Medical &Health

Pedestrian hit by bus in Gulshan dies

A pedestrian died on Friday night hit by a bus at city’s Gulshan area.

The deceased was identified as Md Shafiqul Islam, 37, son of Md Abdus Salam from Nadda.

Around 11:30 am Shafiqul was first hit by a motorcycle while crossing Cocacola intersection and fell in front of a Victor Classic bus that hit him and ran away, said Faruque Islam, Shafiqul’s cousin quoting the witnesses.

He was rescued by locals with severe injuries in head and was taken to Dhaka Medical College Hospital where around 1:30 am the doctors declared him dead, Faruque said.

The accused bus was seized but the driver remains absconding, said Anindya Sarkar, Sub-Inspector of Gulshan police station.

The body was sent for an autopsy, he said.

Source: United News of Bangladesh