
Child Anger Management: How to deal with explosive behavior of kids?


Are you experienced with the screaming fights, noxious behavior, and eruptive moods of your child? Do your kids’ anger and aggressive moods feel you worried and out of control? If yes, continue reading about how you can manage the fiery attitude of your child.

How is the fierce behavior of kids?

It is shuddery, nerve-racking expertise for you and your kid, too. Sometimes children don’t have the capability to manage their feelings. They might lack patience and interest for impulse management, or problem-solving. Children who are frequently criticized are sometimes unable to handle frustration or anger.

Practical ways to cope with turbulent behavior of children

But responding to your child’s rage with anger isn’t the solution. Instead, you need to effectively handle consecutive outbursts of temper. Rage management plan can put you up to speed with yourself and therefore the state of affairs. The following ways are the basis of this plan:

Keep safe the surrounding of your child

First, you need to make sure that the area around your child is safe. When your child is in rage, don’t allow anyone near him or her so that no one can be hurt. Remove yourself and any siblings or other babies or people from that surroundings. Let your aggressive child calm down. You can turn off the TV, lower the lights in that situation. These steps can be applied for both adolescent and young children.

Focus on Being Calm

Although it is tough to control emotion, try to calm down yourself when your child is in an angry mood. Even if you are in an out of control mood, talk to your child in a calm tone. Tell your child that you will talk with him or her when they are in a natural mood. Try to be a model of good behavior for your child because your kids always learn from you. If you remain quiet, your child will also be calm after some time. Remember, you need to teach your kids the right ways to manage hard situations.

Don’t Respond to Verbal Abuse

Sometimes, children may shout at calling your names and tell you that you are the worst parent in the world. Never respond to them then and don’t take it seriously and personally. Rather, it would be better if you leave the place. Moreover, you don’t yell back at your child because it will pull you into their rage and make you the focal point of their anger. So keep silent and let other members of the family remain quiet.

Manage Destructive Behavior

It is necessary to manage the destructive behavior of your child before reaching the pick point. If your kids break things due to anger, make them replace the damaged goods with their own money. It is the natural consequence.

For young kids let them use the money they are given to buy tiffin or chocolate. In the case of older children, let them manage a part-time job. When your children see that they have to pay for the damage made by them, it will be a great lesson for them. Next time, they will try to control them.

How to Manage Threatening Behavior

When your child’s anger gets out of control and you feel helpless to protect yourself, other family members, or your home, take action urgently. Otherwise, they will learn that they are in full control. Then, they will use the best way to get what they want. They can be more furious. They will then threaten you and other family members. Even if they abuse you physically. Let’s find out some ways to manage the threatening attitude of children.

Consult a professional

If you think your child’s rage is going out of control day after day, consult with a professional. This doesn’t necessarily mean that your child has a mental health problem. Child anger is a normal emotion but if you feel that the level of anger is too much make sure you talk to your child’s pediatrician or trusted health care professional.

Don’t Freeze Up

Some parents freeze up and are emotionally overwhelmed when their kids become angry. Do not do that. Let your child know that you are capable of controlling them and don’t say anything at that time because they are in an angry mood. Once they calm down, teach them the problem-solving skills.

Praise appropriate behavior

Remember praising can do everything well. So, when your angry child gets calm down, praise them for shedding off the anger. When they try to understand the situation, express their feelings verbally, calmly, or try to find a compromise on an area of disagreement, praise them for those efforts.

Time outs and reward systems

If your child’s age is under 10 years old, time-outs for peaceful behavior can be a good solution. In the case of older children for whom time-outs are less appropriate, you can use reward systems like some gifts or rewards they want sometimes for their right attitude.

Avoid triggers

According to Vasco Lopes, a clinical psychologist, most children become angry or lose temper at some specific time such as homework time, bedtime, etc. They also do it when it’s time to stop playing. In this situation, avoid things they don’t like, or do something that they like.

Bottom Line

Don’t beat the kid or blame yourself if you fail to handle things when your child loses control. Just try to calm your child down naturally. Although it may be hard for the parents to cope with everything their kids do. But remember that humans learn through mistakes. So give yourself a break and work on your kids’ rage management plan. Your patience and persistence can manage the outbursts of your aggressive child and help them to restore peace to your home.

Source: United News of Bangladesh