Pandey appointed as Gandaki province CM

Gandaki Province Assembly parliamentary party leader of the Nepali Congress, Surendra Raj Pandey, has been appointed as Chief Minister of Gandaki province government. Province Chief Dilli Raj Bhatta today in accordance with Article 168 (3) of the constitution appointed Pandey as the leader of the largest party of Gandaki Province Assembly. Earlier, he was appointed to the post on April 27, 2023. The Supreme Court on Monday had issued a mandate to appoint Pandey as the Chief Minister, determining that the vote of confidence received by CPN (UML) parliamentary party leader, Khaga Raj Adhikari, was unlawful. Pandey had resigned from the post on April 3 after the government he was leading fell into minority following the withdrawal of CPN (Maoist Centre)'s support. There are 27 members of the NC in 60-member Gandaki Province Assembly. Source: National News Agency RSS

Cyclone Remal causes losses of over Tk 900 crore in fisheries and livestock sectors

The severe cyclonic storm 'Remal' has caused a huge economic loss of over Taka 900 crore to the fisheries and livestock sectors across the country, according to an official report here today. In the latest report compiled by the Department of Fisheries and Livestock Sector, a huge economic loss of Taka 906.63 crore was caused in the fisheries and livestock sectors due to the devastative cyclone 'Remal' in most of the coastal districts in the country at the beginning of this week. Due to the severe cyclone, 15 people were killed, and about 800,000 people in coastal areas were forced to leave their homesteads and seek shelter. The wind speeds at the time of the main impact were between 90 and 120 kilometers per hour, along with a high tide up to 10 feet that broke the embankment and submerged a vast area of the coast, which resulted in damage to houses, crops, and livestock, according to the Ministry of Disaster Management. According to the fisheries department, the severe cyclonic storm Remal caused a fina ncial loss of Taka 858 crore, or 67 lakh and 28 thousand, to the fisheries sector, which includes the inundation of ponds, enclosures, hatcheries, fisheries, shrimp, fish fries, and crabs due to heavy rain, floods, and tidal surges at eighty-eight upazilas of sixteen coastal districts under the Khulna, Barisal, Chattogram, and Dhaka divisions. The cyclone affected fisheries of over 20,523 metric tons, shrimp of over 7,943 metric tons, fish fries of over 1627 metric tons, crab or Kuchia of over 253 metric tons, and post-larva (PL) of over 590 lakh in eighteen districts under Khulna, Barisal, Chattogram, and Dhaka divisions. The infrastructural loss of the fisheries sector was over Taka 61.59 crore at 468 unions of eighty-eight upazilas under the four divisions, said the report. The estimated loss of the fisheries was over Taka 330.76 crore, shrimp of over 339.29 crore, fish fries of over Taka 98.62 crore, crabs or kuchia of over Taka 22.09 crore, and post larva of over 14.73 crore. The cyclone affected 663 trawlers and boats at a cost of 2.67 crore and damaged fishing nets worth over Taka 1.73 crore. Division-wise economic loss calculated that the financial loss of the fisheries sector in Khulna division was over Taka 722 crore, over Taka 98.44 crore was in Barishal division, over Taka 18.72 crore was in Chattogram division, and over Taka 19.33 crore financial loss took place in Dhaka division, the report displayed. In addition to this, the estimated loss of the livestock and poultry sector was Taka 47 crore (97 lakh), which includes damages to livestock farms, live cattle, and poultry farms under the three coastal divisions of Barishal, Khulna and Chattogram. Source: Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha

Budget is civic-friendly: Finance Minister Pun

Kathmandu: Finance Minister Barsha Man Pun said the government has, through the budget for the upcoming fiscal year, initiated efforts for economic reforms of a new phase. In his address to a discussion on the budget for the fiscal year 2081-82 BS (2024-25) organised by the Finance Ministry today, the Minister claimed that the budget is capable of finding a path for economic reforms by assessing the real economic picture of the country. The government in the budget announced to form a high-level task force to provide submissions to the government regarding measures required to be taken for economic reforms, according to the Minister who claimed that the new budget is "civic-friendly". As he said, the private sector and the party in the major opposition have also said the budget is capable of raising hopes among the mass people. It has been also expected to encourage the private sector, he added. He took time to say that changes in tax rates were made on a need basis, considering their relevancy. According to him, the government is untouched by personal interests, prejudices, and sentiments when deciding to change the tax rates. " The budget has pursued a policy of promoting domestic production with an emphasis on agriculture, energy, and IT sectors instead of adopting scattered priorities and objectives." It has floated an ambitious plan of making exports of worth Rs 3,000 billion in the next ten years. It has a policy of promoting domestic industries, and production and implementing a two-tier tariff rate system in the imports of readymade products and raw materials, the Finance Minister said. Source: National News Agency RSS

MoU between DU, Yuxi Normal University signed

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Dhaka University (DU) and Yuxi Normal University, China was signed today aimed at conducting collaborative academic and research activities. Vice-Chancellor (VC) Professor Dr ASM Maksud Kamal and President of Yuxi Normal University Prof Duan Hongyun singed the MoU on behalf of their respective sides at the university's VC Office Lounge here, said a press release. Pro-VC (Academic) Prof Dr Sitesh Chandra Bachar, Treasurer Prof Mamtaz Uddin Ahmed, DU Science Faculty Dean Prof Dr Md Abdus Samad and Dean of DU Faculty of Arts Prof Dr Abdul Bashir were present on the occasion. Under the MoU, the two universities will jointly organise seminar, symposium, workshop, conference and training programmes along with exchanging faculty members, students and researchers as well as information and research materials. The DU VC thanked the Yuxi Normal University President Prof Duan for signing the MoU and hoped that both the universities would be highly academica lly benefited by this initiative. This MoU will play an effective role to promote academic and research collaboration between the two universities, he said, adding: "The bi-lateral existing friendly relationship between the two countries will be further strengthened through these joint academic and research collaboration." Source: Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha

Nepal stresses on robust health system

Kathmandu: Nepal has stressed the need of building a robust health system, saying the role of international community and aid agencies would be significant for the same. Addressing the 77th World Health Assembly at Palais des Nations in Geneva on Tuesday, Minister for Health and Population Pradeep Yadav underscored the pivotal role of international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response and international health regulations to ensure a robust health system. On the occasion, he highlighted the progress achieved by Nepal in health sectors over the last two decades particularly in life expectancy and maternal and child survival. While expressing satisfaction over the successful immunization programme, the Health Minister raised concern about inequality in healthcare services. Minister Yadav conveyed Nepal's commitment to cooperate with global, regional, and national agencies and actors to transform Nepal's health system while appreciating the WHO, Director General Tedros and the staff members for the dedicated service to people around the world for last seventy-six years, according to a press release issued by Permanent Mission of Nepal in Geneva. The theme of this year's Health Assembly is 'All for Health, Health for all'. Minister Yadav is in Geneva, leading a nine-member Nepali delegation comprising Ram Prasad Subedi, Permanent Representative of Nepal to the United Nations and other international Organizations in Geneva, Officials from the Ministry of Health and Population as well as the Permanent Mission of Nepal in Geneva. The Health Minister was warmly welcomed by Ambassador Subedi upon arrival at Geneva International Airport. He is scheduled to attend important events and hold bilateral meetings during his stay in Geneva. Source: National News Agency RSS

Three alleged killers of a youth held in Khulna

Police in a drive arrested three alleged killers of a youth with firearm and drugs in the city last night, police said. The arrested persons are Nayon Sheikh, 30, Miraz Mridha, 25, and Jashim Howlader, 21, Deputy Police Commissioner (South) of Khulna Metropolitan Police Tazul Islam said in a press briefing today. Police also recovered a one shooter gun, two bullets, two knives and huge drugs (hemp) from their possession, Tazul Islam said. A team of police conducted a drive in the city's different areas last night and arrested them, he added. Earlier, Md Rony Sarder, 24, son of late Abdur Rob Sarder, resident of East Rupsha area, was gunned down near Janakallyan Government Primary School in the city's south Tutpara area last evening. Rony was killed in previous enmity between the alleged killers centering distribution of drugs selling money, he said, quoting primary interrogation of arrestees. Several cases were pending with different police stations, the DC South added. Two cases were filed against th em with Sadar Police Station in this connection. Source: Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha

Nepal calls international community for effective implementation of Barbuda Action for SIDS

Kathmandu: Nepal has expressed its solidarity with the Antigua and Barbuda Agenda for SIDS (ABAS) and called on the international community for its effective implementation. In her address to the ongoing Fourth International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS4) on behalf of the Group of Least Developed Countries (LDCs) Foreign Secretary Sewa Lamsal stressed the need for the effective implementation of the Action. According to Nepal's Permanent Mission to the United Nations in New York, the Conference underway in Antigua and Barbuda, reviewed progress in the advancements of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by the SIDS. Addressing the Conference as the Chair of the Global Coordination Bureau of the Least Developed Countries (LDCs), Secretary Lamsal offered gratitude to the Government of Antigua and Barbuda, congratulated the SIDS for adopting Antigua and Barbuda Action for SIDS (ABAS), expressed LDCs' solidarity with them, and called the international community for the effective imple mentation of ABAS, according to the press note issued by the Permanent Mission of Nepal to the UN. Several Heads of State, Heads of Government, Ministers, and High-level dignitaries addressed the General Debate. Lamsal attended the Official Opening Ceremony of SIDS4 convened under the theme of 'Charting the Course Toward Resilient Prosperity' on May 27. Following the Opening Segment, the Foreign Secretary held a meeting with the Under-Secretary-General and High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries, and Small Island Developing States, Rabab Fatima. The discussions were focused on various issues of the Nepal-UN partnership, including the implementation of the Doha Programme of Action, Nepal's graduation and smooth transition, and the upcoming Third International Conference on Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDC3). On the margins of the Conference, the Foreign Secretary met with Igor Zhovkva, Head of the Ukrainian delegation, and Deputy Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine. In the meeting, matters related to Nepal-Ukraine relations and multilateral cooperation were discussed. She also had a bilateral meeting with Minna-Liina Lind, the Vice-Minister and Head of the Estonian Delegation. They discussed Nepal-Estonia relations and cooperation under the UN frameworks. Source: National News Agency RSS

Heat waves likely in Western Tarai

Kathmandu: The Meteorological Forecasting Division of the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology has stated that there is a possibility of excessive hot weather in the districts of western Tarai in the upcoming three days. The Division has asked the residents there to apply precautions to keep themselves safe from hot weather. The Division said that chances of heat waves are there in the Tarai belt of Sudurpaschim and Lumbini provinces. The temperature in some areas in the western Tarai has been recorded at more than 40 degree Celsius over the past few days. Source: National News Agency RSS

661 new industries registered in last 10 months in Kailali

A total of 661 new cottage and small industries were registered in the Office of the Cottage and Small Industry in Kailali district in the last 10 months of the current fiscal year 2023/24. According to Tikendra Prasad Joshi, Account Officer at the Office, among the registered new industries, 13 were related to production-oriented, 296 were agricultural based and 235 were service-oriented. The number of industries owned by women is notably increasing lately, said Joshi, adding that the increase in the enterprises owned by women was increasing due to the discount in the taxes in registration of the private firms owned by women. So far, 15,496 industries of various scales are registered in Kailali. Among them, registration of 137 industries were scrapped. While the number of industries shutting down officially remains negligible, those failing to renew on time were scrapped, he said. Joshi shared that investment worth over Rs 25 billion has been proposed for the registered industries. Similarly, the offic e collected more than Rs 14 million in revenue during the period. Source: National News Agency RSS

Law to take its own course on Aziz, Benazir issues: Salman

Prime Minister's Private Industry and Investment Adviser Salman F Rahman today said that the government will not protect anyone, and the law will take its own course on former Army Chief Aziz Ahmed and former IGP Benazir Ahmed issues. "Our party's general secretary Obaidul Quader stated that actions will be taken according to the law if anyone violates the rules. I don't think the government will feel any embarrassment here. As he (Quader) said, no matter how influential the person is, the government will not provide protection to anyone," he said. He made these remarks while speaking to reporters after a meeting at the Ministry of Home Affairs in the capital. Earlier, Salman presided over the third meeting of the National Committee formed to prevent accidents and ensure safe working conditions in mills, factories, industries, and commercial establishments. Regarding the murder of MP Anwarul Azim Anar in India, he said, "We are all shocked over the matter. You know that the matter is under investigation and I think it will be right to make any comment until the investigation ends." Home Minister Asaduzzman Khan Kamal, Local Government Development and Co-operatives Minister Md Tajul Islam, Industries Minister Nurul Majid Mahmud Humayun, State Minister for Commerce Ahsaul Islam Titu, Dhaka North City Corporation Mayor Md Atiqul Islam and senior officials concerned were present in the meeting. Source: Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha

Foreign Secretary Lamsal pays courtesy call on UN Secretary-General

Foreign Secretary Sewa Lamsal on Tuesday paid a courtesy call on UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres in New York, the United States. The Nepal Mission to the UN in New York stated that discussions were held on the Nepal-UN partnership, Nepal's graduation from the LDC category, UN's contribution to Nepal's development efforts, issues related to climate change and the importance of effective multilateralism, among other issues. Foreign Secretary Lamsal is in the US to attend the General Debate of the Fourth International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS) on behalf of the groups of LDCs. Likewise, Secretary Lamsal has congratulated SIDS for adopting an ambitious and action-oriented blueprint and expressed LDC's solidarity with SIDS. She underlined the high cost paid by the countries in special situations due to climate change and urged the international community to support them, according to the Nepal Mission to the UN in New York. Source: National News Agency RSS

News Commentary: Nurture republican values to meet people’s aspiration

Kathmandu: The republic is an epoch-making regime change in Nepal. The first meeting of the Constituent Assembly on May 28, 2008 formally ended the monarchy and announced Nepal a republic. The moment made Nepalis truly sovereign, for they are no longer ruled by anyone entitled to the supremacy by birth. Now, it has been almost 16 years we abolished the 247-year-old monarchy, and are celebrating the 17th Republic Day. The government decided to observe the day for three days- May 27 to 29. As we are heading to a decadal turn of the momentous day in the national political history- two decades after three years- it is time to review the role of the actors and campaigners involved in several movements, including the armed revolution, that led to the establishment of the federal republic. Whether they are delivering up to the mark or delaying to realize the republican ambitions necessitates attention. Is our republic nourished well or stunted with undernourishment? It is indeed a pressing question at present. Ac hievements to celebrate The freedoms, inclusion, secularism, and participatory schemes in governance- election, political party organizations, and bureaucracy- are the most significant achievements we made since the adoption of a republic system. No doubt, mainstreaming of the backward communities, women, and marginalized people is historic. The unparalleled rise of public awareness is equally worth sharing. The constitution promulgated in 2015 prepared a solid legal foundation to institutionalize the federal republic where people have elected their representatives twice for the three-tier governments. Citizens pride on the list of fundamental rights enshrined in the constitution. Various constitutional commissions focusing rights of Muslims, Madhesi, Dalit, Tharu are also in operation. They have advocated the rights of concerned communities and reminded the State authorities to address their concerns. Translate provisions into practice In addition to the legal provisions and some institutional setups, th e country witnessed incremental changes - convenience with transportation, rise of literacy rate and life expectancy, access to ICT, health facilities, school buildings etc. Despite these and above positive changes and achievements Nepal made in the federal republic, there are several problems plaguing the system. People's long wait for development and prosperity is intact. Good governance, focused much on speech and writing, is yet to be translated into reality. The stories of corruption, financial sleaze and administrative malfeasance paint a grim picture. As politics comes on top to handle state affairs, political behaviour is evidently a constant watch. Whether they are regime change slogans or election manifestos to periodic plans and annual budgets, the adherence to announcements is measured by the people to know the results, which have a direct impact on them. Despite the efforts, the political attitude and activities of late have been contributing to public disenchantment. Irrespective of the politi cal parties in power, it is natural for them to claim the political stability. But, frequent changes in governments and alliances have taken a toll on federal to province governments. The political tussles and malpractices in parliament often reach judiciary, seeking justice. The bickering over political power has the role to dampen people's hope of cultured politics and republican values. Lately, even new political parties and leaders emerged by capitalizing on public sentiment against old political parties, but to add people's chagrin. The unfolding scenario necessitates urgency of fostering republican values, especially by the political actors so that ill practices of the past regime would fizzle out and people's interests kept in centre. Review political behaviour On the occasion of the Republic Day, a noted leader, Gagan Thapa, also the General Secretary of Nepali Congress, viewed, "It is clear that people's despair and aggression are on the rise as their status did not change despite regime change. I t is not because of the system, but the actors and their characters." He further pointed out the need for correcting several issues and urged political parties to ensure delivery to the people to retain their trust. The youth leaders also reminded everyone to be aware of those rearing heads against the system. Similarly, in an interview with the RSS, Chairman of Rastriya Janamorcha, Chitra Bahadur KC, also pointed out the weaknesses on the part of actors. "Whatever we could contribute to the nation and deliver to public- development and changes, that was not realized." The elderly leader asserts, "It is not the republic system to blame, but the actors." In his opinion, the republic system is used more as a means for vested interest, which is posing a threat to democracy. The opinions of these leaders, who are also the actors in the system, clearly substantiate the need for correction in political behaviour so that republic system would be flourished and people's aspiration for change and prosperity realiz ed. Terming the system a fledging regime can not be an excuse for long, because we are heading to the decadal turn- two decades after three years since adoption of new system. In order for translating the slogan of peace, prosperity, good governance, and development, shared responsibility among political parties is a press need, which helps nurture system. As we are in the new system, building a culture of consensus and collaboration with strict adherence to constitution and rule of law rather than politics of negation and vengeance serves as a respite, which gradually charts a pathway for solution and stability. Shun extractive tendency In the system, the actors and institutions bear shared responsibilities to check youth exodus, ensure quality education, create jobs within home, intensify development activities without jeopardizing rights of future generations and mostly importantly shun the extractive tendencies. While asserting that country has witnessed many positive changes, the disappointing data c annot be ignored. The mounting arrears in trillions and inadequate spending capacity are not only bureaucratic blot but also mismanaged governance that keep people at the receiving end. At a time when our neighbours are taking strides in development with rising economies, how we can best leverage our available resources must be a focus. Stable rise of economic growth in India irrespective of COVID-19 shock, overproduction of goods in China flooding European and the US markets and soaring garment exports from Bangladesh can be lessons for us to concentrate on production. But, it is worrying that despite having three layers of governments, a sizable number of youths- active population- leave the country for employment and education. Why can't we persuade youths with our education, and create jobs for them? How long do we depend on remittance to prop up national economy? Together, aren't we in dire need of a brain-gain scheme? As we celebrate the Republic Day this year, we are all set to launch the 16th period ic plan and presentation of an annual budget. How aligned the data on success and future plans to our national ambition of development and prosperity counts much. Therefore, the republic should not be understood as a new convenient political ground but a system to elevate people's life standards and bolster the national image. For it to happen, we have no option but to nurture republican values. Source: National News Agency RSS