
How to Break Internet Addiction?


Addiction to the internet happens when people get dependent on the use of the internet. It can be texting, constantly peeking, or using social media. Professionals have compared this addiction to drug addiction because it impacts a person’s health, daily life, work performance, mental process, and engagement with others, the same way drugs do. The American Psychiatric Association has reported that children between the ages of 13 and 17 are practically always online. These figures demonstrate that addiction to the internet is becoming more prevalent and real on a daily basis. Are you addicted to the internet? Do you want to know the way out? Stay with us!

Why is Digital Media Addiction Harmful?

Health professionals often state that too much sitting is the new smoking. However, perhaps it is more worrying is what people normally do when seated. Like, mindlessly browsing through social media accounts when they have a few free minutes. And, as we presumably instinctively understand, and as researchers confirm, this is a harmful practice for our collective psyche.

Here are a few most terrific impacts social media addiction can bring upon people’s overall health.

A Sense of Inadequacy

Social media users are aware that the photographs they see on these media are edited. These things nevertheless make them feel uneasy about their appearance or current circumstances.

Similarly, people mostly share only the great aspects of their life, seldom the terrible ones that they encounter. However, this can provoke the emotions of jealousy and unhappiness when an unhappy person goes through a friend’s retouched images doing exciting things like visiting an exotic beach vacation, celebrating a new job promotion, partying in a lavish restaurant, etc.

Fear of Not Having Anything

There is a term for it that refers to The Fear of Missing out or FOMO. FOMO occurs when social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook seem to intensify emotions that other people are having fun or enjoying lives that someone else dreams of.

The belief that one is missing out on some things might have a negative effect on one’s self-esteem, and provoke one’s anxiety. Which in turn will motivate that individual to engage in even more social media usage.


According to research, excessive use of Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat can exacerbate the sense of loneliness. On the other hand, the researchers discovered that cutting down on social media might actually help people feel less lonely, as well as increase their general psychological and emotional wellness.

Anxiety and Depression

Humans need face-to-face interaction with another human to maintain mental wellness. Nothing relieves stress and elevates a person’s mood, like eye-to-eye contact with people who care about that person. The more social media contact people prioritize above in-person connections, the greater is their risk of acquiring or aggravating mood disorders like anxiety and depression.

How to Get rid of Digital Addiction?

According to a 2015 Deloitte survey, over 40% of smartphone users check their devices within five minutes of waking up in the morning. Nearly half of the users do so around 25 times each day. That’s how addictive checking digital platforms has become. To break this addiction, people can take some effective initiatives.

Ending Idle Moments

Typically, people go for their phones during idle periods. As an alternative to scrolling, making a list of productive things would be best to spend spare periods on.

Avoid the first impulse when someone is having a quiet moment is to look for and reach for a device. An individual can remind himself or herself of a half-dozen other activities that would be relaxing and meaningful like going for a walk, writing a goal or note on paper, and dancing to a favourite song, doing a few stretches, or meditating for ten minutes.

Ignoring Notifications

Disable pop-up notifications to avoid being interrupted by a phone. If it takes a full minute to concentrate on work after reading a text message, those who check their devices 96 times every workday spend over eight hours every week ramping up and down. By removing the phone’s capacity to capture one’s attention, one may add additional productive hours to our day.

Scheduling Times to Check Phones

One can take control of one’s phone use by scheduling times to check it. She or he can set the alarm for every half hour and check the phone just during that time period.

In this manner, people’s time waste can be significantly reduced. Additionally, they can focus more on what they are doing. They are doing better because they are completely focused on that activity.


Concentration is an excellent tool for transitioning between jobs that demand distinct mindsets. Concentrating enables people to specify a unique set of tools for each of their works. Like, when they choose to do work, they should instantly shut down their email client and Internet browsers.

Those who want to get rid of digital addiction should prevent themselves from signing into Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.

Again, when someone wants to focus just on “Social Media Management,” they may configure a whole other set of events to occur in connection with that activity.

Replacing Smartphones with Meaningful Habits

People who get tempted to check their phones during downtimes should divert their attention elsewhere. One should trade in a smartphone for an activity that brings value to one’s life. For instance, making a cup of coffee rather than browsing Facebook, or reading a book instead of watching someone’s vacation video. If people can substitute thoughtless activity with something meaningful to themselves, it will make a huge difference.


People who are feeling as if their reliance on their phones or technology is growing must act. Addiction to technology, especially the internet is a danger. None should underestimate how it may steal from them important moments in their lives. Not to mention, internet addiction kills people’s professional effectiveness and productivity. People who want to break digital addiction can consider implementing some of the straightforward recommendations discussed in this article to reclaim their health, time, happiness, and even independence.

Source: United News of Bangladesh