
Baby Massage: Know the Pros, Cons, Safety Issues of Infant Spa


Nowadays Infant spas or baby massage has become very popular around the world for their various logical advantages and benefits. A spa or massage can definitely help them boost their physical and mental growth. Home massages can also enhance the bonding between the baby and the caregiver during this activity. However, it would be wise to know the pros, cons, and safety concerns before giving spa or massage treatments to your lovely infants.

What is an infant spa or baby massage?

Baby massage is an enchanting way to enjoy time with infants and it can also help you bond with them. It is the gentle, rhythmic caring of your baby’s body using your hands. As a regular part of the massage routine, you might gently manipulate your baby’s wrists, fingers, and ankles. Baby Massage or an infant spa is a form of therapy and treatment for babies from 6 months to over a year old. Typically, a baby spa consists of two different components – Hydrotherapy and a light massage and pampering. Before our babies are able to realize language, we often communicate and console them through touch. For example, while a baby cries, parents will cuddle, hold, or stroke them. Baby massage is one of the parts of this natural impulse.

Benefits Of Baby Massage

Massage gives some natural benefits to the baby, such as:

– Relaxes muscles and relieves stress

– Stimulates the nervous system and greatly develops the baby’s motor skills development.

– Helps babies sleep better when they are massaged regularly.

– May enhance the quality of life for individually-abled babies. For example babies with cerebral palsy or Down syndrome, Premature babies show better motor development if massaged regularly. They also gain weight faster than premature infants that are never massaged.

More Benefits of Baby Message

Growth acceleration

Multiple studies have recommended that swimming for babies, can accelerate the growth of bone and muscles. Swimming not only fosters babies to grow physically stronger and faster but is also an interesting experience for them to play in the water.

Better coordination

Swimming will develop better hand-eye coordination and reflex of your babies. It will encourage babies to move forward using their bodies and acquiring their motor abilities while testing their minds as well.

Less stressed and happier babies

An infant spa will help your child to have amusement while also calming their senses down and getting them feeling better. A lovely massage with moisturizing oils can encourage babies to feel well-shuffled to have a good night’s sleep, causing less crying and flapping during the night or day.

Swimming boosts cognitive development

Like adults, swimming is important for babies because they can develop their cognitive abilities from a younger one. It helps to develop a kid’s brain functioning and can even boost their capabilities to learn, understand and concentrate better from a younger one.

Cons of Baby Spa

Massages overcome kids’ sense of boundaries

During pampering at a baby spa, your baby is being pampered and massaged by an outsider they don’t know, and in environments they are unfamiliar with.

Not only is this very scary, but it can also negatively print in their thinking that being insane by a newcomer is acceptable. Otherwise, by doing this same treatment at home and with their father and mother, the kids can get the same benefits in the comfort of their home.

Floating feels isolating

Floating a bath with your head being held up by a neck ring, means that babies are very prohibited from looking around. This may cause kids to feel isolated or worried.

When it happens, understanding a baby’s body language is essential to know how they realize the treatment and experience. Nevertheless, body language becomes difficult to elucidate as babies will have a loss of movement and feel restricted as they are unknown being in the water.

Neck rings can put a strain on the kid’s neck

Putting on a neck ring can put a strain on a baby’s neck and shoulders through their head feel like it’s being tugged and stretched. When wearing a neck ring every once in a while for a child spa isn’t a direct warning to your baby, Acting this too often can cause long-term injury to their muscles and ligaments.

Associated Risks of Baby Message

Research shows that there are no untoward side effects available if an infant massage is done in the correct way with careful instruction. Besides, a baby massage is safer if it is done by a licensed massage therapist who specializes in infant care.

Safety Concerns

You need to follow these safety issues during baby massage:

– Don’t use high surfaces like tables or beds to perform the massage.

– Use only gentle or moderate pressure.

– Avoid forcing a baby to receive a massage.

– Don’t add essential oils to the massage oil.

– It is good to use Jojoba oil or grape-seed oil for the massage.

How to do baby massage safely

– First, create a tranquil atmosphere. Try to do the massage in a warm, quiet place — indoors or outdoors.

– Make sure you control your touch. Start massaging your baby with a gentle touch.

– Stay relaxed.

– Watch how your baby responds.

Besides, you can follow these techniques to do baby massage safely:

– Baby Face Massage Technique

– Baby Back Massage Technique

– Stomach Massage Technique for Babies

Bottom Line

Some of these benefits of baby massage are really good. But you need to hear your baby. If your baby feels discomfort with the massage, stop it immediately. When it seems to you that your baby feels comfortable taking a massage, start it again. Remember, it is important to keep it (baby massage) simple and easy. Never take it seriously. Just try to be safe. Ensure your baby enjoys the massage that you make fun with your baby and build an amazing bonding with the baby.

Now the question comes, is it worth it? Although baby spas have their allowance of pros and cons, in the end, it is up to you. Let your baby avail it.

Source: United News of Bangladesh