‘Women are capable in every sector’

CPN (Maoist Centre) Secretary and former Education Minister Devendra Poudel has said women are efficient and empowered to carry out every job in society. Addressing the Third National Conference of Women Department of Unified All Nepal Teachers' Association in Bharatpur on Thursday, the former Education Minister said women are strong in every sector in respect to sensitivity, responsibility and maturity. Stating that women's participation was crucial in major movements taken place in the country, Maoist Centre's Secretary Poudel added women discharged their duty with integrity and active participation. Likewise, Social Development Minister of Bagmati Province and Maoist Centre's leader Kumari Moktan said that women should be capable of taking a lead for social transformation. She argued that women should advance aiming high for the nation's leadership. Also speaking at the event, Mayor of Bharatpur Metropolitan City Renu Dahal said women are smart in every aspect, which was proven from their performance. Dahal mentioned that the performance of women leadership was better in different areas. Coordinator of Women Department of Organization Chhaya Regmi, Maoist Centre leader Ghanshyam Dahal and Organization's Chairman Shankar Adhikari and others expressed their views during the programme. The conference which has the participation of 700 representatives from across the country is electing its 35-member committee. Source: National News Agency Nepal

PM greets FFs with gifts on Eid-ul-Fitr

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina today greeted all Freedom Fighters (FFs) of the country on the occasion of the Eid-ul-Fitr, the biggest religious festival of the Muslims. Like other occasions, the premier sent flowers, fruits and sweetmeats to the war-wounded freedom fighters and members of the martyred families and War-wounded Freedom Fighters' Rehabilitation Centre (Muktijoddha Tower-1) at Gaznavi Road in the capital's Mohammadpur area as a mark of her good wishes for them. PM's Assistant Private Secretary-2 Gazi Hafizur Rahman Liku, Deputy Press Secretary Hasan Jahid Tusher, Assistant Press Secretary A.B.M Sarwer-E-Alom Sarker and assisgnment officer Muhammad Arifuzzaman Nurnabi handed over these items to them this morning. The war-wounded FFs and members of the martyred families thanked and expressed gratitude to the prime minister for remembering them on every national day and festival like the Independence Day, the Victory Day, Eid and Pahela Baishakh. They highly praised the visionary leadership of Pr ime Minister Sheikh Hasina, saying, " Sheikh Hasina is leading the country ahead with righteous leadership." The FFs said no government except Awami League think about the general people and the freedom fighters. "Bangladesh can only transform into a 'Smart Bangladesh' by 2041 at the hand of Sheikh Hasina," they opined. They wished good health and long life of the prime minister. Source: Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha

Devote to people’s concern, Chairman Oli to cadres

Chairman of CPN (UML) KP Sharma Oli has asked his party leaders and cadres to devote to the concern of people and country. Party needs better organization to move ahead effectively. While inaugurating the Madan Bhandari Memorial Building and UML Party Office at Fungling in the district, he reminded the cadres on disciplined party organization. Clear idea and vision help propel party activities, he added, urging them to work hard for Mission 2084. Chairman Oli had reached Olangchungola, a border to China, before inaugurating the building. The structure was constructed at a cost of Rs.32.5 million. Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Physical Infrastructures and Transport Raghubir Mahaseth, Defense Minister Hari Prasad Upreti, and Party Secretary Yogesh Kumar Bhattarai accompanied Chairman Oli during the visit. Source: National News Agency Nepal

Road accident kills 2 in Debiganj

Two youths were killed in a road mishap in Nutonbandar area on Debiganj-Sonaher Paka road in Debiganj upazila of the district today. The deceased were identified as Sabbir Hossein, 16, and Kawser, 21. Both of residence in Kaliganj village in Debiganj upazila. Police and eye witness said, they were going to Sonaher by Motorcycle in speedy run. When they reached Nutunbandar area, a battery run van came from opposite direction and hit the motorcycle. Sabbir Hossein died on the spot ,another Sabir was critically injured. He died on the way to Rangpur Medical college hospital. Five persons were also injured. They were sent to Rangpur Medical College Hospital. Debiganj thana officer-in-charge Iftekarul Akter confirm the incident. Source: Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha

Karnali warrants concerted efforts for its development: CM Kandel

Chief Minister of Karnali Province, Yamlal Kandel, has said Karnali is in dire need of cooperation from all sides so that it would realize development and prosperity. During the Karnali Province Assembly meeting on Thursday, CM Kandel viewed people's expectation and aspiration could be addressed through effective coordination and collaboration. "I've come to the place that is obliged to respond to the queries. It is time to bring bills and sort out issues. All of us need to carry out our responsibilities and bring the budget that meets people's needs and spur development activities," he reminded, adding that budget should not be transferred from one sector to another as done in the past. He shared that the policy, programmes and budget for the coming year will be centered on people's concern and problems. The concept of balanced development will be reflected, CM Kandel said and sought positive roles from other members for budget preparation and planning. "Time has come to prepare practicable development p lans. We've been responsible to establish a development culture in Karnali," he underscored. Chief Whip of Nepali Congress Parliamentary Party in Karnali Province Assembly, Hikmat Bista, pledged to cooperate with government in its positive initiatives. The government will however be continuously watched against wrongdoing. He also wished a successful term to new CM Kandel. Also extending best wishes to CM Kandel were Maoist Centre's Chief Whip, Ransing Pariyar; Province member of CPN (Unified Socialist), Kalyani Khadka, and RPP Province member Santoshi Shahi. Source: National News Agency Nepal

Main Eid Jamaat held at Jatiya Eidgah

The main Eid Jamaat was held at the Jatiya Eidgah Maidan at 8.30 am with the arrangement of the Dhaka South City Corporation (DSCC). Baitul Mukarram National Mosque Khatib Hafez Mufti Mohammad Ruhul Amin conducted the prayers while Quari Muhammad Habibur Rahman performed duty as mukabbir. President Mohammed Shahabuddin, Chief Justice Obaidul Hassan, DSCC Mayor Barrister Sheikh Fazle Noor Taposh, cabinet members, Supreme Court judges, lawmakers, senior political leaders, diplomats and, high civil and military officials offered prayers at the main Eid jamaat (congregation) held at 8.30 am. A special munajat was offered seeking divine blessings for peace and progress of Bangladesh and welfare of the people as well as the Muslim Ummah. In the munajat, a sound and long life of the President and Prime Minister Sheikh Haisna was also sought. After the prayers, the Head of the State exchanged Eid greetings with the Musullies (devotees) at the Eidgah. Around 35,000 devotees participated in the Eid Jammat under 2 5,400 square meters pandel areas Source: Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha

Storm affects flights

Kathmandu: Sudden weather change has affected flights in the country since this afternoon. Spokesperson at Tribhuvan International Airport (TIA), Subash Jha, informed that both domestic and international flights were affected owing to sudden storm in the afternoon. According to him, domestic flights were diverted and some international flights asked to stay on hold and some rerouted to different destinations. Buddha Air's aircraft coming to Kathmandu from Nepalgunj had to return to Bhairahawa, while the same company's flight heading to Kathmandu from Simara was diverted to Simara again. Similarly, the Yeti Airlines also failed to complete Kathmandu-Pokhara flight in the wake of adverse weather. Source: National News Agency Nepal

Eid-ul-Fitr celebrated countrywide amid festivity

The holy Eid-ul-Fitr, one of the greatest religious festivals of the Muslim, was celebrated across the country today amid due religious fervor, gaiety and festivity. The very auspicious occasion began with sighting of the Shawwal moon of 1445 Hijri last evening and reached the climax this morning amid offering the Eid-ul-Fitr prayers by millions from all strata of life at mosques, Eidgahs and makeshift prayer venues in the capital as well as across the country. During munajats after Eid congregations (jamaats), the Muslims also prayed for divine blessings to help strengthen national unity against all odds and destructive activities. President Mohammed Shahabuddin and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina greeted the countrymen as well as the Muslims across the world on occasion of the holy Eid-ul-Fitr. The country's main Eid jamaat (congregation) in the capital was held at the National Eidgah on Bangladesh High Court premises at 8.30am. President Mohammed Shahabuddin offered Eid-ul-Fitr prayers along with hundred s of people from all walks of life at the National Eidgah. Chief justice, cabinet members, judges of the Supreme Court, members of parliament, senior political leaders, diplomats and high civil and military officials also offered prayers at the main Eid congregation. Khatib of the Baitul Mukarram National Mosque Hafez Mawlana Mufti Ruhul Amin conducted the Eid prayers. Besides, five Eid congregations were held at the Baitul Mukarram National Mosque at 7:00am, 8:00am, 9:00am, 10:00am and 10:45am. Another congregation of the holy Eid-ul-Fitr prayers was held at 8:30 am at the South Plaza of the Jatiya Sangsad (JS) on the Eid day. Chief Whip of the Jatiya Sangsad Noor-E-Alam Chowdhury, Science and Technology Minister Architect Yafesh Osman, Chairman of Parliamentary Standing Committee on Disaster Management and Relief and former Chief Whip ASM Firoz, AB Tazul Islam, MP, former deputy minister for Water Resources AKM Enamul Haque Shamim, MP, JS Speaker's husband Sayed Ishtiaq Hossain, Senior Secretary of JS Secretariat KM Abdus Salam and others lawmakers, JS officials and employees and devotees from different areas attended the Eid Jamaat, said a press release. Later, special prayers were offered seeking peace and progress of all Muslims across the globe and the nation as well, said the release. Khatib Imam of Parliament Secretariat Mosque Qari Abu Raihan conducted the munajat. After the Eid jamaat, Speaker Shirin Sharmin Chaudhury exchanged Eid greetings with MPs and all the officials and employees of the Parliament Secretariat and their families at her residence. Two Eid congregations were held at Dhaka University central mosque at 8am and 9am respectively. Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) took five-tier security measures to ensure law and order during Eid-ul-Fitr. The country's biggest Eid congregations were held at Gor-e-Shaheed Baro Maidan in Dinajpur and Sholakia Eidgah in Kishoreganj at 9.00am and at 10am respectively. Sholakia Eidgah held its 197th Eid congregation this year. On the occasion of Eid -ul-Fitr, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina today greeted all Freedom Fighters (FFs) of the country. Like other occasions, the premier sent flowers, fruits and sweetmeats to the war-wounded freedom fighters and members of the martyred families and War-wounded Freedom Fighters' Rehabilitation Centre (Muktijoddha Tower-1) at Gaznavi Road in the capital's Mohammadpur area today as a mark of her good wishes for them. PM's Assistant Private Secretary-2 Gazi Hafizur Rahman Liku, Deputy Press Secretary Hasan Jahid Tusher, Assistant Press Secretary A.B.M Sarwer-E-Alom Sarker and assignment officer Muhammad Arifuzzaman Nurnabi handed over these items to them this morning. The war-wounded FFs and members of the martyred families thanked and expressed gratitude to the prime minister for remembering them on every national day and festival like the Independence Day, the Victory Day, Eid and Pahela Baishakh. They highly praised the visionary leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, saying, "Sheikh Hasina is leading the c ountry ahead with righteous leadership." The FFs said no government except Awami League think about the general people and the freedom fighters. "Bangladesh can only transform into a 'Smart Bangladesh' by 2041 at the hand of Sheikh Hasina," they opined. They wished good health and long life of the prime minister. City corporations kept open the children parks, allowing free entry of all visitors on the occasion of Eid. Eid-ul-Fitr was also observed in Bangladesh missions abroad too in a befitting manner. Important traffic islands and light posts in Dhaka city were decorated with miniature national flags and flags inscribed with "Eid Mubarak". Besides, designated government offices and other establishments were illuminated. Bangladesh Television, Bangladesh Betar and private television channels arranged special programmes while newspapers already published supplements on the occasion of Eid-ul-Fitr. Improved diets were served to hospitals, jails and orphanages. Source: Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha

Present government will last remaining term: CM Adhikari

Chief Minister of the Gandaki Province Government, Khagaraj Adhikari has said the incumbent provincial government will work for the remaining term. Addressing the 10th District Convention of CPN (UML) Baglung today, he said there is no such situation to go for a mid-term election in the province and the incumbent will last its remaining term. "There is up and down in politics. I had to quit the Chief Minister's post last time despite starting some good works. Now I have become the Chief Minister again. The UML will continue leading the Gandaki provincial government for the rest of the term. We will not go for the mid-term election. Even if there is mid-term election, the UML will come back with a single majority," he said on the occasion. Stating that there is no excuse for the UML to lose in the upcoming general election and it will secure singular majority, he urged the party leaders and cadres to work towards that end. According to him the provincial government is implementing some good initiatives of the first five-year-plan formulated by the government led by first Chief Minister of the province Prithvi Subba Gurung, including them in the second five-year plan. Stating that social and political issues have intensified in the country these days, the Chief Minister argued that the present new political alliance had to be forged to give a new direction to the country. He said the UML has taken the upcoming election as a mission and a wave of public support is seen in favour of the UML. Chief Minister Adhikari said although UML will garner majority from the upcoming general election, it will continue the alliance with like-minded parties. Source: National News Agency Nepal

Holy Eid-ul-Fitr today

The holy Eid-ul-Fitr, one of the greatest religious festivals of the Muslims, will being celebrated in the country today as the moon of Shawwal month of 1445 Hijri was sighted in the sky of Bangladesh yesterday. President Mohammed Shahabuddin and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina issued separate messages greeting the countrymen as well as the Muslims across the world on the occasion of the holy Eid-ul-Fitr. The main jamaat of the Eid-ul-Fitr will be held at the National Eidgah on the High Court premises here at 8.30 am today. If the congregation cannot be held due to inclement weather or any other unavoidable reason, it will be held at 9 am at the Baitul Mukarram National Mosque here. Another congregation of the holy Eid-ul-Fitr prayers will be held at 8:30 am at the South Plaza of the Jatiya Sangsad (JS) on the Eid day. Besides, five Eid jamaats (congregation) will be held at the Baitul Mukarram National Mosque here on the day of Eid-ul-Fitr. The first Eid jamaat will be held at 7am while the next four Jama ats will be held at 8am, 9am, 10am and 10.45am respectively. President Mohammed Shahabuddin is expected to offer the prayers of Eid-ul-Fitr along with hundreds of musollis from all walks of life at the National Eidgah Maidan. Apart from the head of the state, the country's noted personalities, including chief justice, cabinet members, judges of the Supreme Court, lawmakers, senior political leaders and high civil and military officials will also say their prayers there. The Eid jamaat at the National Eidgah will be held under the auspices of Dhaka South City Corporation (DSCC). Special arrangement has been made for women to offer Eid prayers at the national Eidgah. DMP has taken five-tier security measures to ensure law and order during Eid-ul-Fitr. Eid-ul-Fitr is an Arabic word meaning "festival of breaking of the fast". The festival marks the end of the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. Muslims abstain from eating and drinking from dawn to dusk during the holy m onth. On the Eid day morning, usually, Muslim devotees gather at mosques and prayer venues to perform Eid prayers and greet each other. The festival is celebrated by visiting residences of friends and relatives, hosting food parties and sharing sweets. Children not only get new clothes and shoes, but also receive cash gifts called "Salami" from their elders, relatives and well-wishers. The occasion is seen as a time of forgiveness and giving thanks to Allah for helping people to complete their month-long spiritual fasting. Many Muslims distribute cash and food to the less fortunate ones. Source: Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha

BFSU, China and Nepal Sanskrit University sign MoU

Kathmandu: The Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU), China, and Nepal Sanskrit University have signed a memorandum of understanding on student exchange between them. Vice-Chancellor of the Nepal Sanskrit University, Dr Yadav Prakash Lamichhane, and Chairperson of University Council of Beijing Foreign Studies University, Prof Dr Wang Dinghua, today signed five point MoU today. As per the MoU, both university would exchange would also exchange lecturers, scholars and educational administrative staffs. Similarly, both universities would jointly introduce proficiency certificate level, bachelor level and master level programmes as well as they would exchange and share educational materials and information. The term of MoU is for five years and it would be renewed after written agreement of both sides, reads the MoU. On the occasion, Chairperson of the University Council Chairperson Prof Dr Dinghua said the MoU would add new dimension in Nepal-China friendly relations, not only between the two universiti es. He shared that the BFSU have already signed such type of agreement with main universities of 185 countries in the world. He pointed out the need of collaboration between the two universities in research sector. Prof Dr Dinghua underlined that Chinese university has shown special interest to study Sanskrit and Nepali language. Similarly, Vice-Chancellor Lamichhane expressed the belief that there would be extensive collaboration between the two universities in coming days. Source: National News Agency Nepal

Basnet feted

Kathmandu: The Literary Journalist Association has felicitated the Chairman of Press Council Nepal, Bal Krishna Basnet. The Association honoured Basnet with the title of Himdamaru (Snow Cub). The Association said that Basnet was feted noting his contributions to the protection of mountains and ecology, and on impacts of climate change through journalism. Senior litterateur Rochak Ghimire, senior artiste Madan Das Shrestha and mountaineer Temba Chhiri Sherpa honoured Basnet. On the occasion, Basnet said that mountains and human life could be sustained only if the earth was safeguarded. The Press Council Nepal Chairman stated that journalism should be centered on protection of mountains and ecology. Source: National News Agency Nepal