Parliamentary hearing process of proposed Auditor General begins

Kathmandu: The parliamentary hearing process of the proposed Auditor General Toyam Raya has proceeded from today. The Secretary-General of the Federal Parliament, Padma Prasad Pandey informed that today's meeting of the Parliamentary Hearing Committee decided to issue a notice to the general public to submit to the committee within 10 days if there is any complaint related to Raya. The meeting of the Constitutional Council on Sunday decided to recommend Raya, the Chief Statistics Officer of the National Statistics Office, for the appointment to the post. Source: National News Agency Nepal

15 protesters arrested

Kathmandu: The police have detained 15 people who protested in front of the south gate of Singha Durbar today, demanding the protection of the lives of Nepalis serving in the Russian army. Spokesman and Superintendent of Police Navraj Adhikari informed that those who were protesting in front of the federal government secretariat complex in the country were arrested as they were holding demonstration in the prohibited area. Kritu Bhandari, leader of awareness campaign activists among others was detained. SP Adhikari said, "15 people including ten men and five women who demonstrated in front of the Singha Durbar have been detained." According to the District Police Range, Kathmandu, those who were taken into custody were kept at the police circle Singha Durbar. They protested demanding the return of bodies of those who died in course of the Russia-Ukraine war fighting on behalf the Russian army, and searching for those who have lost contact and the rescue of stranded Nepalis over there. Source: National News Agency Nepal

DPM Shrestha says his China visit remained productive

Kathmandu: Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs, Narayan Kaji Shrestha, who returned home today after completing an official visit to the People's Republic of China, said the visit has contributed to further strengthening the mutual goodwill, respect, and trust between the two countries. Talking to media person at Tribhuvan International Airport upon arrival from the northern neighbour, the Minister remarked, "The historic and friendly relations between the two countries have reached new heights through this visit." DPM Shrestha had been on a visit to China from March 24 to March 31, at an invitation of Communist Party of China (CPC)'s political bureau central committee member and China's Minister for Foreign Affairs, Wang Yi. During the visit, Minister Shrestha extended an invitation to his counterpart Wang to visit Nepal at his convenient time. "Both parties have agreed for an effective implementation of Nepal-China agreements and to regularise the meetings of existing mechanisms to ex pedite the pace of cooperation," the Minister said. According to him, with his visit to the northern neighbour, the mutual relations and respect between Nepal and China have reached to a new height. "The discussions held during the visit were comprehensive and open, focusing on mutual assistance and cooperation," said the Minister, expressing hope that the trip contributed to further strengthening the centuries-old, multi-dimensional, and friendly relations between Nepal and China. He briefed the media that the Chinese side is positive for ensuring trans-border pastureland for the Nepali community residing on the Nepal-China border as per the agreement reached in 2012 and electrification at some Nepali villages there. Similarly, the Chinese side responded positively to the call of Nepal to resume the Kathmandu-Lhasa direct bus service, facilitating the exports of buff, medicinal herbs, vegetables, and fruits from Nepal to China. During the discussions, Minister Shrestha urged China to establish multi-dime nsional labs in certain areas along the Nepal-China border and provide capital and technological assistance to enhance Nepal's agricultural sector productivity. Both parties have been positive for operating the flights from Kathmandu and Pokhara to various cities in China. Likewise, both parties have expressed interest in expanding transnational roadways, air flight services, and electricity transmission lines to Nepal-China connectivity. Both parties have agreed to come up with agriculture, tourism, hydropower, and infrastructure projects and implement them. Minister Shrestha urged China's government and private sector investors for their enthusiastic participation in the Nepal Investment Summit scheduled to take place on April 28-29, for their support to make the Nepal Visit Year 2025, considering investing in Nepal's diverse sectors. Source: National News Agency Nepal

Deputy Prime Minister Shrestha returns home

Kathmandu: Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs Narayan Kaji Shrestha has returned home today after completing his official visit to the People's Republic of China. On the invitation of Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, Deputy Prime Minister Shrestha had visited China from March 24 to April 1 leading the Nepalese delegation. Source: National News Agency Nepal

Nepali Embassy in Saudi Arabia denounces media report

Kathmandu: The Embassy of Nepal in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, has denounced a recent media report alleging that the Embassy charged fees from employers' companies for document verification. In a press statement, the Embassy expressed its serious concern regarding the matter and made it clear no complaints about such purported irregularities have been lodged with the Mission, as claimed in the media. The Embassy refuted the credibility of the news article claiming the involvement of Ambassador Nawaraj Subedi, Deputy Chief of Mission Dr. Damaru Bhallav Paudel, and Second Secretary Tikaram Upadhayay in such affairs. The Embassy clarified that during the current online demand paper attestation process, documents are authenticated by the ambassador/deputy chief of mission, following oversight by the operator, document verification officer and labor counselor. The Embassy affirmed that no additional fees are charged for this service, apart from the government-determined revenue. Despite facing challenges such as adv erse climate conditions, vast territory, and a unique environment, the Embassy said it is committed to serving the service-seekers to the best of its abilities within limited resources. According to the Embassy, it holds online interactions with relevant authorities, including the Nepal Association of Foreign Employment Agencies and the Department of Foreign Employment, to address issues promptly, including document attestations, rescue operations, and repatriation efforts. Source: National News Agency Nepal

Three tigers die in cage of Parsa National Park

Three tigers kept inside a cage in the Parsa National Park (PNP) have died in the latest some months. Two male and one female tiger rescued from Chitwan National Park and Thori of Parsa and brought here have died. An 8-year-old adult male elephant that was brought here after rescuing from Chitwan National Park has died lately, the Parsa National Park Administration said. PNP Information Officer Santosh Bhagat said the wild cat, which was sick since some days, was found dead when the keepers went to the cage to feed it. Two tigers kept in cage at PNP had also died two months back. The PNP Administration said the tigers might have died due to illness as they were kept in a single cage that could accommodate only two tigers. PNP Chief Conservation Officer, Ram Chandra Khatiwada, informed that the tigers died as they had to be kept in the cage for long time after rescuing them. A tiger count conducted in 2022 put the number of Royal Bengal Tigers in PNP at 41. Source: National News Agency Nepal

Concept paper of second five-year plan of Gandaki released

The Gandaki Province Policy and Planning Commission has unveiled the concept paper of the second five-year plan of the province. At a program held in Pokhara today, Vice Chair of the Commission, Dr. Krishna Chandra Devkota, released the concept paper, while noting that the regional goals of achieving productivity, social justice and social development have been determined for the second five-year plan. The concept papers includes three provincial objectives, eight overall strategies and 14 primary areas for achieving the target. The objective of the plan is to increase quality infrastructure and production, employment and income, and build human capital. Likewise, Devkota said that equitable distribution of the development benefits, establishing social justice, providing quality public services and enhancing good governance are also the objectives of the plan. It also identifies transformative programs and projects for the development of the province to be implemented with the investment of the provincial government. On the occasion, Devkota shared that province and local level partnership programs, province-federal partnership programs, programs conducted with foreign aid, public-private partnership programs, programs and projects conducted with private sector investment have been identified. Source: National News Agency Nepal

Chief Minister Jamkattel gets vote of confidence

Chief Minister of Bagmati Province, Shalikram Jamkattel, got the vote of confidence of the Province Assembly on Monday. Among the 110 province assembly members, members 56 cast their vote in favor of the Chief Minister. In today's meeting of the province assembly, 108 members were present and Chief Minister Jamkattel got votes from CPN (UML), CPN (Maoist Centre) and CPN (Unified Socialist). A province assembly member of Hamro Nepali Party also voted for Jamkattel. However, Nepali Congress voted against Jamkattel while Rastriya Prajatantra Party (RPP) and Nepal Workers Peasants Party chose to remain neutral. The RPP has 12 province assembly members excluding the Province Assembly Speaker and the Nepal Workers and Peasants Party has three lawmakers. A member of Hamro Nepali Party abstained the meeting. So far, Chief Minister Jamkattel has taken and won the vote of confidence three times. Source: National News Agency Nepal

Bharatpur metropolitan city academy honours literary writers

The Bharatpur Metropolitan City Academy has honoured various literary writers. Academy's Chancellor and Bharatpur mayor Renu Dahal feted the literary writers amidst a programme on Sunday. Prakash Thapa of Bharatpur-4 was honoured with 'Bharatpur Pragya Samman' while Prof Dr Karna Bahadur Baniya of Bharatpur-12 was provided with 'Krishnabam Malla Pragya Samman'. Likewise, DR Pokharel of Bharatpur-10 was honoured with 'Chitwan Pragya Puruskar'. The Academy presented this award to Pokharel for his literary creation 'Sanskritiko Sopanma Chitwan'. As informed, the honoured literary writers bagged a cash prize of Rs 50,000 each. Similarly, Siman Kshetry of Bharatpur-1 was feted with 'Bagishwori Pragya Puruskar' for his novel 'Jhumar'. Jagannath Pundit of Bharatpur-1 was presented with 'Bharatpur Pragya Puruskar' towards poetry for his collection of poetry entitled 'Gharbarima Tori Phulyo'. Likewise, Ashtadev Khanal was given away the 'Bharatpur Pragya Puruskar' (towards fiction writing). They were honoured wit h cash prize of Rs 25,078 each. Source: National News Agency Nepal

UML to get CM post in Karnali

The CPN (UML) will get the post of Chief Minister in Karnali, as per the agreement reached at the federal level. It has been agreed to give the post of the Chief Minister of Karnali Province to UML, said in-charge of CPN (Maoist Centre) Karnali Province, Kali Bahadur Malla. A communiqué had been received towards that end. Chief Minister Raj Kumar Sharma is seeking a vote of confidence from the Provincial Assembly on Tuesday. Source: National News Agency Nepal

NAC’s ‘convincing reply’ sought on narrow body plane repair

Kathmandu: The International Relations and Tourism Committee under the House of Representatives has directed the Nepal Airlines Corporation (NAC) to provide it with documents concerning the maintenance of a narrow-body aircraft within the next 15 days. A meeting of the Committee held in Singha Durbar today wants the national flag-carrier to submit a convincing reply regarding the aircraft repair. Committee President Raj Kishore Yadav said the Committee is informed about the alleged corruption during the repair of the aircraft's engine and in this context, the NOC should convince the Committee with a substantive reply that there is no corruption during the maintenance. The NAC sent its narrow body to Israel on January 11 for repair. The plane was grounded on December 1, 2023. According to the NOC, Israel-based MRO Company assured that the plane will arrive in Kathmandu by April 28. During the meeting, lawmakers expressed their concern stating that it has been over four months since the aircraft was sent fo r engine repair and a delay in its arrival has affected the NOC flight schedule. They demanded the formation of a separate committee to probe the matter. Lawmakers Bhim Prasad Acharya, Sunita Baral, Shishir Khanal, Damodar Paudel Bairagi, Uday Shamsher JB Rana, Prem Suwal, Eknath Dhakal, Yogesh Gauchan Thakali and Dr Dhawal Shamsher JB Rana advised the NC to prepare an action plan for its restructuring, to control irregularities reported inside the NOC and make its service swift and effective. Stating that disputes between the NOC and Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal (CAAN) have negatively affected the aviation and the entire tourism industry, he urged effective cooperation and collaboration between the two institutes to make a ground from removing Nepal's airlines from the European Union (EU)'s blacklist and for enhancing the reliability of NOC services. Minister for Culture and Tourism and Civil Aviation, Hit Bahadur Tamang, assured of action if any wrongdoing is proved on the part of NOC. As he said, he is studying the issue. NOC executive chair Yubaraj Adhikari said the repair of the narrow body follows the rules. Source: National News Agency Nepal

CM Karki inaugurates Baidhyanath Bridge in Udayapur

Chief Minister of Koshi Province, Kedar Karki, today inaugurated an RCC bridge constructed over the Baidhyanath rivulet. The bridge links Ward n. 6 and 7 of Katari municipality. On the occasion, he shared that the province government has been carrying out infrastructure development and construction. Stating that this bridge has connected many people with the province capital, Biratnagar, and Kathmandu, the Chief Minister stressed that the province government has laid emphasis on humanitarian development with infrastructure development. "The province government is involved towards humanitarian development to making people's future bright along with road upgradation. The province government takes the responsibility of study, health and skill development of children", he underscored. Similarly, Minister for Physical Infrastructure Development of Koshi Province, Kamal Prasad Jabegu, mentioned that the province government has focused its attention on hilly areas centric development rather than urban. Likewise , Minister for Industry, Agriculture and Cooperatives, Ram Kumar Khatri, explained that with the completion of the bridge, it would be easier to locals in their movement. Katari hospital would be upgraded to 50-bed hospital with the effort of province government, he added. With the construction of the bridge, it has become easier to people of ward 6 and 7 as well as locals of Tapli, Udaypurgadhi, Limchungbung rural municipalities in their movement as well as to take local production to market. The 84.40 meter long bridge was constructed at a cost of Rs 149.47 million. Though the contract was signed to complete the construction of the bridge within two years, it was completed within 15 months. Source: National News Agency Nepal