
How to Live Minimalist Life: Benefits, Drawbacks of Minimalism


The minimalist way of life emphasises having as few possessions as possible. Finding beauty in things that are not tangible and focusing more on experiences than on material goods are all aspects of the minimalist lifestyle. If you aren’t preoccupied with accumulating possessions, you’ll have more mental bandwidth to devote to the things that really count. But, is it worth it? Letโ€™s find out the pros and cons of minimalism.

Advantages of Minimalistic Life

Customization Ability

Minimalism can encompass a wide variety of lifestyle choicesโ€”itโ€™s not all or nothing. You could choose to have a no-spend month to get things started. You could also go minimal in your digital life by not upgrading your phone or laptop until absolutely necessary or purging your social media accounts of people who arenโ€™t actually your โ€œfriends.โ€

What Really Matters

It assists you in refocusing your attention on the things that are really important to you. It goes without saying that the effort you put in to zero in on your ideals is crucial and important work in your life. Finding out what it is that will really make you happy may be challenging, but it is something that is well worth the effort.

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Less Worry

You should feel less worried as a result of doing it. If you take your attention away from material things, you may relieve some of the stress that comes from feeling. For instance, in the minimalistic way of living, you don’t need to keep up with everyone else by owning the latest iPhone, or any other gadgets.

Money Saving

When you follow the concept of minimalism, you wonโ€™t need additional things, appliances, gadgets, or gears at home. If you create a habit of being picky about the things that you acquire, you will purchase only the must-have things.

It will reduce the amount of money and other resources that you spend on purchasing things. In the long run, it will result in cost savings for you.

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Minimalism will help you save time. If you have fewer possessions, you will spend a little less time cleaning, less time placing stuff away, and less time out shopping for more, better possessions. On the contrary you can utilise the time to enhance your skill and knowledge which can be a greater resource for you in future.

Cons of Minimalist Life


It is possible for it to be overpowering. It may be difficult to ascertain which type of minimalist thought resonates most with you. It is necessary for you to consider, and conduct an in-depth analysis of, the aspects of your life that are most important to you in light of the adaptability of this way of life.


Altering one’s behaviour as well as lifestyle is not a simple task. To have the intention of leading a simple lifestyle is something quite different from living it in real life. In the minimalist life, you may have to let go of many habits and activities โ€“ like shopping, storing goods, etc. โ€“ that used to give you pleasure. It takes bravery and dedication to act in order to make any type of change, and minimalism is no exception.

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Not Always Practical

It is not always possible to do so. There are times when you just have to go out and purchase things. For instance, you could decide to go on a vacation, for which you’ll require tents and other equipment. You canโ€™t get rid of those gears as you may need those next year.

We have many gadgets and gears that we donโ€™t use all the time. After you’ve gone through your things and gotten rid of things you don’t need or want, you can find yourself in a situation where you need an item that you’ve given away that you practically never used. For example, while cooking a meal, you may need an utensil which you have frequently used in the kitchen and have already donated.

How to Apply the Concept of Minimalism to Live A Happy Life

If you’re prepared to give it a go but aren’t sure where to start, the following advice may help you start living a simpler life and continue doing so over the long run.

Find Out What to Donate and Toss

Even while there is more to minimalism than getting rid of all of your possessions, the practice often begins with getting rid of some of your things. Keep a record of the things you use often so you can decide what should be kept and what should be thrown away.

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While you are in your living area over the following several weeks, make a note of everything you reach for, including the clothing and accessories you wear, the cookware and dishes you use, and anything else you grab while you are there.

Give Up Unnecessary Things

Of course, there are certain things, like a winter coat, that you use just at certain times of the year, and there are other things, like a suitcase, that you may use once in a while. Because they serve a certain function, in most cases it is acceptable to keep these objects.

Nevertheless, every one of us has items in our houses that we preserve “just in case,” despite the fact that they are of no use and have no value. This may be an old key that fits a lock that nobody knows, some medication that has passed its expiration date, odd wires, and chargers, or old receipts and correspondence.

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Follow the 20/20 Rule in Your Life

The 20/20 rule is one of the finest pieces of advice for living a minimalist lifestyle. When you are deciding what to retain and what to get rid of in order to declutter your home, the 20/20 rule might be of assistance. It is usually OK to get rid of an item if it can be replaced for less than twenty dollars and if it would take you less than twenty minutes to get a new one from the store.

Apply the 20/20 rule while you’re clearing out your clutter to determine whether or not you should keep some items, such as a hair-styling product, home cleaner, knickknack, cooking utensil, tool, or book that’s taking up space but isn’t used very often.

Instead of Buying, Borrow

Even if you have less material belongings than other people, there will come a moment when you will recognize that you need something that you do not own. The question now is, what should a minimalist do? Instead of purchasing the item, see if you can get it on loan from someone.

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Have you heard about a good book from a friend? Make a request to borrow it from a friend or to borrow it from the library. Are you going to go camping this weekend? Try to find someone to lend you the necessary equipment rather than going to the outdoor gear store that’s closest to you. You are getting the point.

Explore Digital Minimalism

When most people think of what it means to be a minimalist, they see themselves learning how to live with less material possessions and spending time clearing up clutter in their homes. However, in today’s environment, one of the most important aspects of maintaining a minimalist lifestyle is reducing the number of digital assets you hold.

This covers your cable and internet service, as well as any TV streaming services, app subscriptions, fitness streaming programs, computer files, and email messages. The practice of digital minimalism is trimming down the number of online accounts and subscriptions to just those that are absolutely necessary or that provide the greatest value. This may help you save money and reduce the amount of mental clutter.

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Before embarking on a significant transformation in one’s life, such as switching to a new way of life, it is essential to weigh the pros and cons of the minimalist lifestyle. There is a possibility that you may face difficulties along the road, but in the end, you may discover that the advantages of practising minimalism are well worth the work.

Because of the diversity of human nature, there is no one optimal way to practise minimalism. Conduct an honest assessment of your circumstances and give some thought to the measures you may take to simplify your life.

Source: United News of Bangladesh