Madhes Province govt demanded distribution of relief materials to fire victims

A political delegation met Chief Minister of Madhes Province, Saroj Kumar Yadav, and demanded immediate distribution of relief materials to the fire victims of Matihani, Mahottari. The delegation expressed concern why the fire victims were not managed proper shelters. The province government must take immediate initiative, the leaders in the delegation underlined. Chairperson of Tarai/Madhes Loktantrik Party, Brishesh Chandra Lal, leader Umesh Mandal, Bimala Saha, and Nepali Congress leaders Raj Saroj Yadav, Jivnath Thakur and others were in the delegation. Also the Madhes Province Assembly member Ram Saroj Yadav informed that they drew the government's attention toward fair distribution of relief materials. Although one-door system was adopted for relief distribution, it was obstructed, he complained. He further said the leaders reminded that relief distribution should not be guided by political faith, access and influence. Special relief scheme should have been announced, but no such initiation was tak en so far. More than 100 houses were destroyed while nearly 50 others received damage in the fire occurred at Jaralhawa settlement of Matihani municipality-6 on April 24. Moreover, the delegation also made aware the Chief Minister about depleting ground water in Madhes Province, which could cause drinking water crisis. Source: National News Agency RSS

Chief Minister Adhikari seeking vote of confidence on May 5

Chief Minister of Gandaki Province, Khagaraj Adhikari is seeking a vote of confidence from the Gandaki Province Assembly on May 5. Gandaki Province Chief Dilli Raj Bhatta on April 7 appointed Adhikari to the post of Chief Minister in accordance with the Article 168 (2) of the Constitution of Nepal. Chief Minister Adhikari is taking a vote of confidence in the Province Assembly in accordance with Article 168 (4) of the Constitution. Province Assembly Secretary Hariraj Pokhrel said Chief Minister Adhikari has today registered in the Gandaki Province Assembly Secretariat a notice that he would be presenting a proposal related to the vote of confidence in the Province Assembly at 3.00pm on May 5. Source: National News Agency RSS

Minister Sharma says govt. committed to protecting press freedom

Kathmandu: Minister for Communications and Information Technology Rekha Sharma has said that democracy will not be complete without freedom of the press and freedom of expression. In a message of best wishes on the occasion of World Press Freedom today, Minister Sharma has recalled the contributions of all who sacrificed their lives in the struggles waged for freedom of the press and freedom of expression. Minister Sharma has stated that the government was committed to protecting and implementing complete press freedom, which is stated in the preamble of the Constitution of Nepal. In her message, Minister Sharma shared that the government is working in the drafting and review of media-related laws since last year to ensure further press freedom. The government has given priority to drafting laws in a transparent and democratic process by taking feedback from stakeholders and citizens, according to the Minister for Communications and Information Technology. Likewise, she has shared that the Media Council Bill, which is focused on the promotion of self-regulation of mass media, was registered in the Federal Parliament recently. Minister Sharma has also said that the government is closely watching the concerns of national and international organizations active in the field of press freedom. In her message, Minister Sharma has expressed a firm determination for the professional and physical security of journalists and added that the government is committed to ensuring the rights of working journalists as per the legal process and facilitating to end labour issues seen in different media houses. Source: National News Agency RSS

International Buddhist Seminar in Lumbini from May 4

A two-day international seminar is going to take place at Lumbini Buddhist University in Lumbini starting tomorrow. The seminar themed 'Exploring the Relevance of Buddhist Education in Addressing Global Challenges: Perspective from Lumbini, the Birthplace of Buddha' seeks to address pressing questions concerning the role of Buddhist education in dealing with contemporary global challenges. Scholars, educators, researchers and practitioners of Buddhist faith from around the world will attend the seminar for offering insights and expertise along with experience sharing and deliberating on the theme, said Dr Manik Ratna Shakya, Dean of Faculty of Buddhist Studies in the University. Participants from home and abroad such as Sri Lanka, Thailand, Myanmar, Japan, Bangladesh, India, Taiwan, Portugal and France among other countries will present working paper in the event, it was shared. Dean Dr Shakya further shared that while the people around the world were suffering from challenges such as environment crisis, global warming, ecological imbalance and physical and psychological issues, there is a need to seek relevance of the teachings of the Buddha from the place he was born. Against this background, the event will debate and deliberate on importance of Buddhist education, conservation of Lumbini and other Buddhist shrines and academic programmes in the Lumbini Buddhist University among others. Participants will discuss on Buddhist philosophy and yoga in the event, said the organizer. Furthermore, attempts will be made to explore key themes and questions pertaining to the forms of Buddhist education essential in addressing contemporary global challenges and contribution of the University in disseminating such education. Participants will also seek to find out people's expectation regarding the types of courses to study in the University, according to the organizer. Source: National News Agency RSS

Government has carried out bold and pro-people works: PM Dahal

Kathmandu: Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal 'Prachanda' has said that the government has carried out historic works in favour of the country and the people. Addressing a programme organized on the occasion of the 27th General Convention of Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) here today, the PM reiterated that he has resolved to carry out only good deeds in favour of the country and people. "I had said while taking charge of office that I will only do good things for the benefit of the country and the people and I will direct the government machinery to do only good things. If we look at the works done by the government during this period, there have been many bold and pro-people works that will be remembered in history," said the Prime Minister. Stating that there has been a good improvement in the economy which was in crisis, he said the narrative that Nepal is heading towards an economic crash like that of Sri Lanka has been torn apart, and the economy has been brought on recovery track. "There has been an improvement in the balance of payments, foreign exchange reserves, remittance income and revenue collection," Prime Minister Dahal said, adding, "The indicators of the economy are moving in a positive direction. An investment-friendly environment has been created by bringing consistency in fiscal policy and monetary policy.' Highlighting that the interest rate of banks has decreased recently, initiatives have been taken to solve the problems of microfinance and cooperatives, and there has been improvement in the management of public institutions, PM Dahal said the tourism sector has been encouraged with a significant increase in tourist arrivals. Mentioning about the works carried out by the government in the good governance sector, he referred to the 'fair' investigations launched into the various scandals as the fake Bhutanese refugee scam, the Lalita Niwas public land grab scam, and gold smuggling scam in which the wrongdoers have been brought to justice. He also reiterated that significant work s have also been carried out in the social justice sector as well. More than 5.5 million school children throughout the country have the textbooks in their hands before the start of the new school calendar, fertilizers have been provided to farmers on time, 2900 free beds have been managed in hospitals for treating underprivileged and indigent citizens. Similarly, citizenship certificates with economic, social and cultural rights have been provided to the Non-Resident Nepalis. Prime Minister Dahal said that the signing of a long-term electricity trade agreement between Nepal and India to export 10,000 megawatts of electricity in 10 years, the agreement of electricity sales with Bangladesh and the emphasis on electricity production within the country clearly indicate that the economic future of the country is bright. Source: National News Agency RSS

NHRC urges all to respect press freedom, freedom of expression

Kathmandu: The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has urged all bodies concerned including the government for the media person's safety and protection of press freedom. A message issued today by Commission Spokesperson, Dr Tikaram Pokharel, on the occasion of World Press Freedom Day, requested all bodies concerned for media persons' safety and for the protection of freedom, respecting press freedom and freedom of expression guaranteed by constitution as well as national and international laws. "Press freedom, freedom of expression and human rights are interdependent with each other. The NHRC expresses concern over the situation where more media-related persons became victimized this year as compared to last year in Nepal", reads the message. According to the Federation of Nepali Journalists, 64 cases of violation of press freedom took place in last one year. Information has been received that media persons, who work round the clock for right to information are facing challenges in any difficult situat ion, are physically unsafe, freedom of expression has been curtailed, media persons are found arrested based on news coverage and misbehave on media persons in course of field reporting. Media council bill designed to amend and integrate laws related to media council is still in the parliament. Source: National News Agency RSS

Parliament committed towards press-friendly laws

Kathmandu: Speaker of the House of Representatives (HoR), Devraj Ghimire, asserted that the Nepal's parliament was committed towards formulating press-friendly laws, ensuring professional security of journalists and discouraging the activities against freedom of expression. Issuing a press statement on the occasion of World Press Freedom Day here today, Speaker Ghimire extended his best wishes that may the Day inspire one and all to face practical challenges by safeguarding constitutional rights. "With the political movement coming to an end, the Nepali press should work towards encouraging and promoting good-governance, development and prosperity-oriented activities," the Speaker said in the message, adding, "The government also should not backtrack from the responsibility of making press further stronger and able." He stated that the Constitution of Nepal had guaranteed freedom of press, right to information and press and publication rights. The Speaker argued that in democracy the role of the press was not only limited to disseminate information, but it is also expected to promote democracy and good-governance. Hence, he viewed freedom of expression and access to information was necessary for the sake healthy democracy. "It is the responsibility of media to protect people from ignorance and disinformation and disseminate factual information," the statement read. It further read, "The main role of media sector is to play watchdog to government and people's representatives and aware them o their responsibilities about the matters of public concerns. The press also plays a role to mediate between the government and the all aspects of the civil societies." Speaker Ghimire acknowledged Nepal's press to be an important companion of democratic movement and crusade for freedom of press and thus, he observed, democracy and media sector were complimentary and supportive of each other. He opined that development and promotion of communication sector was possible only in democracy. Source: National News Agency RSS

Democracy without press freedom cannot be imaged: NA Chairman Dahal

Kathmandu: National Assembly (NA) Chairman Narayan Prasad Dahal has extended a message of best wishes to the media fraternity and all on the occasion of World Press Freedom Day stating that a matured and robust democracy cannot be imaged without press freedom. In a message today, Chairman Dahal has expressed condolences to all the martyrs who got martyrdom while practicing journalism for freedom of the press and freedom of expression. The NA Chairman has said the role performed by the press in establishing democracy by ending totalitarianism in the country is significant. Chairman Dahal has stated that this day should be considered for making commitment to abiding by professional ethics. Source: National News Agency RSS

Kanti Highway closed

The vehicular movement along the Kanti Highway was disrupted after a landslip in Kalche area of Lalitpur district. Engineer of Kanti Highway Widening Project Rabindra Maharjan said that the road section is closed until further notice after the road collapsed while carrying out maintenance works. It is said that the net and gabion wall constructed within a kilometer distance has collapsed along the Kalche to Baguwa area. Maharjan said that movement of the vehicle along the route is not likely due to damage on the gabion wall. Source: National News Agency RSS

PM Dahal inaugurates 27th general convention of FNJ

Kathmandu: The 27th general convention of the Federation of the Nepali Journalists (FNJ) has kicked off here today. Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal 'Prachanda' inaugurated the general convention. National council members of different chapters of FNJ across the country are attending the general convention. Earlier, a morning procession was organised at the initiative of FNJ today itself on the occasion of World Press Freedom Day and FNJ general convention. The morning rally set out from Ratnapark Shantibatika and concluded after reaching the National City Hall, the venue of the 27th general convention. FNJ President Bipul Pokharel, office-bearers, former presidents, and journalists associated with different media had participated in the morning rally. Office-bearers and members of Nepal Press Union, Press Chautari Nepal, Press Centre Nepal, Socialist Press Organisation, had also participated in the morning rally. Source: National News Agency RSS

NEFEJ calls for controlling forest fires and prompt distribution of relief to the affected

Kathmandu: The Nepal Forum of Environmental Journalists (NEFEJ) has urged the government to control the wild fires occurring in various places throughout the country and to immediately provide relief to the affected people. NEFEJ has called for mobilizing the entire government apparatus for this and even to declare an emergency when necessary. Incidences of fire and wildfires have intensified in recent days resulting in loss of life and property as well as destruction of forests. Moreover, people's right to live in a healthy environment too has been restricted as the growing air pollution due to the forest fires has affected the people's health, reads a press note issued by NEFEJ president Roshani Adhikari today. The air pollution level has excessively increased in various places of the country, including in the federal capital, due to the raging forest fires. Children and the elderly people are facing respiratory issues due to this. NEFEJ called on the government to also pay attention to the appropriate security of people mobilized in the fire control mechanisms. Source: National News Agency RSS

2568th Buddha Jayanti Main Celebration Committee formed

Kathmandu: The 2568th Buddha Jayanti Management Main Celebration Committee has been formed under the convenorship of Bhikkhu Dharma Murthi Mahasthaveer, Chairperson of the Swoyambhu Management and Conservation Committee. The Committee will organize and regulate the cultural and religious celebration to be held on May 23 this year marking the Buddha Jayanti, the day Lord Buddha was born. The Committee will facilitate the revelers and devotees attending the religious fair in and around Swoyambhu area, it was shared. The Committee comprises representatives from the Department of Archeology, Kathmandu Metropolitan City ward no 15, Metropolitan Police Circle in Swoyambhu and local religious organizations among others bodies. The Committee has estimated that over 200,000 devotees of Buddhist faith will visit Swoyambhu on that day for celebration. Committee's General-Secretary Ashok Buddhacharya shared that they have paid a special attention to security and convenience of devotees since another festival Sakadaw a of Mahayani sect also falls on the same day this year. Source: National News Agency RSS