formed today with Aroma Dutta as its convener to oversee the overall ecosystem and biodiversity of the Sundarbans, the world's largest mangrove forest. The sub-committee was formed at the 2nd meeting of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on the Environment, Forest and Climate Change Ministry held at Sangsad Bhaban here with its chairman Dipankar Talukder in the chair. The other two members of the sub-committee are- SM Ataul Haque and Md Sanuwar Hossan Sanu. The meeting discussed the overall biodiversity of the Sundarbans and instructed the Environment, Forest and Climate Change Ministry to take necessary measures to ensure supply of enough sweet water inside the Sundarbans. Committee members - Environment, Forest and Climate Change Minister Saber Hossain Chowdhury, Md Shahab Uddin, S M Ataul Haque, Md Sanuwar Hossan Sanu and Aroma Dutta attended the meeting. Source: Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha

‘Remal’ damages crops on 17,796 hectares of land in Khulna

Cyclone 'Remal' has damaged crops on 17,796 hectares of land in Khulna, according to the primary assessment of the DAE officials in Khulna. Deputy Director of the Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE) Khulna Kazi Jahangir Hossain said the tropical cyclone 'Remal' caused extensive damage to the southern coastal areas, especially to the croplands. The crops including paddy, jute, and vegetables covering the areas of 17,796 hectares of farming land have been damaged. "A primary report of damage to crops has been prepared. We are working to finalize the value of the damaged crops," he said, adding that the monetary value of the damage has not yet been completed. Of the total damaged cropland, there are 54.50 hectares of Aush paddy seedbeds lands, 1,752.50 hectares of Aush paddy cultivated lands, 1,447 hectares of jute cultivated lands, 5,755 hectares of vegetable farming lands, 21 hectares of tomatoes lands and 485 hectares of sesame farming lands, the officials said. Besides, 270 hectares of mug dal (pulse) farming lands, 175 hectares of green chilli farming lands, 33 hectares of ginger cultivated lands, 203 hectares of turmeric, 30 hectares of Chinese nuts, 1.50 hectares of maize, 1,705 hectares of mango, 77 hectares of litchi, 118 hectares of watermelon, 310 hectares of papaya, 545 hectares of banana, 877 hectares of betel leaf, 72 hectares of sugarcane, 3,750 hectares of Bona Aman and 115 hectares of other crops lands have been affected. According to The National Disaster Response Coordination Centre (NDRCC), due to the cyclone Remal's rampage and the overflow of water, Khulna district witnessed the highest number of damaged houses as a total of 20,762 were totally destroyed while the number is 10,000 in Bagerhat. Source: Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha

Lemon farming a blessing for Manikganj farmers

Now a successful woman entrepreneur, forty-two-year-old Rahela of Ghior Sadar upazila in Manikganj district, had to face extreme economic hardship in the past. Kabir, her rickshaw puller husband, was the sole breadwinner in the family. Rahela became helpless after the sudden demise of her husband. Her husband Kabir was a rickshaw puller. They used to live at Baliakhora village under Ghior Sadar upazila in Manikganj. They have three children--two daughters and a son. They were happy and passing their life peacefully. But, an accident destroys their happiness. One day, Kabir was killed in a fatal road accident and the full family just became helpless. After some days, Rahela decided to do something for livelihood. She started to cultivate lemon plants on their land in 2014. And now, she is a woman entrepreneur and a successful businesswoman. The cultivation of lemon has brought smiles on the faces of more than three hundred families like Rahela of Baliakhora village under Baliakhora union of Ghior upazila i n the district. Now a good number of lemon traders are visiting the village regularly to buy lemon from the cultivators and supplying those to the different parts of the country. Lemon is cultivated commercially in some parts of the district. Ghior upazila is one of the special areas where lemon is cultivated abundantly. It is one of the main cash crops in the area. Each and every house has at least one lemon garden. Most of the housewives of the village are engaged in nursing the lemon plants and collecting the lemon from their gardens. Rahela said she has been cultivating lemon in three bighas of land for more last five years. Sometimes she has to count huge losses if the lemon market falls, but now she and other lemon cultivators are very happy to get the maximum price. Rahela said normally a big size of lemon is sold at Taka 2 to Taka 3 and middle size lemon is sold at Taka 1.5 to Taka 2. But a big size lemon is being sold at Taka 10 to Taka 12 and a middle size lemon is sold at Taka 3 to Taka 4 addi ng that it has a great demand in the markets. Rahim Mian, 55, another lemon cultivator of the same upazila said he has two bighas of land and he cultivates lemon regularly on his land and it is the only source of his income. Most of the people of the village have at least one lemon garden and some of them more than one. Shamsuddin, a middle-aged primary school teacher of the village, said, "Now our village is known as Lemon Village." In the morning, a group of lemon traders regularly visit the village in search of lemon. So, there is no problem selling the lemon. Even a housewife can sell her products from her door steps. Ghior upazila agriculture officer Sheikh Shimul Hossain said the people of Baliakhora and Shodghata become self-reliant cultivating lemon as it has a great demand round the year. Source: Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha